corruption in international business: a review and research agenda

Moreover, one of the specific targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to "substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms". Most studies used data about corruption from country-level indexes, such as Transparency International, World Governance Indicators, and, papers used primary firm-level survey data. They may have failed to, do so because corruption is a country-level indicator, and the mea-, surement of corruption at the firm level is quite difficult and un-stan-, dardized. Paying a traffic officer to ignore a minor traffic violation is unremarkable; paying a senior government official a secret bribe of millions of dollars to get a large contract signed is a different matter. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 148, International Review of Financial Analysis, Journal of International Business Studies, 44, : The table shows the details of the 76 articles that shape the citation map. (2014). Ngumbi, E., & Owiny, P. (2020). international business. possibilities for peace through commerce. Synthesizing the antecedents: (1) country factors (2) economic factors (3) cultural factors (4) firm characteristics.. Discussing the consequences: (1) effect on firms (2) effect on FDI and trade (3) political links and lobbying (4) anti-corruption laws. Findings Furthermore, the Impulse response function regarding a shock to corruption has increased in 10 years with a positive influence on corporate governance factors. In the growing International Business (IB) research field, systematic literature reviews have great value, yet there are not many reviews published describing how researchers can design and develop classic review articles. can create resources distinct from those of its competitors to satisfy, customers or how firms can use competitive and institutional resources, that firms can create relationships with foreign government officials or. of recall responses by global firms across different regions. Towards an ethnography of, Martin, K. D., Cullen, J. -Institutional factors (sets), non-corrupt. legal institutions or a low level of corruption, politically connected, firms’ post-merger and acquisition performance is low compared to that, argue that politically non-connected firms issue more management. Through the review and analysis of the published research on sukuk, we finally provide 11 future research questions in order to extend the research on this topic. The export performance of, emerging economy firms: The influence of firm capabilities and institutional en-, Krueger, D. A. Based on this, review, we recommend that strong international laws are needed to minimize the negative impact of corruption, on international business. Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, 59, Franke, G. R., & Richey, R. G., Jr. (2010). Full details of the published and current research undertaken by our core faculty can be found in the detailed biographies of each faculty member. Caiden, G. E., Dwivedi, O. P., & Jabbra, J. G. (2001). Formulating a moral core for international codes of conduct. (2007). Alon, I., Anderson, J., Munim, Z. H., & Ho, A. (2006). His fields of research are in banking and finance area, with a focus on sovereign wealth funds, Islamic finance, emerging markets and commodities. sponses when operating in international markets. forecasts than politically connected firms. assessment of content analysis in 25 years of IB research. The development of international business norms. foreign partners in the country moderates this relationship. His publications have appeared in journals, such as Harvard Business, Review, Management International Review, International Business Review, Journal of, International Marketing, and International Marketing Review. vestment motives and institutional context on russian international acquisitions. consequences of corruption in the international business literature. Buy bribes or bye-bye bribes: The future status of bribery in, Wenhao, C., & Ahmad, U. sense of responsibility for their actions. perceived responsibility for one’s actions. A matrix approach to literature reviews. The fact that we found articles, on this topic in journals devoted to financing and law confirms its, Through bibliometric citation analysis, we identified key empirical. Enfin, nous spéculerons sur ses conséquences potentielles à la lumière des résultats des élections européennes. These empirical outcomes revealed that there is positive causality running from corporate corruption to corporate governance. Dans cet essai, nous tenterons de saisir les éléments fondamentaux/structurant de cette, In this article, we conduct a meta-literature review of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), covering 184 articles from 2005 to 2019. practices during short-term contracts and joint ventures. Moreover, the in-, terdependence between antecedents (at the national, firm, and, individual levels) and consequences (at the national and firm levels), might affect the process of combating corruption in international, This research area consists of studies on the challenges facing firms, and effect of corruption on their reputation, productivity, and export, capabilities. The paper entitled “Corporate Corruption: A Review and an Agenda for Future Research” was published in the Academy of Management Annals (AMA). Additionally, we identified seven research streams in this growing literature: (1) the legislation against corruption, (2) the determinants of corruption, (3) combating corruption, 4) the effect of corruption on firms, (5) the political environment and corruption, (6) corruption as a challenge to existing theories of management, and (7) the effect of corruption on foreign direct investment and trade. "Corruption in international business: A review and research agenda," International Business Review, Elsevier, vol. democratic voice and accountability measure. (2015). China’s New Laissez Faire, and their impact in the developing world. As corruption is considered an additional cost for multinational firms, a corrupt host country discourages FDI, impelling firms to less committed entry modes, preferring joint ventures to greenfield investments. The first paper on corruption in international, business was published in 1992, and a considerable amount of litera-, ture has accumulated on the topic during the last 17 years (see, However, much of this literature is scattered in numerous areas and, directions. direct investment from motivational and institutional perspectives. Resource dependence theory provides a benchmark to explain the, power relationship between two parties in which one party can exercise, theory to analyze how firm managers in host countries gain the support, of government officials by providing them with bribes because a foreign, that the arbitrariness of corruption in a host country has a negative, The greatest limitation of most of the theories used to investigate, corruption in international business is the lack of clarity in explaining, the multidisciplinary and complex dynamics of corruption at the, country and firm levels. Svyazi, respectively. Antecedents and consequences of MNE bribery: A mul-, Funk, C., Treviño, L. J., & Funk, C. (2017). non-profit organizations: Evidence from Ghana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Hamir, M. A. Kaptein, M. (2004). perceptions of greeks compared to americans. Christian Yao, Zheng (Daniel) Duan, Yehuda Baruch, Time, Space, Confucianism and Careers: A Contextualized Review of Careers Research in China – Current Knowledge and Future Research Agenda, International Journal of Management Reviews, 10.1111/ijmr.12223, 22, 3, (222-248), (2020). The global fight against corruption: A, Everett, J., Neu, D., & Rahaman, A. S. (2007). Scholars who analyze multinational enterprises (MNEs) recognize the complex relationship between international business (IB) and society. It maintains that, firms respond to the cognitive, normative, and regulatory pressures on, other firms that are considered legitimate (, effect of mimetic isomorphism on bribery by firms working in China.

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