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These diseases are notifiable because of their potential for very serious and rapid spread irrespective of national borders. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), monkeypox, and a host of diseases can find their way into people from animals. Isn't that my point? These diseases are not just those which exotic pets possess. If a cat bites someone, it is pathetically uninteresting and un-newsworthy. prairie dogs). Wildlife game markets and other exotic animal trade methods continue to spread … Exotic pet owners have nothing to do with the 'illegal wildlife parts' trade yet are discussed interchangeably with this to simplify the situation. Emergency Animal Diseases: 1800 675 888 Exotic Plant Pest Hotline: 1800 084 881 Pest and Disease … Livestock, game animals, and wild species of the bush are prone to the infection. Japanese B encephalitis (JE) occurs in most domestic animals; also in wild birds, reptiles, perhaps chickens, and people. Err so? According to the literature, all of these pets are a concern, and no official comparisons have been made to dogs, cats, and humans themselves. And, as experts warn, it is common for reptiles to carry potentially deadly pathogens, including salmonella. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Born Free has tracked 443 incidents involving exotic reptiles since 1990, the most of any animal group. A large percentage of macaque monkeys carry the Herpes B virus. Cancers and Tumors in Prairie Dogs. Diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans, such as bird flu and tuberculosis, can wreak havoc on the health of both organisms. Thus “outdoor exposure and free-roaming” is not controlled. Those who import animals from other countries must be licensed to do so. Guinea pigs and hamsters. Emerging and reemerging infectious diseases have received increasing attention since the end of the 20th century. Melissa cares for a variety of exotic animals and has completed a certificate in veterinary assisting and a bachelor's degree in biology. Infection is a type of parasitism, which may be defined as the state of existence of one organism (the parasite) at the expense of another … Gastrointestinal anthrax can be caused as a result of eating undercooked meat from infected animals. Australia is free of the world's worst animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza H5N1. Anthrax ca… Human beings can be infected by anthrax through handling products from infected animals such as hair, leather, wool or hides. Some birds carry serious infections, too, including Chlamydophila psittaci, which causes severe pneumonia; avian influenza; aspergillosis, a lung and sinus infection; Cryptococcus neoformans, which can cause meningitis; histoplasmosis, a lung infection; and blastomycosis, a lung infection. Monkeys should not be kept as pets. To another facility that has no regulations except animal cruelty? In addition to causing physical harm, exotic animals can spread rare diseases to … This figure. They obviously pose a disease risk, which is why they are not kept in congested environments like cities, but it is rather preposterous that the health conflicts of every animal other than dogs and cats receive so much attention. Exotic Diseases A-Z. They represent a major public health problem around the world due to our close relationship with animals … This article is about DISEASE, I have other articles that address public safety. The 4th & 5th paragraph in my above posting were by accident. To prevent disease establishment and spread. Occurrence. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), monkeypox, and a host of diseases can find their way into people from animals. A monkey species known for transmitting hepatitis B. Stephen Michael Barnett CC BY 2.0 Via Flickr. It's important to recognize and understand the different diseases that can affect exotic pets. Adenoviruses. How common is it for people to release exotic mammals or allow them to free roam? It is essential to educate owners not to sell infected specimens or their offspring, because this has caused the disease to spread worldwide. Animal cruelty laws don’t protect the public (cases in point - the escaped python that killed 2 children in Canada or the chimp in Connecticut that attacked a woman)". Therefore unsurprisingly, a common mode of transmission is through the pet trade where humans contact animals. Prevention is the key to controlling animal diseases. There are many exotic pet owners in areas that have no rules and irresponsible exotic pet owners don’t abide by the rules. Read the latest >, Información sobre el coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). We are talking about a large number of different animals that include fish, rodents, reptiles, birds, insects, and mammals vs. canines and felines. Not very at all. Unfortunately for people whose lives are invested in animal care that happens to extend beyond dogs and cats, people have a tendency to single ‘exotic pets’ out. One may think unusual animals host the potential to start pandemics and epidemics to the level of fictional movies such as depicted in the film Contagion. Such a strategy is likely to be employed if there is an imminent or sustained threat of the disease arriving. Snakes can be carriers of Aeromonas shigelloides, a wormlike parasite, and Armillifer, a wormlike arthropod parasite, both of which can become parasites of humans. Civets. There are already stringent laws existing for importation of 'wild' animals. But when they do, which qualifies the disease as zoonotic, devastating consequences can result. After handling or being near reptiles and other animals, you can head off a lot of infections if you wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Maintain a clean and organized environment. Japanese B encephalitis is an exotic, mosquito-borne disease affecting many animals, including wild birds, horses, swine and people. Does this happen? The disease is a reoccurring issue in many rural parts of Africa and over 500,000 individuals currently carry the disease. A highly contagious, viral disease with signs, lesions and other features that closely resemble swine fever (CSF). Rabies is a fatal disease; it cannot be treated once symptoms appear. On pages that discuss the horrors that exotic pet keeping has wrought in our society, you will see large lists of diseases that are claimed to be spread by exotic pet owners, presenting an illusion that non-exotic pets are 'clean and safe' to own in comparison. You present an article Potential Zoonotic Diseases in 'Exotic Pets' which is written by Amy Worell DVM, and nowhere in that article does it state that these diseases ONLY come from exotic pets. A zoonotic disease is an infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans. They are from my posting in response to Banning "exotic" pets is senseless. In 2003, the CDC banned the importation of all civets. Size does not matter when it comes to disease, and of course, there are probably more occurrences of diseases such as the popularly feared salmonella with these smaller animals than that of animals typically not in mind by those supporting bans of exotic pets on the pretense of their disease threat. Thanks for making my point, I think I state in this article that collecting mammals from the wild to be pets is not a good idea nor is that even legal. This report included an entirely irrelevant discussion of the Zanesville Massacre just to arouse hatred of 'exotic pet owners'. … Luckily, rabies can be effectively prevented by vaccination. Measles. Exotic and Laboratory Animals / Reptiles /... / Viral Diseases of Reptiles / IN THIS TOPIC Inclusion Body Disease (IBD) of Boid Snakes. Make sinks and bathtubs used by people a reptile-free zone, too. Zoonotic diseases happen when humans and animals are near each other. Captive exotic animal-linked zoonoses are part of a major global emerging disease problem. Rodents can infect humans with lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a type of meningitis or encephalitis that can cause birth defects if a pregnant woman contracts it; hantavirus, which cause a fatal respiratory disease; salmonella; Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which cause ringworm and other skin infections; Pasteurella multocida, which can cause a severe skin infection; Streptobacillus moniliformis or Spirillum minus, which causes rat-bite fever; Leptospira interrogans, which causes flu-like symptoms; Hymenolepis nana, a dwarf tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, a rat tapeworm and salmonella. I think what you meant to say is that animal cruelty laws are not *infalliable. This definition may extend beyond non-domesticated animals and often includes animals such as commonly-kept ferrets, chinchillas and small very commonly bred hookbills like cockatiels and parakeets. Combined with his wife, they have performed over 20,000 autopsies. The definition of what qualifies as an exotic pet may vary from person to person; however, it is safe to define this group of animals as a vast range of species, from rodents to big cats. Special interest groups mainly have a priority in banning non-human primates, big cats, and other uncommon exotic pets because they have ideological objections toward people keeping them in captivity. Frankly, history tells us that exotic animals are the biggest threat to their owners or people involved with them. Also, as they age, their behavior can become unpredictable and sometimes violent, depending on the circumstances in which they're kept. In contrast to the hype about the danger of exotic pets, many provide therapeutic value and have health benefits for their owners and other people not unlike dogs and cats, which this Animal Planet show used to depict before turning to programs like Fatal Attractions. Find something here to be untrue? Again a direct quote: “Rabies is contracted by outdoor exposure and free-roaming, which exotic pets, unlike many domesticated pets, are not allowed to do without supervision.” Sorry, an exotic animal that escapes captivity or is intentionally released, doesn’t know it’s breaking the outdoorsupervision rule, but the human does. However, you should always be careful when around exotic pets and other animals. Even though these outbreaks have been rare, the increase in the number of exotic animals being traded (millions each year) certainly increases the chances that these diseases will spread… Choking in Chinchillas. There are many resources for most types of pets that can be found online. According to the American Pet Products Association 2011/2012 National Pet Owners Survey, about 4.6 percent of U.S. homes house a reptile. These groups can provide information about the particular type of pet you're interested in. In the chimp case, the attacked woman tried to sue the state for not removing the dangerous animal. Salmonella from Small Mammals Salmonellosis (Salmonella Infection) Sarcoptes scabeii Infection (Sarcoptic Mange) Sarcoptic Mange (Sarcoptes scabeii Infection) This is especially important with reptiles. In fact, the subject of disease from domesticated animals is entirely disregarded, because people are comfortable and familiar with these animals, making them more likely to accepted due to this fact alone. The best argument made by special interest groups (those that would really just prefer to end the practice of keeping all pets) is that exotic pets may introduce diseases that are unique toward the population and therefore will be harder to deal with. voted up. Turtles, snakes and other reptiles can be carriers of salmonella. Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus infection (EEHV) is one of the most significant disease threats to captive elephants. If a Savannah cat (a popular domesticated/serval hybrid cat) bites someone, it becomes a sensationalized mauling that rattles the cages of the public and sends lawmakers into a frenzy trying to do away with new purchases of any uncommon, non-domesticated animals defined as an ‘exotic’. Many of these studies conclude their findings by ‘recommending’ avoidance of exotic pet ownership, and their definition of "exotic pet" appears to include every animal outside of those that are fully domesticated (often, the studies include domesticated farm animals in their analysis on the causation of ‘exotic’ pet zoonosis). Rabies is a fatal disease; it cannot be treated once symptoms appear. Exotic freshwater fish can carry Pseudomonas pseudomallei, which causes a lung infection, and salmonella. Exotic Pets' Human Health Risk: Could The Global Pet Trade Import The Next Pandemic? The article refers to animals that are collected IN THE WILD, not animals coming from reputable captive breeding programs.". Do exotic pets pose such a severe risk to human health and public safety that, in comparison to domesticated pets, the right that people should hold to own pets is invalidated? The same diagnostic and therapeutic principles of management of these disorders in people or domestic animals may be successfully applied to the care of affected zoo animals. No one has ever contracted rabies from an exotic pet in the U.S. Do not keep or buy wild-caught or imported warm-blooded animals (unless you are qualified). " and nowhere in that article does it state that these diseases ONLY come from exotic pets". The CDC estimates that 93,000 salmonella cases caused by exposure to reptiles are reported each year in the United States. Zoonotic pathogens may be bacterial, viral or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents and can spread to humans through direct contact or through food, water or the environment. Research the appropriate vaccinations for your pet. Wash your hands thoroughly after contact with fecal matter or surfaces that may be contaminated with such (at least 20 seconds). Zoonosis is another name for a zoonotic disease. The CDC says reptiles infect about 70,000 people a year with the bacteria salmonella. ... A foreign animal disease that can be spread to humans d. A disease found in the United States that requires an intermediate host. This preview (and the actual report) failed to specify that: Even public signs acknowledge the health threat that dogs pose to society. The above video provides an example of the 'reports' that exotic pet owners are faced with because since they already deal with a socially stigmatized lifestyle, they are easy targets of sensationalism and misrepresentation. This type of disease passes from an animal or insect to a human. The liability insurance not only protects the owner from financial ruin if a major problem happens, but protects the injured person from incurring major financial output to hire a lawyer and sue the owner, and to recover medical costs. Hi janeanonymous, irresponsible pet owners are inevitable like irresponsible drivers, babysitters, police, dog owners, gun owners, ect. Dog movement conditions to reduce the spread of ehrlichiosis. Such an enormous group of species are often lumped together, and the range of possible disease transmission is vast with different levels of severity. Millions. You may like turtles, snakes, and lizards, but you should handle them with care. In swine, the only evidence of disease may be reproductive failure. Many vets consider them to be all animals other than dogs and cats. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Yet, despite this proposition, There have only been a handful of incidences involving exotic pets and uncommon or potentially serious disease causation. How many cats have turned up with rabies? The imported prairie dogs were mingled with domestic prairie dogs available for sale, transmitting the monkeypox virus to them and on to humans. Much scientific literature exists documenting incidences of pet-initiated zoonotic transfer occurring in domestic situations that are allegedly the result of what is touted as an ‘increasing threat’ to human health. Your chances of being torn apart by an escaped exotic are pathetically low. Disease Organism Main reservoirs Usual mode of transmission to humans; Anthrax: Bacillus anthracis: livestock, wild animals, environment: direct contact, ingestion, inhalation Many people tend to associate these pet-related illnesses toward the ownership of unusual and exotic pet owning situations; however, all animals harbor and can transmit bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and other organisms to humans that has the potential to cause illness. I'm not saying that their escapes are a good thing, but if we're going down for that, what exempts our domesticated animal owning peers? Petting Zoos and Exotic Pets Petting zoos, where children are allowed to approach and feed captive wildlife and domestic animals, have been linked to several zoonotic outbreaks, including infections caused by Escherichia coli O157:H7, salmonellae, and Coxiella burnetii (32). The saying that 'one fears what they do not understand' rings exceptionally valid for exotic pets. The capture of exotic animals is said to be a primary cause of the emergence and spread of diseases such as Covid-19 Katie Gibbons Monday June 29 2020, 12.01am , The Times Zoonotic diseases are common everywhere in the world. Some studies do back up some of the claims made by organizations like Born Free, The Humane Society of the United States, Animal Defense League, and others. Animals kept in nature centers, zoos, and other educational facilities are not being attacked by the public as being negative for society even though they are included in these cited studies as a major source of the infection incidents. What's the problem here? ... Cancer Treatment for Small Animals. These microscopic invaders, also called pathogens, take many forms. it always great to be safe and cautious. True or False: The term exotic animal disease refers to diseases of exotic animals such as reptiles, birds, and unusual rodents (e.g. Experts warn such diseases are now making the jump to humans more often and spreading farther as the global trade in exotic wildlife – sold for their meat, parts and as exotic pets – ramps up. Cats can pass on toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that damages the developing fetus if a pregnant woman contracts it; sporotrichosis, a fungal disease of the skin and lymph nodes; rabies; cat-scratch disease; feline foamy retroviruses; Microsporum canis, which causes ringworm; Pasteurella multocida, which can cause a severe skin infection; Toxocara cati, a parasite that can cause loss of vision; and Campylobacter jejuni, which causes severe gastroenteritis. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on November 30, 2013: "they really have nothing to do with this hub about diseases.". Animal disease - Animal disease - Survey of animal diseases: Diseases may be either infectious or noninfectious. The potential diseases The known diseases that can jump from exotic pets to humans are many: Rodents can carry hantavirus as well as Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, which causes high fever, muscle pain and severe bleeding in humans and can lead to death. How many people free-roam cats? Therefore, it is easy to see why the disease threat of exotic pets, compared to the eternally socially acceptable presence of cats and dogs and other more common pets, may seem high. Do you know of anyone who obtained an exotic pet with the bubonic plague in this country? Illnesses Associated with Animal Contact. Not even dog-related fatalities are common, but they surely outnumber incidences involving exotics. Animals bred in the U.S. are less likely to carry diseases that can affect humans. Therefore, any one incident regarding an unusual animal will equate to about 50 incidences. Retroviruses. However, I have a couple of comments about your hub. A few. " Many people probably also do not realize that these animal rights groups are targeting their animals as an 'exotic pet' as well, falling for the illusion that it is only about pet bears, tigers, and other large dangerous animals. Sanitation is the key to prevention of diseases. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 20, 2013: thanks for sharing the diseases that can come from these animals. Anthrax most commonly occurs in both wild and domestic herbivore mammals such as cattle, sheep, horses, camels, and pigs and is caused by spore-forming bacteria. Even though these outbreaks have been rare, the increase in the number of exotic animals being traded (millions each year) certainly increases the chances that these diseases will spread… Cancers and Tumors in Guinea Pigs. Melissa Kaplan (whose website contains the article) seems to have done an informative website about herpetological animals. And what about dogs escaping and attacking? Cats are basically in all 50 states including Hawaii, at least the pythons are only in Florida. These animals can infect humans with monkeypox, a relative of smallpox. COVID-19, a contagious infectious disease that threatens the health of the global population, is confirmed to spread via airborne transmission. Numerous other infectious diseases, such as influenza and chickenpox, are also transmitted to humans via respiratory droplets that people exhale. Control measures for some further Exotic Diseases. All have spread zoonotic diseases. It is caused by a virus and is typically spread by an infected animal biting another animal or person. We've outlawed murder, does that mean it doesn't happen? I know, idiotic, wasn't it? This hub will put the disease threat of exotic pet ownership and other captivity forms into an honest context. I think their should be a lot more information about exotic pets and their diseases, i think there should be more explanation on pros and con. As cute and innocent as the animals may look, many are the namesakes of unfriendly things like bird flu, monkeypox and rat bite fever. "the attacked woman tried to sue the state for not removing the dangerous animal.". Reptiles also can carry Edwardsiella tarda and Plesiomonas shigelloides, both of which also cause gastroenteritis in humans. With fear and anger toward this group of pet owners due to several misrepresentations of their hobby and lifestyle, it would seem that this should be enough disdainful public sentiment to impose restrictions and bans on this minority group of people. You should always educate yourself before buying or adopting a pet of any type. Most disease-causing agents enter the body through some type of body opening, such as the nose, eyes, mouth, or wound incision. Can you honestly say that deaths from exotic pets are common? However, many studies also point to the health benefits of being raised on farms and around animals. ... Hendra virus is an emergency animal disease transmitted to horses by flying foxes (fruit bats). If any problems are found with any member of this group, 'exotic pets' will collectively be lashed out against. So the huge growth in the popularity of exotic pets—snakes, lizards, monkeys, birds—is cause for concern. A zoonosis is an infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans. Aquarium fish. How many exotic pets have turned up with rabies? A "notifiable" animal disease is a disease named in section 88 of the Animal Health Act 1981 or an Order made under that Act. Think about it; the same applies with groups that promote vegetarianism and veganism—the focus is exerted more on eliminating animal-based dietary protein from the human diet to suit an ideological view and less on the actual (many) causes of diet-related chronic illness in the United States. Animal pests and diseases are a major threat to Australia's livestock and poultry industries and an outbreak could impact on our access … These pets can carry salmonella; lymphocytic choriomeningitis; Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, which causes an infection that mimics appendicitis; Campylobacter; Trichophyton mentagrophytes; Hymenolepis nana; and Trixacarus caviae, a parasitic skin infection found particularly in guinea pigs. Salt water and some freshwater fish tanks can contain Mycobacterium marinum, which can cause a skin infection. The small monkey pox outbreak was one of them, and is an example often cited by exotic pet trade detractors. Domesticated farm animals are not exotic pets. Congestive Heart Failure in Hamsters. The FDA lifted its portion of the ban in 2008, but the CDC ban remains in effect in order to prevent the reintroduction of monkeypox in the U.S. The term infection, as observed earlier, implies an interaction between two living organisms, called the host and the parasite. You shouldn't handle animals such as reptiles, rodents, and small mammals that can pass on diseases, especially if your immune status is compromised. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the international standard setting body for animal health, has drawn up a list of epidemic animal diseases of major economic importance (OIE Listed diseases).Council Directive 92/119/EEC applies to all those diseases with the exception of those for which specific … The disease is exotic to the US. 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