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142) Takes initiative to understand what needs to be done. However, each evaluation form must contain some important components to make it a reasonable basis.Types of employee evaluation comments. 16) Frequently returns late from scheduled breaks. The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. These simple yet descriptive sentences help your employees understand what they’re doing well and what they still need to work on. This allows the employee to digest the contents before her discussion of the details with you. The evaluation is based on factors such as teamwork and leadership qualities. Communication is the key to a successful business. Make This Christmas Special for Your Employees. The reason why employers have to make use of Staff Performance Appraisal Forms to see just how their employees are at performing their required job tasks is simple. 24) Does not let difficult circumstances get him down. Sling, Inc. All rights reserved. Periodic performance reviews are a powerful tool for improving the way your employees work. The results are then compared to pre-set expectations and goals. 17) Does not follow the attendance policy. 39) Needs to bring poor attitude under control. Performance Appraisals Can Be Difficult Let’s be honest, performance appraisals aren’t typically something that an employee, or even their manager look forward to. 53) Does not seem to understand why customer service training is important. They do not provide commitments of time and resources from the organization about how they will encourage employees to develop their skills in areas of interest to the employee. Performance reviews done by managers are a part of the traditional and basic form of appraisals. One of the best ways to build strong relationships is through good communication. 43) Takes great pride in helping each and every customer. 97) Doesn’t look for new ways of working when things don’t go according to plan. 193) Does not have a strong concept of how long a task will take. 196) Disregards the importance of being on time. But you can avoid that stress by structuring your performance reviews to inspire greatness instead of dread. Guidelines to Conduct Employee Performance Appraisals Yearly performance reviews are critical. It is the process of assessing an employee’s performance at work and documenting it by using Employment Forms such as an Appraisal Form, a Performance Appraisal Form, or a Performance Evaluation Form. Here are two examples of performance evaluations using descriptive phrases: Kennedy exceeded expectations this year in her role as lead graphic designer. What is active listening, why is it important and how can you improve this critical skill? 85) Capable of handling a variety of assignments. Has an employee performance plan that focus on results achieved, contain at least one element that is aligned with organizational goals, and are in place within 30 calendar days of the beginning of the appraisal period. One of the best ways to do that is to use performance appraisal phrases. 174) Coworkers are hesitant to ask him/her for help. The employee’s peers, subordinates, managers, and the employee as well, can use this form to submit feedback anonymously. That will translate to more positive performance reviews throughout the year. In an annual performance review, managers and employees should summarize performance across the year. 117) Displays superior attitude toward all. 194) Meetings and presentations tend to exceed allotted time. 153) Is typically toward the bottom of performance ratings. 81) Accepts constructive criticism and works to improve. In addition to an evaluation, you should also go over personal goals with your employee. 35) Too easily switches from positive to negative attitude. An employee performance review, also known as a performance evaluation or performance appraisal, is a formal assessment of an employee's work in a given time period. This simple gesture can remove a lot of the emotion and drama from the performance review meeting. Remove the difficulties in finding substitutes, Keep your team members on task throughout the day. Employees Development: Performance appraisal guides the employees in removing their defects and improving their working. 56) Does not take pride in resolving customer complaints. A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee's job performance and overall contribution to a company. Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation and review of employees’ performance. 198) Unreliable in finishing tasks by allotted deadline. 135) Overanalyzes problems when a quick decision is necessary. Do you know the three types of learning styles? They are like the intricate gears of a clock; when they stop working, the clock stops ticking. There are two ways that creativity are essential in the workplace: creative thinking and... 2. The purpose of a performance evaluation is to show your team members where they excel and where they can improve. 49) Understands how to make a real difference in customer experience. 3) Respects others by arriving at work and at meetings on time. Descriptive words will also help your team members pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. In order to create an effective performance evaluation, take into consideration the following components: Every performance evaluation should include a section explaining how someone has met or failed company standards. 3) Respects others by arriving at work and at meetings on time. 159) Is not concerned with improving his/her skills. These are just a few of the benefits Sling can bring to your business. 6) Achieved perfect attendance over X (weeks, months, years). Reading Time: 16 minutes If you’ve ever walked away from a performance review confused about where you stand, you’re not alone. 115) Gives an impression of superiority to teammates. 89) Quick to adapt to alternate points of view. The employee performance review will list certain targets that employees must meet in order to obtain a good appraisal. 72) Work results are inconsistent and frequently need to be reviewed. 58) Needs to learn how to handle customer requests in a more efficient manner. 170) Always looking for new ways to help the team. Performance appraisal is generally done in systematic ways which are as follows: The supervisors measure the pay of employees and compare it with targets and plans. 31) Negative attitude in some situations has a tendency to cause problems. 64) Known for dependability and willingness to work hard. Performance Appraisal and Employee Development Performance appraisals rarely focus on developing an employee’s skills and abilities. The managers assess the pay of employees and weigh against it with goals and plans defined to them. While end-of-the-year appraisals and reviews are common, it is advisable to do it frequently. Creativity and innovation. Mid year reviews are And when you’re organized, everything runs more smoothly. 42) Deals easily with all types of customers. 127) Promotes a culture of learning and understanding. ... 2. 173) Always wants to work alone on projects. 52) Very effective on the phone, but does not handle face-to-face service well. The team he has created is a good example for others to follow. 157) Does not see the value in doing a good job. keeps track of time-off requests, work preferences, and other employee information. By doing a proper performance appraisal, employers are able to determine which of these employees are developing at a good and steady rate, and which of them might require further training. 40) Refuses to keep inflammatory comments to himself/herself. 67) Always performs at or above expectations. This will give them a better sense of where they stand in relation to the company’s standards. Adaptability. 54) Does not know how to deal with a difficult customer. 197) Does not show a desire to improve time-management techniques. He helps other employees even when not required to. If you use a negative phrase, however, it will detail potential areas for improvement. 167) Builds strong relationships with others by (insert behavior here). The more specific, the better. 44) Skillfully overcomes client objections. It is important that employees adapt to change and accept new processes and comply with them. 189) Can identify what needs to be done first in order to save time. 18) Unreliable about reporting to work on time. 169) Takes on more work to help the team excel. Check out the top 75 review phrases for communication to get your reviews started. 92) Does not excel at projects that require a degree of flexibility. 141) Exceeded expectations on goals set during last performance review. Since an employee evaluation is used to determine the overall performance and appraisal of employees, organizations require an evaluation form to fulfill their criterions. 145) Is consistently a top performer among teammates. Letting your employees know what they do right and what could use improvement may help your company's bottom line. That’s the recipe for success. 185) Works hard to stay organized and on time. Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a person for further growth and development. 155) Is not known to make significant contributions to the success of the team. It’s important to provide positive, constructive feedback that your team members can take into consideration. A company will usually conduct performance appraisals on an annual basis; however, some organizations, performance reviews might be implemented bi-annually. Annual Performance Review Template . Here’s how to identify which style works best for you, and why it’s important for your career development. Attendance. Employee performance reviews are key to offering helpful feedback to managers and employees. 120) Does not establish effective working relationships. 101) Has strong relationships with coworkers. 4. 151) Did not meet performance goal set at last performance review. 91) Tends to shy away from activities where the process is unknown. 5) Never been a no call, no show employee. It's also a good opportunity to find out what goals employees would like to prioritize and to look toward the future. 114) Seen as unapproachable by coworkers. 50) Stays calm and rational in the face of angry customers. Managerial reviews. 143) Excels at developing strategies that deliver results. Examples of employee performance evaluation phrases 1. 105) Finds it easy to connect with coworkers. Discuss what you’d both like to see them achieve in the future, and allow them the time to improve. You can use different words in your performance review to describe a team member’s contributions to the company. The management experts at Sling have put together a list of 100 extremely helpful phrases for employee performance reviews. 116) Strong personality frequently causes rifts with coworkers. 19) Poor attendance frequently affects coworkers. Self-appraisals offer employees a chance to look back at their performance and understand their... 2. Detailing how they can improve, for example, is a great way to set them up for success. 144) Sets appropriate goals and strives to accomplish them. The performance review is the perfect opportunity for you to hear about each employee’s views on how things are going at a grassroots level. 188) Can always depend on him/her to manage time well. Evaluations should include both strengths and weaknesses. 79) Is not willing to help employees with their work. The phrases you use should be either positive or negative to ensure clarity. 180) Often a divisive element within the team. We’ve organized them alphabetically by skill and then divided each skill into strengths and weaknesses. 125) Shows appreciation for a job well done. 69) Ready to get the job done no matter how much work is involved. Use this Employee Performance Review Survey and Sample Questionnaire Template to gather responses from your employees. Regardless of the industry, Sling can keep you and your team members organized and focused on the project at hand. 163) Willing to offer assistance and advice at any time. Performance appraisal is a perfect way to assess the employee performance evaluation. 22) Looks for the positive in every situation. Regular appraisal and evaluation of an employee’s performance can help them get clarity of their actions. It’s that relationship that can motivate your team to do their best even during the most difficult project. 10) Very reliable about being at work on time. 109) Relates well to those around him/her. Easily apply to jobs with an Indeed Resume, Active Listening Skills: Definition and Examples, Maintained good attendance throughout the year, Respectful of their co-workers’ time by arriving at team meetings on time, Consistently arrived on time to company-wide meetings and training sessions, Maintained good communication with team members and clients, Lacks leadership skills and the ability to effectively communicate when managing their team, Does not display active listening skills with customers, Achieved steady growth in the number of sales this month, Displayed an innovative way of approaching the project, Avoided high-priority tasks and assignments, Effectively trained other staff members in the new company style guide, Successfully acquired new accounts on a consistent basis, Showed initiative in learning new technologies and software in the workplace, Collaborated effectively with others through project completion, Maintained a positive attitude and demeanor despite unforeseen problems, Supported team members effectively and efficiently, Showed willingness to learn new skills and techniques in the workplace, Displays a productive attitude when problems arise, Lacked confidence in presenting ad campaign to relevant parties, Utilized great time management skills when considering the project management plan, 23 Performance Evaluation Phrases to Use in a Review. If you double-book an employee or schedule them for a time they can’t work, the Sling A.I. 96) Shuts down when expectations aren’t met. In this article, we review some common performance review phrases and what to include in an employee evaluation. The Sling app can help. will notify you and prompt you to make the necessary change. Indeed is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers. Though you should be honest in your critiques, you should do your best to balance any negative attributes with positive ones. 95) Sticks to traditional methods even if a new approach is better. 126) Motivates team members to work hard. 187) Very reliable when it comes to time management. Objectives Management, Continuous 360° Feedback, Performance Reviews, Engagement Surveys. Here are some examples of employee performance evaluation phrases: Maintaining good attendance is an important part of employee performance. Setting goals can help you gain both short- and long-term achievements. Detailing their strengths and weaknesses is not only beneficial for them individually, but it helps your team and company, as well. - Bradley K., USHG. Performance reviews can be difficult for everyone, manager and employee alike. 154) Does not reach out to go beyond what is expected. The performance plan appraisal review process includes three “pass” reviews of individual performance plans with specific feedback on criteria specified in the PAAT, general briefings to managers and human resources officials, and one-on-one consultation with appraisal plan holders if needed. To help an employee benefit from a performance review, you should use descriptive language. Format: Word This performance appraisal form is based on the 360-degree performance evaluation method. It’s important to note that a fair review will help them keep their morale high. Also known as an annual review, … 4. You can use a wide variety of phrases in your evaluations, and understanding which ones to use will help those on your team learn what’s expected of them and how to perform better in the future. 122) Makes team members feel comfortable in voicing their opinions and ideas. 83) Is willing to change the way he/she works for the betterment of the team. But why is this the case? Workplace performance evaluations provide employees with insight as to how they’re perceived, what they’re doing well and where they can improve. 26) Always reports to work cheerful and ready to get to work. In addition, it will also direct them towards the areas where they need to improve. The better you communicate with your employees the stronger your team will be. 195) Takes up the valuable time of others with too much small talk. 1) Always on time (or even early) for meetings and conferences. Here are some phrases you might use in your evaluation that pertain to productivity: It’s beneficial to have a positive attitude in the workplace. Rating your employees' communication skills is important so they know where they stand. 104) Wants to get to know and understand other employees. Though Anthony displays a passion and talent for reporting, his inability to work effectively as part of a team hinders his success. "Sling allowed Union Square Hospitality Group to schedule smarter instead of harder." Productivity. Setting goals will give them something to work toward and hopefully grant them a better evaluation in the future. 82) Shows ability to come up with new solutions to common problems. The more descriptive the analysis, the better they will be able to understand it and use it to strengthen their place in the company. 118) Coworkers do not like being on his/her team. Along with descriptive performance analysis, an evaluation should include an area detailing an employee’s potential at the company. 20) Does not hold others to the company’s high attendance standards. 172) Does not view workplace as a team environment. 74) Does not demonstrate a willingness to do what it takes to get the job done right. 21) Has a cheerful attitude that benefits her teammates. In the coming year, we’d like Anthony to display good time management skills and be an effective member of the reporting team. 138) Fails to keep confidential information. 30) Builds an atmosphere of trust with others on the team. 71) Unwilling to work beyond scheduled hours. That way, you can quickly and easily find a phrase to fit your needs. Performance Appraisal Phrases: 200 Helpful Phrases For Employee Performance Reviews 1) Always on time (or even early) for meetings and conferences. Learn and improve continuously through Agile performance management in your JIRA. 112) Strong, direct personality can turn people off. 156) Is not able to clearly communicate goals to others. 360-Degree Feedback 1. 134) Does not treat other members of the team as equals. 165) Is sensitive and considerate of coworkers’ feelings. Continuously through Agile performance management in your performance reviews might be implemented bi-annually with their.... Best customer service team members can take into consideration he has created is a very useful and tool. To keep inflammatory comments to himself/herself each skill into strengths and weaknesses outline the employee ’ s in. Should do your best to balance any negative attributes with positive ones inconsistent and frequently need to work cheerful ready... Think of him/her not work well with others by arriving at work and at meetings time! 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