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Is it better to feed cats from an elevated bowl? So let’s look at ways to train your kitty not to bite. And I have a nice sized apartment and I give him love. I feed him every day at the same times and I give him chicken as a treat. My question was "how to discipline my cat" Not to be verbally abused by people that don't know me. There should be things in a cat’s environment (your apartment) to help encourage this behavior. Just a suggestion but how about taking on another cat ? Not enough hunting (i.e. Don’t have them all out at the same time. I have to think about the 2 options, another cat or tree. How do you think about the answers? The Cat Language Bible is a superb resource for better understanding and communicating with your cat. Save your floors and furniture with Soft Claws Cat Nail Caps. If your cat is getting into cabinets, you should expect a Bengal to get into a cabinet and then drag out whatever smells good to eat. Bengal cats are descendants of wild Asian leopards, so it is in their nature to be active and energetic. Bengal cats are descended from domestic cats which were mated with Asian Leopard Cats, a small breed of wild cat. When he loses interest with the ball, I will put the ball away for the next day. Other suggestions for you - do you have a big tall cat tree? Here are some common Bengal cat behavior problems and ways to address them. And locking him up in a cage isn't the answer either as he's just going to get worse when you let him out. So your cat can go about his routine of pawing and playing, and you don’t have to worry about unwanted scratches. The best way to guide a Bengal cat’s actions is by setting up its environment so that it doesn’t want to “misbehave”. Rather than turning to physical punishment, owners can try clapping their hands, raising their voice or spraying their Bengal cats with water in order to show them that what they just did is unacceptable. For a more detailed article about play and hunting, read about it here! Read my article here about cat scratching furniture! I'm not doubting you love him, but be honest with yourself and the cat. I've had a cat in the past but I had to leave him with my ex bf because he started crying when I said I wanted him. Bengal cats look wild, which is interesting for a cat breed which is known to be the cat of the house. Remember, playtime means hunting time. Watching cats play with each other is also a joy to observe! eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'monsieurtn_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',117,'0','0']));Some of these problems might include: A cat can never understand “discipline” or “punishment”. What makes a cat tick is how they act upon their instinctual nature. Here are a few practical examples … He jumps on everyone and scratches them. That helps very much with an active cat like this, as it gives them an appropriate place to expend all their energy. We love our little rocket buggers but yeah sometimes it’s nice to have some downtime. My Bengal has always gotten into the snack drawer. They’ll crouch down and pull their legs underneath them, ready to bolt. Sorry! i was actually being nice! Bengals WILL independently go on the wheel. Bengals are very intelligent and determined, they know exactly what you mean, they just choose to do otherwise instead LOL. Having multiple high perches will make the countertop or any other human surface not as appealing. I have a lot of neighbor hood strays and I let him play with one of them since it's nice. This is probably the breed that a cat wheel is made for and they take to it very quickly! It’s an easy toss of the sponge ball and his attention is directed away from whatever he was doing. I work and be tired I have toys for my Bengal he goes in the basement he wants me to go down so we can play peekaboo he is only 2 I am 53 I try to find toys but he is disinterested what can I do. Super useful for those times when you’re in a pinch and you need to quickly deal with your Bengal or hyperactive cat. Sounds like you need a much quieter cat. I am still using it after over a year of use! Gently pull your hand or arm from her mouth, if that's the area being chomped on. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Now, he never bites any feet or hands. Then, allow your cat to walk to the end of the stick where his treat is placed. Learn how your comment data is processed. You may have to to several repeats (10 or more) before you prove yourself more determined than he is (he may run off in disgust after enough repeats). Another tool that I like to use is misdirection. There’s something there that he enjoys. Make Sure You Get a Bengal Cat From a Reputable Breeder. This is a quality inherited from their wild ancestors, as well as being an exquisite climber. If they begin to get overactive and start biting things I don’t want, I throw a toy in a random direction and they’ll go darting towards the toy. I did research and I drove 4 hours to get him because he sounded fun and I have extra time on my hands to play with him. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'monsieurtn_com-leader-1','ezslot_0',121,'0','0']));The last two common behavioral problems are probably the one that is most offensive to people. Seriously if you cannot handle all the activity I suggest you contact the breeder and return him. Sometimes your kitty will tuck their paws under, but don’t get this confused with the previous pose. Bengals are HIGH activity cats and need a lot of treehouses and other things they can climb and run up and down. For example, our cat we refer to … eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'monsieurtn_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_12',122,'0','0']));In general, how a cat hunts in the wild is how you want to simulate it in your own play with your Bengal. You might not like my answer, but I'm being truthful and serious. Don't feel bad or hurt or upset. Bengals are domestic cats like any other cats but because of their high activity levels, they can be more prone to behavioral issues if their owner is not prepared for them! Bengals originated from crossbreeding or mixing domestic cats with the wild Asian leopard cat or Prionailurus bengalensis (a type of small wildcat or jungle cat). The concept of a Yes/No environment means to have places where cats know instinctually, feels good to use (Yes) and places that aren’t as comfortable or appealing (No). Treat a cat gently and kindly and he will be the same with you. How can I help my cat after she gave birth? The tools that can create this type of environment are 1. cat automatic deterrents, 2. matatabi sticks (to provide something they can bite), and sticky paws (creating uncomfortable sticky surfaces to step on). If you tuck a single … And as crazy as this sounds, getting him another cat to play with may help too. Part 2: Bengal Cats Behavior and Personality Bengal cats as pets. Sounds like you didn't really research the breed before you bought the kitten. I saw a nice sized one around $118, pretty cheap from other's I've seen. Get this right and you will enjoy a closer, stronger bond with your beloved Bengal. We have to note that certain misbehavior may just be the Bengal... 2. The furry tail adds motion to stimulate your kitty’s hunting instincts, so toss it to give him the thrill of the chase. Then, it’s up to you to compromise and/or redirect the behavior to something that’s suitable to you. Should I put him in a cage for when I'm not home? WHERE TO KEEP CAT LITTER BOX??!! He's tearing up my rug and I live in an apartment. Hitting and grabbing him is just going to make him dislike you. Bengals are sometimes crazy cats, there usually isn’t anything that they can’t get into. If you can find their “jackpot” toy, take note of the type of material, texture, and size. my cat destroys everything i have that's just part of having a cat. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'monsieurtn_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',119,'0','0']));Let’s tackle the first two common problems about Bengal cats going to places they’re not supposed to. If you don’t want to do that, that’s okay too! Do play with him, mine love to be stalked (by me), and chased around either inside or outside. I think cycling toys is a good idea. They are hybrid cats this means that the Bengal cat is the result of crossing a domestic cat and a leopard cat (feline of Asian origin) back in the year 1963. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'monsieurtn_com-box-4','ezslot_5',118,'0','0']));Bengals cats are basically house cats on some sort of cat speed. it sounds like puss is bored out of his mind. We can provide the Yes places quite easily by just giving them instinctually satisfying alternatives and deter them by having something that they dislike, whether it is texture or smell near that surface or area. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'monsieurtn_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',124,'0','0']));They’re sometimes definitely crazy but in the end, they’re like any other cats with instinctual needs to be filled. Treat a cat gently and kindly and he will be the same with you. This article completely gives you an idea about these bengal cat personality and nature. As cats wrestle with each other as kittens, they let each other know when it’s too rough and learn to inhibit their own bites and force. What's creepier than those hairless cats? After a while, you can take the peels away as they learn to avoid it. I'm assuming he IS neutered - that will help a little. They can’t control it even if they COULD speak to us. In fact, you’ll just have to wait for … It’s why kittens know where to go to the bathroom (the litterbox) where there is some granular material with little to no instructions from their mother! If your Bengal cat goes into drawers. My Bengal cat is crazy. Also, with their focus being on each other most of the time, it allows you some breathing room in terms of playtime and training. It was a hectic but ultimately a rewarding experience now that I have a well-socialized Bengal buddy that is always up for whatever I want to do with him! If your cat is bored and is batting things off of tables, well you better believe a Bengal cat is going to bat at it, and maybe take it apart for fun. The purpose of this breeding was to obtain a cat with the disposition of a domesticated cat but with the wild and crazy markings of the Asian leopard cat. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'monsieurtn_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_9',107,'0','0']));report this ad, How To Discipline a Bengal Cat or Any Hyperactive Cat, link to How To Live With Pets in Small Apartments (5 Key Principles), link to How To Entertain an Indoor Cat (Simple but Effective!). Most cats hate the strong smell of citrus and will try to avoid it! I hope it works out for you as you obviously love your cat ! Even if it is far away, get your Bengal used to some of the smells and sites that it might encounter. Commonly, you will find Bengal cat history and a page with Sires, and a page with Dams. The same triggers that cause other purebred cats and non-breed cats to have behavior problems can trigger a Bengal Cat to have challenges. Yes he's neutered. If you are looking for a high-quality Bengal kitten for sale that really stands out, Wild N Sweet Bengals Cattery is definitely the right choice for you. If not, get him neutered NOW as that will likely calm him down. Thanks for enjoying my content. We had such problems with one of ours when he was young,he wouldn't leave our older cat alone, that out of desperation we adopted another kitten around his age....problem solved as they played together and he used up his energy that way. The PetSafe SSSCAT Deterrent Cat Spray easily protects indoor areas and objects from your pets. Sires and Dams should have Registered names. As you play with your Bengal, not once, but daily, or as much as you can depending on his energy level, you will find that their so-called “aggression” or “destruction” is just boredom. Hi. Any idea's would help, I don't want to get rid of him. One of the best items I would recommend for an active Bengal cat is an exercise wheel. I totally understand your issue! Well: This isn’t much of a training trick. Through having a 1. yes/no environment, 2. play therapy and 3. using a bit of misdirection, it’s simple to get a Bengal or any cat in general, to be guided in the right direction. This is another great tool for misdirection for when your cat is overstimulated and prone to biting. And I'm just looking for an alternative to hitting him since that's what all my other friends that have cats do. Any physical punishment or discomfort/pain that you might cause trying to punish them will be taken as inexplicable aggression towards them and will seriously negatively affect your relationship with your pet. A Bengal cat’s personality is such that it needs its share of fun activities. Meow when you order it to. I have 2 Bengals, and this works with them - and here is the key - *after* I prove that I am more determined than they are. The toy wasn’t a particularly special toy either. I also take my cat outside for a few minutes a day to get some sun and fresh air. This unique spray uses motion-activated infrared to monitor movement up to 3 feet away. I would talk to the breeder and see what you can work out. There are also specialized latches made so that it is difficult to open. Bengal cats just display them on a more frequent basis. Scratching and Clawing Kittens and cats should keep their claws and they need to scratch to keep their claws healthy. These sticks have a similar effect to catnip for cats. However, when it... Bonjour! I recommend the Smartcat Ultimate Scratching Post! I'll try to put as real content as possible and try not to sound like a robot! One of the main instinctual need for a cat is to find something to hunt and kill. They will rarely ever scratch furniture intentionally with a well built and proper scratching post. Best Toys For Indoor Cats (That Are Actually Useful). A Bengal that … Easy to apply and long-lasting, it’s made right here in the USA. Caging him when not home will only frustrate him and make him that much worse. People have a hard time dealing with “aggression”. They are golden and the shimmers come from their Leopard cat ancestry. When they are kittens it’s advised to train them with a gentle approach. Then it’s because they smell something in there to eat and they WILL somehow get in there. It creates unpleasant feelings for the cats when they go on it. Does Your Bengal Cat Know When It’s Being Punished? if your cat isn't getting any of them there is no wonder he is out of control. However, it’s always best to be prepared. Your email address will not be published. Bengal cats don't understand physical punishment. Anyways, treat your Bengal cat like a newborn baby and Bengal proof that home! EDIT: i dont think i verbally abused you. I've just never had to deal with a cat that was abusive to my home. Take a look around you, if the countertop is the tallest place they can get to, it makes sense that cats will want to get on it. So it is important to show yourself just as determined! How Does a Yes/No Environment Affect a Bengal Cat’s Behavior? The same with squirting water at them, it rarely works. Watch for active behavior. Bengals often want to supervise and stay close to their people at all times. don't punish your cat because you love your apartment more! Aggressive cat behavior can manifest as a threatening behavior directed at a cat, person or other animals. My Bengal loves his sponge ball. from hand to stuffed animal). Never hit your cat. It can be anything they enjoy playing with. Redirect your Bengal’s play away from you in a calm and strategic manner (ex. I’m not entirely sure they succeeded in achieving tameness! When the SSSCAT detects your pet entering an off-limit area, it emits a harmless, odorless, and stainless spray to deter your pet from continuing. Rural environments are well suited because there have more freedom of movement and are closer to a "natural" environment. Remember, a cat always acts upon its instinctual needs above everything else. The website of a responsible breeder should make some attempt to educate the public about Bengal cats. The only other solution really is to rehome him. play). Bengals spend more time playing and less time napping than many other breeds of domestic cats. The aim was to produce a breed with the personality of a tame cat and the colors of a wild one. I adopted my Bengal in my one-room studio apartment and it was quite the experience and would do it again in a heartbeat! What Are Some Common Behavioral Problems in Bengal Cats? eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'monsieurtn_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',120,'0','0']));A couch has a wide stable base and allows them to stretch out, therefore having a taller and more stable scratching post is important.

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