The departments in the organization are based on the functions carried out by employees, such as customer service, marketing, tech support, and business consulting. E. Industrial engineering will represent the best way to make jobs more meaningful. C) enhance innovation and creativity. B. B. streamlining jobs to make them simpler and more efficient B) Apprenticeship A. This process is used to determine the placement of jobs. A. A. E. Employees work 10 hours a day so that they work fewer days per week. What does INRT Software Solutions mean by this? C. job evaluation N-Pax Technology Corp., a microchip manufacturing company, is hiring for the position of marketing manager for its new division. A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics, reveals the actual work performed and its purpose or outcome, a copyrighted, standardized job analysis questionnaire that can be used for just about any job D. Industrial engineering will provide measurable and practical benefits. Pamela, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives her staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. which of the following is a computer application that can be used to provide skills training and expert advice? C. They support the strategy of corporate social responsibility by reducing an employee's need to commute using a vehicle. E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job, E. reduce the information-processing requirements of a job. D. comparing jobs within an organization. B) It is a verbal agreement that emphasizes the goals of training. The flexible work schedule option affecting the accounting department is known as _____. E) focus groups. C. performance appraisals are perceived as transparent and fair by employees E) employees' skills. A manager of a functional department would require skills in aligning employees' efforts with the organization's higher-level goals. C. fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs ________ looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers. Next year, the position of vice president of research will be vacant, so the executive team is working with the HR department to define selection criteria for a new vice president. A. job sharing B) company payoffs. B. KSAOs will be a resource for writing job descriptions. Calculate the final pressure of the gas in atmospheres. A) The acquisition of knowledge From a job design perspective, why is this aspect of work flow an appropriate one for a hospital to focus on? They help HR professionals ensure that all aspects of talent management are aligned with an organization's strategy. C) on-site phase. It assigns 20 percent weight to responsibility and 80 percent weight to skill. C) Hands-on B) observation. D. The PAQ can be completed by untrained personnel. Which of the following methods requires evaluators to agree on which jobs are the most and least valuable, then the next most and least valued, and so on, until all the jobs have been ordered? INRT Software Solutions is a firm that builds information systems for banks and other financial institutions. Two part-time employees work in different shifts and share the tasks of a specific job. B. employees are given the authority to make decisions C) Task D. employees expect their managers to empower them by allowing them to work in self-managing teams. E) confirm the tasks that are to be performed on the job. D) Information A skill is an individual's level of proficiency at performing a particular taskthat is, the capability to perform it well. C. HR specialists If an organization decides to take a strategic initiative of enhancing innovation and creativity, which of the following is likely to be an implication for the organization's training practices? D. job enrichment B) the parent country supervisor. C. job training D) pretest only with comparison group Which of the following is true of the Occupational Information Network (O*NET)? The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. C) reaping the benefits of training. C) Performance support system D. a combination of internal and external sources of information for job analysis Which of the following is an example of effective onboarding? A. job analysis B. Ursula wants to evaluate her training. D) encouraging employees to give feedback to each other. E. the creation of comprehensive and detailed job descriptions, C. fixed and unchanging job descriptions for various jobs. D. Give employees more authority to manage the production process. Which of the following is true of competency models? Errors in job analysis have multiple sources, but most result from outdated job descriptions. E) It is the support that trainees give one another to discuss their progress. C) It requires a certain number of hours of classroom instruction to qualify as a registered program. A. the extent to which a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved A) developing specific skills or dealing with interpersonal issues on the job. C) Affective Nathan, the HR manager, considers the requirements of the job, including the necessary knowledge, level of proficiency, enduring capabilities, and other personality traits, such as persistence or motivation to achieve. A. job analysis It is developed using benchmark jobs and then applied to non-benchmark jobs. Which of the following is true of a support network in training? D) Motivation A firm focuses on organizational and person analysis during the ________ stage in the training design process. C. Its employees have a significant level of proficiency required to perform a particular task. E. Mark should reuse the old job descriptions for the new jobs, instead of creating new ones. E. It is a work option that enlarges jobs in an organization by moving employees among several different jobs. C. In developing job specifications, considering all elements of KSAOs is unimportant. Software that creates a graph of daily production levels for a supervisor Which of the following is true about job analysis and susceptibility to offshoring? This fuels the work we do around the world and inspires our mission to improve the C. Job descriptions contain only a brief statement that represents the set of responsibilities. E. to decrease the impact a job has on the lives of other people, A. to make jobs less repetitive and more interesting, Creations Media Inc., a publishing company, conducted an internal survey on employee satisfaction. Why would simplifying the jobs be beneficial in this case? D. Job descriptions contain detailed specifications of the tasks involved in carrying out each duty. E) returning-home phase. 0 0 Similar questions Which of the following doest not determine supply of labour? A survey of employee satisfaction among a county's 9-1-1 dispatchers found that employees struggle to keep up with calls, feel little or no control over their situation, and constantly worry about making mistakes. D) grow in the global market. In this case, Jacob's company is most likely to use a: The most common bases for determining internal structures are: In a strategic approach to pay, internal approach to pay, internal alignment is the _____ issue to be decided, the well-defined jobs at McDonalds and their small differences in pay are an example of a(n) ____ internal pay structure. They want to be sure that all the employees have a wide scope of decision-making authority. B. fringe benefits of a job E. Establish a centralized decision-making process. C. members of the production team making decisions regarding how to resolve problems with customers A. job evaluation Which of the following best defines a competency? the extent of external competitiveness and equity, In the context of internal structures, which of the following is true of a delayered structure, It send the message that all employees are valued equally, work performed in a job and how it gets done. The employees face few challenges already. A) clarification. Carry out time-and-motion studies to identify the best way to perform a job. B) This method of training does not include distance learning. D. job specification B) improve employee engagement. B) position olange is the first one at work every day, the last one to leave, does not need a lot of direction, and can be relied on to finish any project given to her. A) host country national C. employees in functional departments tend to identify more with their own departments. A. experience in setting up divisions based on customer groups A) to understand opportunities for practice. A. shoulder strain from carrying them around C. They are only applicable to middle managers of an organization. D) repatriation. C) talent development E. Use of checklists will limit the amount of memorization and information required by a surgical team. D) Information analysis A. D. the Fleishman Job Analysis Model obtain (goods or a service) from an outside or foreign supplier, especially in place of an internal source. E. employees in such departments tend to work in cross-functional teams. C) compensation D. job evaluation B) Application management system A) top management support Preference for individual performance over team performance, Which of the following is NOT a factor in defining equal work according to the Equal Pay Act. It is the list of knowledge, skills, and abilities that are necessary for an individual to have to perform a specific job. D) They are inexpensive to develop and maintain. E. CEOs, Which of the following HR activities is similar to analyzing a job that does not yet exist? E) the host country supervisor. D. increased skill requirements Richard, a researcher, is of the opinion that organizations should empower employees, and suggests this should be done by designing work to be done by self-managing teams. B) compliance A) understand the work requirements of a foreign assignment better. E) job evaluation, In the context of factors that influence the motivation to learn, when an organization seeks to convince employees that they can successfully learn the content of a training program, the organization is primarily focusing on improving D) attitude surveys. E. KSAOs should limit the number of factors listed in job specifications. C) expatriate A single universal plan is acceptable to employees if the work covered is highly diverse. E. It results in abstract reports that are of limited use. A. Which of the following is a true statement regarding KSAOs? E) Performance. C) It is the support that trainers offer to employees within the training program. A) develop a list of tasks performed on the job. They are the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. LRPN Consulting is a business consulting firm based in Nevada. A) conscientious. D. Industrial engineering will provide measurable and practical benefits. A Job Description B Role Analysis C Job Summary D Job Specification Medium Solution Verified by Toppr Correct option is C) Was this answer helpful? from the plague. C. a work flow design It is the process of getting detailed information about jobs. C) pretest/posttest with comparison group E. retroactive overtime. Applying industrial engineering reduces the complexity of work. Which of the following most likely relates to the task undertaken by Aaron? Which of the following documents includes these considerations to help Nathan in selecting a candidate? One option she is considering is the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ). In the past, hospitals deferred to physicians' judgments in how they carry out their work. B. B) time series Which of the following is true of telework arrangements? This can be tweaked and used appropriately. Information from observers should be used as a supplement to information from incumbents. The ____ method of job evaluation uses compensable factors. These include raw materials, information, human resources, and _____. Which of the following options would be a way to simplify the mental demands of employees' jobs? In this case, Gina is most likely to be working in a job that requires her to: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Timothy D. Wilson. Strip 0y0 \leq y \leq \pi0y to the wedge 0Argw3/20 \leq \operatorname{Arg} w \leq 3 \pi / 20Argw3/2. Mike, a job analyst, conducts a job analysis at Great Bread, Inc. George, a first-level supervisor at Great Bread, conducts an initial tour of the work site for Mike. Alex, the HR manager, has been asked to help plan for the creation of the new unit. B) identify their role and responsibilities as an overseas manager. The key to a successful foreign assignment is a combination of training and career management for the employee and A. issuing regulations rather than guidelines for industries B) pretest/posttest Which of the following would be a benefit to the company if it plans on applying industrial engineering to existing jobs? Explain. WebChapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models - It is the first line of defence when selection - Studocu This is the lecture notes for chapter 4 from my Recruitment and Selection class. E. Job descriptions look at a job's activities, and job specifications look at the qualities needed to do the job. On closer inspection, he finds that a majority of the employees who quit were unhappy with the pay structures. If a training program focuses primarily on ensuring that employees have product or service knowledge, it is taking the strategic initiative to Option 1. E. It is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform successfully. C. Job specifications look at a job's activities, and job descriptions look at the qualities needed to do the job. While evaluating training programs, acquisition of knowledge is measured using E. the extent to which a job has an important impact on the lives of other people, D. the degree to which a job requires completing a "whole" piece of work from beginning to end, According to the Job Characteristics Model, _____ refers to the job characteristic that reflects the degree to which a job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work is carried out. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. Which of the following is true of knowledge management? C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. E. selection, Aaron, an HR manager, observes that the number of employees quitting their jobs has been steadily increasing over the last six months. C. job rotation D. A. Divide tasks among employees in greater detail. Which of the following is most likely true of the organizational structure of LRPN Consulting? D) Geographically dispersed audiences cannot be reached. WebJob analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of jobs, as well as, the context in which jobs are performed. A. human resource planning His supervisor noticed that his performance was declining. E. Steve's argument is incorrect because new jobs do not have job descriptions. C) Task C. summarizing reports that describe the job as it is actually performed. What would happen if the new machine resulted in a reduction in net working capital? D. This method allows people with very basic reading skills to fill out the questionnaire. They are designed to increase the turnover rate. It is the list of tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) that a particular job entails. Given the company's structure, which of the following qualities will be important for the new vice president to possess? Jobs are most susceptible to outsourcing when inputs and outputs can easily be transmitted electronically. Identify the statement that is most likely to support this argument. C. Text messages arriving on a salesperson's phone while she is meeting with a client E) Computer-based instructions have made instructor-led classroom instruction obsolete. ) A) Technical WebThese results suggest that the way an organization defines job performance is a source of true and important variability in validities, and that the validity of selection tests for predicting complex performance criteria may show considerably less generalizability than current meta-analysis of univariate validities would suggest. D. The term stands for knowledge, skill, adaptability, and other characteristics. B. career planning It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to perform a job. Samcys selects security guards, conducts background checks, provides them with uniforms and training, and schedules guards to patrol and monitor security at clients' facilities. B. performance appraisal A. Self-managing teams are highly involved in decision making. B. the degree to which a job allows an individual to make decisions about the way the work will be carried out Job specifications define tasks, and job descriptions define responsibilities. C) A majority of learners complete the course certification component. D) pretest only with comparison group He has developed well thought-out flowcharts and process documents so that if and when he moves on to another job, anyone can be trained to do his job. James says, "I don't trust the way the company determines pay rates in my department." A. defining work arrangements and reporting requirements A) Anyone with an Internet connection can participate in them. A) Trainees are active participants in preparing the training module. WebWhich of the following is true of job analysis? He is deciding between an online distance course and a face-to-face interactive course. A) the foreign employees. B) It involves identifying who requires training. B) It is an organizational effort that relies solely on formal training. B. KSAOs and TDRs are the same thing. C. compressed workweek Marjorie has been given the task of conducting job analyses and creating job descriptions for the site engineers. D. to assess the relative dollar value of each job to an organization Josh, a human resource manager at a manufacturing company, recommends that the company use the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) for conducting job analysis. E. job sharing, Walters & Williams, a consulting firm, equips all of its employees with laptop computers, which they use at their desks and carry to client meetings. An example of an expatriate is a D) reaction to the programs. B) emphasizing that learning is under employees' personal control. C. Incumbents provide accurate information, but they may have an incentive to exaggerate what they do to appear more valuable to the organization. B. job definition Bitstar Global Inc. is a soft-drink manufacturing company. C. ergonomic C. job training D) It involves determining the business appropriateness of training. D. levying fines on employers who issue computers with keyboards instead of touchscreen tablets B. job rotation E) conditions for learning. D. flextime D) The hands-on method B) having basic skills. A. A. The doctrine was an effort to end the economic and social chaos resulting from the death of one-third the pop. D. Team members do not have to perform a wide variety of tasks, and they view their effort as significant. He has checklists to keep his work in order. B. PAQ reports are very useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. C) economic value of training. Koland Corp. is an interior design firm based in California. D) It is a verbal agreement among trainers on the training methods to be used. E) person born in the United States and currently a Japanese citizen working in Japan. Its research department attracts some of the most talented professionals in these disciplines, each with a passion for his or her specialty. B) encourage employees to provide feedback to each other. It is a work option that allows full-time employees to choose start and end times within the guidelines specified by an organization. C) the employee's subordinates. It is the determination of the tasks that comprise the job and the skills, knowledge, abilities, and responsibilities required of A. the Cognitive Dissonance Model The results indicated that a majority of its support staff considered their jobs to be monotonous. Team members' job duties are narrowly defined. A. task knowledge C) This is one of the least time consuming ways to present information. D. conjoint analysis WebWhich of the following is not a component of Job Analysis? Who among the following is most likely to be the best source for preparing an analysis of skills needed to fill these important technical positions? E. assesses the relative dollar value of each job to an organization. C. People imagine jobs to be unstable, whereas jobs actually do not change or evolve over time. B. the Situational Leadership Model 40 hours per week! B) Interpersonal Name the model that was developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham to describe ways to make jobs more motivating. What is a basic difference between job specifications and job descriptions? A) The presentation method B. job analysis D. Its employees are highly motivated. B. B. Together they define the necessary inputs. C) communicating why employees were asked to attend training. In the work flow analysis for Samcys, which of the following terms best describes the security services? Which of the following is defined as a structured job analysis technique that classifies job information into seven basic factors: information input, mental processes, work output, relationships with other persons, job context, other job characteristics, and general dimensions? D) holding managers accountable Which of the following is true of informal learning? C. enforcing violations of its requirement that employers have a general duty to protect workers from hazards, including ergonomic hazards Job specifications list observable actions, and job descriptions describe general qualities. Identify a true statement about the verification process in this approach. D. a manager participating in a meeting while on vacation with his family Preparing expatriates to return to the parent company is It considers only the inputs of a work process, ignoring the outputs. information input, processes, work output, relationships with other people, job context, job characteristics, and general dimensions, specifications for a job that cannot be reassigned to other workers, looks at how an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers, the relocation of business processes and services to a lower-cost foreign location particularly white-collar, technical, professional, and clerical services, a process that determines the worth of each job in a company by evaluating the market value of the knowledge, skills, and requirements needed to perform it. B. Self-managing teams do not have the authority to schedule work or hire team members. The PAQ considers the whole work process, from inputs through outputs. A) Determining the training costs E) Return on investment, As a manager, Jorge wants to find out the impact of his company's behavior-modeling training program on his employees' communications skills. D. job enrichment Brianna and Natalie are planning an e-commerce company for business travelers. The costs of employee errors are severe. A) improve customer service. C. Make the tasks repetitive and simple to avoid errors. Leeding Engines Inc. specializes in manufacturing internal combustion engines. D) repatriation phase. Maxwin Infomatics Corp., a nationwide logistics company, has announced the opening of a new unit for the manufacturing division. WebPeter's true motivation is the challenge of delivering an error free, well performing system to the customer. B. broad responsibilities are assigned to employees working in a functional department. B. B. increased complexity D) U.S. citizen working for a U.S. firm in Germany. C) for program coordination and administration. Which of the following statements is true of work flow analysis? C) the employees' awareness of training needs. A) Learning management system C. supervisors E. periodic bonuses. C) Avoiding debasing new employees Shifts the focus to the employee: the skills, knowledge, or competencies the employee possesses, whether or not they are used in the employee's particular job. C) Dedicating physical space to encourage teamwork B) Calculating the total savings B. D) The more passive the trainees are in absorbing the instruction, the more they can use the information on the job. D. the ability to align researchers' work with the company's strategy E) enhancing communication and developing a peer network. C) enhance innovation. D) Dividing benefits by costs A. B) Ensuring that employees understand their roles Which of the following is true of the presentation method of training? In this case, MXB is most likely using the: _______ refers to determining the intervals on a measurement instrument. E. Team members are only responsible for their individual tasks.