Thinking it looked barbaric and painful, and not wanting to subject my dog to torture, I put it on myself and gave it a tug before I ever used it on him. Or will we always have to use the prong collar? So many people misuse them, but when used correctly theyre very good tools. Thank you for sharing your story Darci! Unfortunately, I think the rescue society I got her from downplayed the leash issues. As sweet as he is, I ended up on the ground numerous times and my husband was tired of having his arm yanked in the wrong direction. Do not be afraid to try a prong collar. The rescues and shelters are full of dogs that were not trained properly by their owners and so were abandoned. So, the reason he has to be carried into the house is that he wont move when he has a leash on. Suzanne, you are the perfect testimony to how the prong collar can actually change you and your dogs lives. I dont think the fear is based on the leash, but something else. I can only hope that the prong collar helps as I am having a hard time controlling him when people and animals walk within eyesight. I trained my German Shepard/Siberian Husky mix using a pinch collar, got tips on training from a gal who trained duck hunting dogs, she taught me hand signals and all. and links therein.) Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! Im a dog walker and deal with a lot of dogs of varying size, strength, and leash training. Thats not the case. We look forward to walks now!! As with other training devices, when used under supervision and in combination with proper behavioral training, these collars can be quite effective. Our shih-poo is VERY smart and learns quick so we know it isnt an intelligence issue. if you think wearing a prong collar would hurt, imagine how your dog feels. So make sure to watch the videos in the post about fitting and training. The kennel I work at is very much 50% training, 50% the tools you use. Hi Lesa, I appreciate your feedback and the fact youve never needed to use a prong is great. I did not have prong collars on them, but I am confident if I had, it would never had happened. . Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! Or can eventually she go off it and into her normal collar/ no leash? I think most people are afraid to publicly admit the prong collar is a great training tool. And Herm Sprenger agrees. Front-Clip Harness. Did not work at all. Psychology Today, January 25, 2018. I think thats what gets so many people especially with e-collars or prong/choke collars, they just get it thinking it will be a quick fix and have no idea how to use it. He lunged once and never did it again. Aversive collars are unfortunately just one side effect of antiquated dog training practices and lack of regulation in the industry. When the parents of a large dog (particularly, though small breeds are not exempt) raise the question of loose leash walking or stopping their dog from pulling on their leash, the subject gets heated fast. I probably am going to get blisters all over my hands, I had to work so hard to keep him from pulling me. I really wish I had started using it early in his training program. Will that be a problem when he wears the prong collar? As a super strong pitty, he can yank a full sized adult over in a half a second to randomly lunge at a person or dog or squirrel. For example, in the state of California, prong collars cant be used to tether a dog. Prongs are widely, widely misunderstood and consequently widely misused., The fact that a reward or a correction can only be given within 2 seconds of the action for either to be of effect means that your reactions have very slim windows to achieve their goal. Is It Time to Ban Shock Collars for Dogs In All Situations? Hello, while I dont have a prong collar yet (getting one from work soon) I greatly appreciate your article. Jennifer Cattet, "Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools. The warning said that they should be banned and included a photo of a dog with several lacerations on its neck, allegedly caused by a Thanks for your advice and recommend!! With his prong collar, I barely even have to hold the leash. I needed to read this because I didnt want to be too harsh but realized I must have control of him. My dogs come running with excitement when they hear their prong collar come out. And by the way, love the name Bear, thats our yellow labs name too . This post is from the perspective of a dog owner (me) that has experience with all types of training techniques, and yes that includes reactive dogs, shy dogs, scared dogs, and happy go lucky dogs. It was like I was walking a totally different dog altogether. I recommend the 3.0 mm size for most medium to large dogs. Kelly, I think you will be pleasantly surprised on how quickly it will work. Adding in a prong collar and correcting their fear (aka. Her constant coughing and choking has completely gone away. I swapped over to a prong collar, and got him to behave, and pull and run after other dogs less, but it doesnt stick when I put him on another collar. This is always very stressful for me and I get there praying there wont be another dog in the waiting room. People would comment on how well-mannered she was on walks and after a few years, I didnt need the prong collar at all. What have you got to lose? I have a 15 lb, 1 year old shih-poo who, because he is overly excited, attempt to pull and lunge to meet other people and dogs. We just got a new 5 month old Australian shepherd last week. But Id recommend giving it a try, if he seems too afraid, then take a few steps back. This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience, which means I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. He is absolutely gorgeous and has the sweetest disposition. I dont see dog trainer in your credentials, but do see a link to a product which suggests you make money off of your recommendation. He is now 9 months old, over 90 lbs and still growing! Not sure what type of training you are looking for, but maybe check out Spirit Dog Training. Ive compensated by going out during less busy times and the latest which has been driving to off leash dog parks as she is sooooo much off leash. Mary writes, "I've seen situations like this more times than I can count at local dog parks and trails. Just put it on when you are getting ready to take a walk. We have two dogs, both staffies, that are really bad on the leash. A short time later, Mary saw the puppy and guardian re-enter the park, with the puppy wearing an e-collar. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Lindsay Lowe, "5 Ways Collars Can Harm Your Dog". He was really a wonderful dog that I wouldnt have enjoyed with out that collar. If I did not get his behavior under control I would have to re-home my dog, if I could not walk him that would be cruel and if he hurt me or someone by lunging that would be even worse. 2, I think it can add a little stress during dog-to-dog interactions, especially if the other dog is aggressive. For this very reason, many countries with a progressive approach to pet safety and health, such as Austria and Switzerland, have already banned prong collars. You dont use it to punish, you use it to guide. I cant agree more. Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Anyone else has used it on large dogs? It could take months or years, depending on your training. And thank you for all you do. And be consistent. I signed up for obedience classes at a well known and reputable training center in our area and they recommended and explained prong collars to us. He didnt need to or want to. You lost me at suggesting a prong collar for a reactive dog! Its a tough call. The reason is that your dog might get spooked by something (fire works, thunder or whatever) and decide to make a dash for it. Now we're loose leash and enjoying our walks and adventures. At the very least, as a thoughtful species, we can most certainly begin to question and ponder the use of clearly aversive equipment such as electric, choke, and prong collars. Thank you so much for sharing. He was also extremely leash reactive and aggressive towards other dogs in general. So glad you both can walk together and be happy! Thanks for this info. Thank you for this article! We make a concentrated effort to take him as many places as possible and have found some really great dog friendly parks, wineries etc. There is certainly a lot of misconception around the prong collar, and I feel the only way that will change is when people have a dog like yours and experience how it can be such an invaluable training tool. The prong collar sounds just what we need. Choke collars, prong collars or flat collars are harmful training tools, Choose a Dog Trainer as Carefully as You Would a Surgeon, Dog Training's Dirty Little Secret: Anyone Can Legally Do It, what's good for the human must be good for the dog. Just read some of the success stories in the comments. We are about to re home our two wire haired dachshunds due to out of control pulling. Unlike when our little baby sees her shampoo bottle she knows its bath time and disappears. Hes my first dog and unfortunately socialization was very difficult and so he was highly reactive to dogs. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best. Dont be afraid to use it if your trainer suggests it. For my willful, hard-headed, inattentive Doberman yearling, thats definitely a prong collar for training sessions now. A Twitch star was temporarily banned from the live-streaming platform after zapping herself with a shock collar as part of a bizarre stunt. Even with a prong? I have a question about prong collar fit- do the prongs need to go all the way around the neck circumference? Sometimes it is NOT the owner, but the dog that needs this collar. It has been a life-saver. You will need to read the dogs body language. He only does the right things when he has the prong collar on cause hes smart and knows not to mess around w/ it on. We have beautiful, stress-free walks thanks to this great tool. Very good training tool. When shown attention, she licked human hands and dog faces with something that could only be described as joy. Thank you for this article devilifying prong collars. So a friend recommended a prong collar, I knew that I had nothing to lose by trying it. You dont need a prong collar. This post does contains affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will receive a small commission, but it wont cost you a penny more). If you find that its not working because of the lack of a neck try using a slip lead. Try the stop and go method first, by not moving forward anytime there is any tension on the leash should teach him not to pull. She would pull so hard then entire walk with her two front feet in the air. I have one dog that doesnt need it anymore, the other (our lab) is a constant puller without it. She quickly realized she wasnt a dog person and wanted to rehome her. I am a firm believer of the pros of a prong collar and I would never get on other then the Herm brand, the rest always break or corrode. She may also just be going through a fear period. We decide when they eat, what they eat, when and with whom they play and also decide when, where, and for how long dogs get to be outside each day and, perhaps more subtly, by imposing the physical constraints of collars and leashes, which guide the speed and direction of a dogs movements. In fact, there is some evidence that the opposite is true.. Check Latest Price. I recommend prong collars, but only after consulting a certified dog training professional. To help create a puppy capable of being a confident and adaptable family member and keep puppies out of shelters. After our outing I realized how overwhelmed he still gets with new scents and experiences. 1 1/2 Inch Keeper's Hidden Prong Double Leather Collar Gold and Silver Knots on Black Web with Metallic Gold and Black Leather and Brass Hardware $0.00.