However, even then, sex is the ultimate forte of these two signs when they are together, and they always do manage to perfect the art of . NOT anal about things!!! It was hard for me to tell if he was enjoying things are just trying to please me. Often it works out magically! Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility in 2022. I had a high school bf who strung me along for a number or years until about 25 when I finally was able to cut him out of my life. Also hes very methodical which means kids (which is nit something he particularly wants) could take forever to work into our lives and hes nearing 40! He said he was a contractor, but hes a designer. Start a health program or join a gym together. Highly intuitive, he was in love is a virgo, love and. This match is . Can Any Virgo man give me some insight that I should be friend with this Virgo man? cheater, no romance, sex was . God is the ultimate force behind this union and we know when we met it was our destiny. So, to all my fellow Scorpio women, was it difficult in the beginning to get things moving with your Virgo man? He was definitely mentally f-ing me. he said he wants to get married but im not what he needs. When I say hes amazing hes AMAZING. Im confused with him. Scorpio natives are not people who like to explore much and hence they mostly fall in love with people who are the same. Love compatibility between Scorpio woman and Virgo man. She always supports her Virgo man and gives her the best of her to flourish their relationship. The initial stages of the relationship between a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman require much tending. But most importantly, PRAY for him. While theyre not nearly as talkative as Virgos, Scorpios will find a kindred soul in this sign, as they both want to endlessly analyze and delve into lifes mysteries. I am a Scorpio woman who has been in a committed relationship with a Virgo man for 22 years, I was 24, he was 26 we both never wanted to get married so it worked out well for us, we also connected on every level over the years, one thing he didnt lack was confidence in bed, I was the shy and inexperienced one, although he was way more experienced than i were, he said before he met me he equated love making and sex as a purely physical need without emotional attachment, us Scorpio Women being the emotional being we are, was having none of that, so we both learned and experimented together, forming a natural connection that a lot of people till today 22 years later do not understand, dont get me wrong a Virgo man is very stubborn and set in his ways, so are Scorpio women,he analyzes and at times over analyze everything and I mean everything, Highly Intelligent, great communicator,brutally honest, judgemental, critical to not only me but to his parents and family members and holds himself and everyone he cares about to high standards, excellent work ethic, nagging, planning everything, hated surprises, he hated that I was spontaneous and did not understand how I did not plan anything, it used to drive me crazy, until I grew to truly understand him and brought him out of his shell, so hes able to express himself emotionally, they say Virgo men do not like PDA its true but when we are alone hes a man on fire, the same way they say a scorpio woman is misunderstood its the same with a virgo man, another thing I learned over the years was both of us need our own personal space on a daily so we decided on that, our bond or connection is extremely vast and continue to evolve on multiple levels, love, care, compassion, spiritually, sexually, emotionally, psychologically, chemically. we both know how to spit words that can literally rip your soul out of you. As long as their relationship is productive, such as accomplishing things or raising a family, they have a good foundation for their relationship. <3. Virgo is a clear communicator, while Scorpio is a bit more abstract. She is extremely protective of her man and stands tall beside him in all good and bad times to give him emotional support and valuable advice. When my emotions of not believing and afraid of being hurt flares up, I let him go, but he just lures me back by his sweetness and being brutally honest. The thing was I felt like he was waiting around for me. I tried to hold on, I tried to make it work, but its nearly impossible for a scorpio to forgive the betrayal of infidelity. She respects him, care for him but if does anything wrong to her then he should get ready to face a deadly revenge. The Positives. We have gone through & through. mi virgo man is such a unkind man! Usually when Im around guys, I have a weary feeling & am unsure if theyre for me, but for some reason when he held me in his arms & I felt safe. Maybe the Virgo man has overindulged in a vice and is feeling the need to get healthy and stone. Other than that, he is definately a keeper, he thought me about stability and practical decision-making, or else I would be basing all decisions on emotional judgement. . Trust me when it syas vir men are calming solution to the storms of a scopio woman. He was definitely well endowed but there wasnt really a physical connection. I dont always read astrology or believe in it as it is usually a generalization but this website has some real spot-ons! everyone is different but im a virgo man and this would work on me . I was married to a Virgo man for 17 years and I found the following to be the main problem in the relationship: A Virgo man lacks confidence. It was fun working with him but sometimes he was the bane of my existence whenever he stressed out. We have sex MAYBE once a week and as a Scorpio woman, that just isnt cutting it! These two can be extremely comfortable in each other's company, shutting out the rest of the world and enjoying each other for hours (or days) on endjust the two of them . Hes 2 years old. We had sex & it was amazing. In other words, a Scorpio woman is more sexually oriented, while a Virgo man leans more towards romance. If theres a sign capable of making scorpio second guess their strong intuition, its virgo. Small differences in style can get in the way, though. Both men are extremely passive. 8 Reasons Virgo Women Are The Best Women To Love . @PassionScorpio Samantha let me just tell you this HES GAYno straight guy would be like dont touch my hair.Hes most likely in the closet and is trying not to be gay. ^^. The match of Virgo and Scorpio is not typically a difficult one. Haha! I was starting to get discourage and just figured he wasnt in a place to start a relationship, but that was before I found out that he is a Virgo. I hope it helps xoxo, sorry to hear about your troubles with your man. We argued just about every day about anything. These two signs have the perfect combination of traits when it comes to building a long and lasting relationship. I wish you the best in life with your wonderful man! I am a beautiful Scorpio woman (inside & out) & I have a hella HOT & beautiful Virgo man! Since then, the only thing that was ever a problem was that, yes, his practicality and my emotions do tend to clash at times. I was with a virgo man for 10 years he had a lot of good qualities, extremely intelligent and always there when I needed him. He knows that his Scorpio woman has one up on him in the bedroom. Where a huge possibility for love relationship. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 9) Scorpio . Tbh it was weird but I liked it, it made me feel I was that bitch lmao.. Im really shy like when he looks at me I look down I never look at him idk why. The kiss, touch, sounds & pleasure screams LOVE! When with the woman in Scorpio, the Virgo man . He can effortlessly explore a situation and can be pretty critical regarding it, if needed. He also calms my fiery side down, as this is a must for me (not that I knew I even needed it!)! However, they believe trust is earned. We can fight like two people who hate each others guts but we make up holding each other tightly and apologizing as we are overcome by the enormous love washing down over us. Both . Here are some helpful tips that can help Virgo and Scorpio to have a healthy friendship: Give each other gifts. I hope all of you have it this good! Anyway, now she knows, and I better not ever see her fawning all over my man again or the stinger will come out! Hes younger than I am and I definitely had to learn patience with him. But its taught us to work together and for me to not get so worked up at every little thing while he opens up his emotions and feelings a little more for me. the next day i told my friend about him she had told me to not even consider him that he is a sleeze cocky and dirty kinda guy well thats a shame always the hot ones.. so thats about all and the end of him not even gonna give him a go he has a bad name (manwhore) so i just thought id put it out there dont be decieved with the looks of a virgo male~, Sorry typo I meant I totally enjoy being on cloud 9 with him =o], Im very much tanalized by a Virgo man, he is cute, smart,built like a bison and I think is very much worth the wait. I cant believe I found a guy like this. In work, this tandem has no equal. In order to make their love thrive, a Virgo and Scorpio must learn to accept their differences. For me, this Virgo is my 10/10. Its a bit complicated because hes my best friends cousin and he is about nine years older than I am. She told me as well that Hugh Grant was dating a Gemini for a long time and then they decided to break up because of his annoying accent. Her, consider yourself as the tips and fainthearted. Scorpio knows exactly what she wants in life and if its you, shell make sure youre in it one way or another! My ex boyfriend is an Aries, there was so much passion that when it runned out it was all over. I thought after 3 years he should just know how I feel about him. And me . This is a very interesting couple in the domain of sexual activity - one of them hiding their sexuality, and the other acting as sex itself. As i said, when his temper flares, it was like everyone walking on eggshell. I just recently met a Virgo male who was lurking for me a Scorpion female. Also, this matches no other sight on insight. As the goodie-two-shoes and the baddie of the zodiac, respectively, you may not think that a Virgo man and Scorpio woman or a Scorpio man and Virgo woman, or any other combination of the two, regardless of gender would get along. Both signs appreciate regular signs of affection from small acts of gifting. Making your Virgo man feel less than that will push him away. Well, you should make your virguy know that you wont leave him, just because he may look funny trying to please you. I do notice that hes always trying to make me notice him and is always staring at me he has tried showing me that Im the only one hes into we work togetherIm a Scorpio woman btw, Theres this Virgo man that I am in love with as well. Plus, a Scorpio woman will start to feel like she is high on her . He was always suspicious of me and any contact I would have with anyone. Generally, they must learn to share responsibilities when taking on a project or the Virgo man give the Scorpio woman the chance to lead. We have been through it. I would put so many articles to shame! A Cancer woman is one of the best matches for a Scorpio man. I pray fervently and keep God before my relationship. Maybe the bumps will smoothen along the coming years. When angry, he never becomes rash rather he keeps the feelings deep inside to hide them from people around him. Im a scoprio woman and Ive been married to a Virgo man for over 15 years. It's all about the trust for these two signs. I am amazing and there you have it! But don't be disappointed! Sun Virgo rising Scorpio but what is ur moon? Virgo man-Scorpio woman is the most intriguing couple of all zodiac signs. But we still are friends. If I asked him what we should do, he said I dont know. You havent been loved until you have been loved by a Scorpio woman. Even though he makes efforts to contact me and keep in touch with me recently, I am very skeptical about whether hes really in love with me, keeping me on the side for future purposes, or just not into me as more than a friend. No other women that he thinks is equivalent to him. I am a very spiritual woman. We have lots of really deep conversations. Scorpio. M 26 i. Check out some of our pics n say hello! Plus we are actually really different people in a lot of ways. All Scorps n Virgos are 100% true to their signs character so I bet we all have a lot in common!!! I am so confused, he is kinda feminine. And reading this is so true its kinda frighten, even though we just starting off its been intense since day 1. That enticed me! Now, we are both 22 & he contacted me through social media. Ha Ha!!! Scorpio loves listening to verbose Virgo, which makes Virgo feel appreciated and safe. hi im a regular middle school girl(scorpio btw)and i have a crush on a virgo ,but how do i tell if he likes me? For the sexual part, its true that Im experienced and rowdy and he isnt. We hung out & talked about old times & laughed & watched a movie. Much can be smoothed over with physical intimacy. The bedroom definitely lacks. And I want to hold onto him, for as long as I can. We are natural-born worriers, and are always stressed about perfection. Scorpio and Scorpio compatibility falls between 75% to 85%. When we love, WE LOVE. If they want to commit, they will. Scorpio are deep and reserved, and attentive to concealed emotions and desires. But what I can say is Not a lot going on in the sheets and surprisingly I am somewhat OK with this. IMPRESSIVE. Scorpio can find Virgo's relentless realism a bit much and Scorpio's emotional intensity can overwhelm Virgo at times. We cry. Even though it is a romantic bond, the best thing to do is separate and be together when they are grown and ready. The Virgo woman is not famous for her ardor in intimate life, she often does not pay tribute to her partner. My Virgo man is aware of all my traits and when my emotions do get out of control, neither of us feel the need to break it off. Even in love, they are very compatible and very loyal. From that first night, I never spent a night without him and pretty much moved in with him naturally. i am a scorpio woman who had just met a virgo male! How long was he with his ex-girlfriend, and do you know her sign? Whatever i said, he eventually listen and consider it and actually did it. A Virgo man is a very concrete person with sturdy brain and thorough information of all the aspects of life. Theres no doubt Im falling for him, and although he speaks his mind, he has not declared his love for me. To Mel Im with you. I think the astrological stereotypes are reversed a bit tho. He didnt pressure me, he made me feel very comfortable. I find it so hard to speak of how I feel however, he openly speaks of his devotion towards me, however as Scorpio are, I do not have trust or believe at what he tells me sometimes. Virgo men are very romantic. The Scorpio man and Virgo woman compatibility is filled with ethics, morals and virtues which is a sure-fire for a beautiful connection to take place. Im just kidding No really I have a damn good story to tell and I just found the perfect place to tell it to the world so I guess I will!! I must say, its so wonderful to read all the comments about Virgo man and Scorpio woman. I guess I started noticing things. True in term of partnership. Be yourself n let the mystery of Scorpion energy pulled him in. Try going here for a 100% free LOVE reading: There is an undeniable connection that we both have built from a foundation of friendship and obviously attraction. I was previously married to a gemini which was just a disaster lol I have only had 1 other partner, my first love (and I may argue only love of my life) who was a pisces. wait what? Shes still able to cast a spell over me, when she smiles and looks at me with the beautiest eyes I`ve ever seen. I AM compatible with my current Virgo which is normally compatible with Scorpio and not Sag. While they may have their challenges, these two signs can create a stable and loving partnership with open communication and understanding. WHY GOD!!! I had been working with a leo boss and yea, he is practical and everything. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2021 Ask Oracle. Now, we make LOVE! Always encourage him. We have grown together over the years & and I will love him until my last breath. We are still friends and have remained seperated. He is 27, so we are both tired of meaningless people in our lives, and wish for a long journey together despite the differences we sometimes face. But still he also has to put in effort not to lie. kisses, and tell them everday how beautiful they look.they also like a man who cooks for them even if u cant cook. She was all giggling and tossing her hair back and touching his arm. The Virgo man and Scorpio woman are considered to be soulmates by the zodiac, but there are many things that a Scorpio woman has to offer the Virgo man. Oh gosh, I can totally relate, my sex life with my virgo man is nothing to shout about. Good luck to you all. He breaks for any movie anytime even Tommy Boy for the 90th time at any given moment! Mainly because of his insecurity, he was really insecure. I think deep down he is a good man. Also, very possessive and koo-koo in relationships. most insecurities of the virgo male stem from over self analzying. I dont mean to complain but it drains me when I have to reassure him about my feelings. Obsessed with perfection, he will think there is always room for improvement. You will never learn him at the surface very similar to a scorpion woman. I still love him to death and am totally attracted to him, but he seems to have no emotions (which I didnt notice at first) and seems to have no attraction to me! December 5, 2022 328 Views. @ScorpioWoman1990 But Ive always emerged better. A Virgos extremely rational approach to all things can irk a Scorpio, who thrives on gut feelings. My mom knows everything. Than he told me later that he saw a picture of me on facebook and saw that i was going to that camp, and that he went to the camp just to meet me. . He would just lay there like a dead fish. Before he lost his job he worked for Brinks in Cash Logistics. Be wary of virgo not ready to commit or not serious about relationships, they are not above cheating. We could talk to each other for hours upon hours, really allow ourselves to open up and become vulnerable, which was so important seeing as were both very guarded people. So you know I had to inbox him and he wrote me back quickly thats one thing abt a Scorpio we LOVE consistency its a MUST. And the Scorpio woman will like this about him. Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, and the mutable earth sign is sextile, or two signs apart from Virgo, which can make for calm waters. But I just ride the wave cuz this man will watch every Housewives, Kardashians, Oprah, anything I am into, with me & when I ramble on & on about God only knows what? But with dedication and intensity, it might yield wanted outcomes. Virgo and Scorpio want safety and steadiness, and this mutual want forms a devoted friendship between them. However, with commitment and force, it could yield needed results. Sex was awkward at first, but now, his touch is so gentle, but his creativity in bed is amazing, the two combined are..nothing short of fulfilling. They say Virgo are slow and you got to be patient with them, they will need to test and analyse you to see if youre the one, but the longer he takes, the more impatient I get and I think of just letting go. I gain no pleasure although he really tries his best to satisfy me. Scorpio Men and Virgo Women Sharing A Few Laughs Together. WE WERE SO PASSIONATE IVE NEVER IN MY LIFE LOVED A GUY SO MUCH BEFORE. As much as I want to pursue a relationship with this Virgo man because this feeling I have has developed and he has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the only thing I think of before I go to sleep. Like he didnt tell me about all his siblings. I have a scorpio friend (male), and I liked him even before I realised he's a scorp! Dont waste your time. i did like him but deep down i knew we were not meant for each other. She is raw and untamed, whereas her man is patient and analytical. A Scorpio man and a Virgo woman combination is an excellent zodiac match. He is a Leo (narcissistic, immature, insecure, possessive which is a result of the insecurity, a liar, cheater (with my best friend at the time), and a complete loser. I absolutely love my Scorpio. I ended up having to dump him when I finally realized he just was not the one. I am subject to a powerful and loving creature who is able to wrap around and be there for my Virgo man as much as possible, regardless of the zodiac. Virgo Man And Scorpio Woman Love Chemistry. I am fantastically happy for you! The Scorpio compatibility with a Virgo would . But I love her and she loves me and Im glad I met her. The horoscope gives the Scorpio-Virgo bond a very good love compatibility. I really like my virgo, but will my jealous rampages work with him or anyone? So I could be looking for this information in any other sign website. Scorpio woman virgo man dating Like virgo scorpio woman in a huge possibility for demophon, mental and scorpio woman have good chances of the virgo partner. In 16 months my virgo bf has only worked 3 weeks, he has a tremendous fear of failure and Im scared that I dont motivate him or give him any confidence and I want him to feel good about himself. Its like a mystery that Virgo must solve, Scorpios find this to be a bit too practical. I am a Scorpio woman dating a Virgo man and our relationship is amazing. The two are both extremely intelligent and brutally honest. . Ive learned how to ignore him and with me doing that, it makes things a lot better. jealously is from insecurity, and unless your much more attractive then he is , you can boost his self confidence over time with those little gestures. i feel like i understand my womans emotions and why she feels that way so much clearer. One thing for sure is that Im very shy around people I really like and its like when I see him I cant control myself I be so jittery. I would say give it time and patience. It was tough getting him to commit due to all his insecurities and he is a constant worrier. On line right now. We fart. My current relationship is coming into 3 yrs next week. Of all the pairings in the zodiac, Virgo and Scorpio may just make one of the most unexpectedly compatible duos. He was fickle in his actions and it annoyed me, I was cryptic in my speech and it annoyed him. How very true. Although they are occasionally right ! Virgos need patience and to be met where they stand. An extent, scorpio's can definitely form a scorpio man and capricorn woman: both are greatly driven by the capricorn woman with articles, and. Im a Scorp women thru & thru. Table Of Contents. When I gave him the let down, he was surprisingly very content with it and was able to be friends with me. Its been mind games on both of our ends and a constant struggle to see who has the upper hand. Surprisingly my sister and I both seperated from our husbands in exactly the same year. You can trust virgo man blindly. Hed play guitar for me while I painted. By Valerie Richards. He is romantic compared to what they say! Even an unlikely outing or setting could spark a romantic mood. Scorpios find this to be a bit too practical and will wonder where the intensity and romance is. although it probably will help a virgo man more than any other sign. It's very likely they'll discover what. Virgo are plain and honest, and open up to others. I am constantly trying to build the confidence level. let me know if any of this helped girls. When we disagree, let no man, bird, beast or child step between us! A Scorpio man is recognised for his loyalty. I motivated him. Free to join to find a woman and meet a man online who is single and seek you. She should be more flexible so that the Scorpio man does not feel somewhat left out. I am a Scorpio woman. Whether it was love at first sight or friends first, they have the potential to stay together for a long time. Also, both men had issues with responsibility and being Alpha to our Alpha personalities. Best Scorpio Woman Leo Man Relationship Compatibility. Work on health, both emotional and physical and importantly do it together so neither of you feels left behind. there was no passion. Contrary to that, a Scorpio woman is emotional, cooperative, and generous. No matter the pair, everything must be give and take. He is usually success hungry, and takes short, calculated and precise steps to reach the desired destination. Virgos are efficient, reliable, good at communicating, and good at getting the job done. Finances. No other sign can dig up the emotions in Virgo better than Scorpio. Kristina Semos, astrologer and owner of AstroOils, Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Zendaya & Tom Holland's Astrological Compatibility Is Off The Charts, Selena Gomezs Zodiac Sign Makes Her A Feisty & Emotional Partner, The 'White Lotus' Character You Should Date, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. My instinct was telling me to be patient with him (its only been 3 weeksas I said, Im impatient and I want what I want, when I want it.) It was a coincidence( i thought). He is definitely the one. If the two don't reconcile this difference . Hes very quite and hes really to himself. He will also admire the fact that she is so . They tend to be judgmental, controlling about every aspect of their lives, and yet somehow there is no true passiontheyre all about having things THEIR way. He definately has many good traits that I can appreciate, especially after experiencing marriage with a gemini, but Im caught in the decision making of whether we should remain friends, or, do I work on this marriage in the hopes that he will stop lying to me? He didnt know himself too well since he had a suppressed upbringing and had issues being comfortable and confident with being himself. In addition, fire signs usually pair the best with air signs. No passion, no emotion. we are close friends now but i get stares out of no where from him and he is very quite, we were talking and.. heheld my hand but i think i made him nervous when i asked him what he was doing, as the days go by we get closer but i feel like he dosent feel the same way( for some apparent reason) i get scared that my shyness might get in the way of not making a move( asking him out) what shall i do!? But he has a girlfriend. Virgo is practical in nature and not one to waste money on foolish endeavors. The lack of trust and honesty with Leo drives me bonkers. I met a virgo male a year ago , i loved him off but our dating started out as a sexual relationship and it was amazing but then we had fights we overcame them but then he said im not what he needs , i m so broken hearted im a scorpio a very attractive petite girl , and hes the hottest virgo ive ever been with but he left me and i msged him so many times in a row asking why he left me what is the reason for him not wanting me ? he appears cold because he cant find any logic behind your emotions. He struggles to communicate with my emotional side a lot, but we are learning together. I cant help it! They also both benefit from spending a long time growing friendships and relationships. We connect on every level. I am often worried about pushing him if I ask. This can create problem in the relationship as he is very practical and does not like unnecessary display of emotions, good or bad. For one thing he lied about his job. Im a Virgo man and I feel unconditional love for a Scorpio woman, but I do not know if she feels the same, I still feel like shes hung up on her Scorpio ex boyfriend. They are great problem solvers. As friends, both are possessive and highly caring for each other. The Virgo man fears rejection, and this means that regardless of who ended the relationship if there is to be a second chance, it will be the woman who must face rejection. Just show him youre interested and hell respond after hes done analyzing the situation. He keeps telling me I am beautiful, and from what I have seen of him, my heart jump startsHasnt done THAT for quite some time now. I have been dating a Virgo man for 4.5 years (we both graduated college together) he is 24 and I am 23. Im also Scorpio rising and her moon is in Virgo, I think we could do some great things and we could learn a lot from each other but Im at the stage where I dont know whether to show her my true feelings or just continue to be there for her and not show everything. I need advice, I like him he seems perfect at times but there is no chemistry. I never felt protected. Both men have issues conveying who they really are almost as if they only let us see what they think we want to see. We cant get enough of each other no matter what. They cherish their friendship a lot. Constantly analyzing everything I say, always trying to read between the lines, I felt misunderstood. No porn no toys just real intense very raw natural hot hot sex! As for him cheating, not anymore. You should communicate the problem. But it takes a strong woman to be able to support her man. People make mistakes & I have made my share. Im not as compatible with Leo which is normally very compatible with Sag. They are open to listening and finding a solution. This helps a Scorpio woman find him attractive as it makes him chivalrous and supportive. Is the number one destination for online dating with more relationships than any other dating or personals site. be very honest with them bro. We still have moments where Im ready to take his head off & hes ready to wash his hands with me but we know each other.