A diet rich in antioxidants can help with chronic inflammation. Symptoms of a sinus infection may also include dental pain, bad breath, green or yellow mucus, and facial pain. A sinus infection can have a range of other symptoms as well, though they mostly involve the respiratory system. Sarah Ruff, MD is a family medicine physician at UNC Family Medicine at Southpoint. Another factor to look at is how long you've been sick. "Those individuals that are boosted, within five days, seven days of their onset of symptoms, their energy level comes back," he said. There are also other precautions that you should take not just to protect yourself from COVID but to help ensure that you do not spread the virus to other people. EatThis.com is part of the AllRecipes Food Group. Dr. Jorge Moreno said he's seen an influx of COVID-19 cases lately at his outpatient clinic in Connecticut. Runny noses have been more common with COVID infections with the newer strains. Some of the most common symptoms include a sinus headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, fatigue, and sneezing. As at earlier stages in the pandemic, many patients are still having some combination of fever, gastrointestinal problems, aches and pains, brain fog, weakness and, less often, trouble breathing, says Mount Sinai's Carr. So some of this lower risk could be because of vaccination, but the data altogether suggests that there is a reduced risk for hospitalization with the omicron variant compared with the delta variant. Continue taking allergy meds, if you did so previously. They need to sleep. Children's Health, Cold and Flu, Infectious Diseases. In its early days, the variant caused an alarming spike in COVID-19 cases in South Africathey went from 300 a day in mid-November 2021 to 3,000 a day at the end of that month. Most sinus infections are caused by viral infections, such as those that cause the common cold, including the rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A key difference between the common cold and COVID-19 is the incubation period (time of exposure to an infection and the appearance of the first symptoms). The most common risk factors for sinus infections include: While many sinus infections are complications of a common cold due to a virus, sometimes bacteria and fungi can cause a superimposed infection that is more difficult for the bodys immune system to fight off. The highly contagious variant continues to spread across the U.S. and many hospitals remain overcrowded with COVID patients. They can talk to you about your symptoms, screen you for COVID risk factors, perform diagnostic tests to determine what is making you sick, and make sure that you get the appropriate treatment. Whether your sinus infection turns out to be viral or bacterial, you can help to ease your symptoms early on with supportive sinus care: If your symptoms arent improving after one week, its important to see your doctor. Its thought that the initial site of COVID-19 entry for most patients is the nasal passages. You can expect to experience many colds throughout your life. Typically, the loss of sense of smell associated with a sinus infection is going to be accompanied by more significant symptoms such as facial pain/pressure. otolaryngology-assoc.com/our_services/allergies__sinusitis.aspx, newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/pay-close-attention-to-symptoms-to-determine-if-cause-is-sinus-infection-or-allergies/, health.clevelandclinic.org/cold-really-sinus-infection-tell/, acaai.org/allergies/types/sinus-infection, my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17701-sinusitis, Sinus Infection (Sinusitis): What It Is, Symptoms, and More, Nicole Leigh Aaronson, MD, MBA, CPE, FACS, FAAP. You risk possible side effects and increase your chances of developing antibiotic resistance, which can make future infections harder to treat, says Dr. Sindwani. Is your cold really a sinus infection? ", RELATED: The #1 Cause of Diabetes, Say Experts, Walker explains, "When news suggested that the Omicron variant was less severe than the Delta variant, people became increasingly lax about getting COVID. By clicking "Subscribe" you agree to our Terms of Use. COVID-19 quarantine and isolation. The omicron variant now represents nearly every Covid case sequenced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Culturing it in a laboratory will reveal which type of bacteria is causing the infection so the right antibiotic can be prescribed. Underlying allergy inflammation can lead to sinus infections. According to the CDC, the Omicron variant spreads more easily than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and the Delta variant. Omicron has displaced the once-dominant delta variant in a matter of. "It's not like a little tickle in the throat. Xu and her colleagues found that the risk of needing to go to the ER dropped from about 15% during the delta surge to 5% during the early omicron surge (about a 70% decrease) and the risk of being hospitalized dropped from 4% to 2% (or by 50%). Bishop S. (2013). Treating your allergy symptoms early on can also help prevent your allergies from getting out of control. 2. A runny nose and sneezing, congestion, and sore throat are a few symptoms that can pop up if you have . That's why, she says, everyone should be vaccinated and boosted. For example, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing are more likely with COVID-19, while facial pain is more specific to a sinus infection. People have reported symptoms that vary, but are similar to signs of a common cold or flu. Using a humidifier in your bedroom might help. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. You will be notified of your result, which will be either positive (you have COVID) or negative (you do not have COVID). So maybe it was just something non covid related Anyway she was exhausted and couldn't work. "The cough is milder [than previous variants], if there's any cough at all, and fever seems to be a little less common.". And fewer patients have symptoms related to lower respiratory problems, such as shortness of breath, says Vanchiere, including older patients. Leukotriene antagonist drugs may be prescribed, and surgery may be considered in cases of a deviated septum. ", "While omicron does appear to be less severe compared to delta, especially in those vaccinated, it does not mean it should be categorized as 'mild,' " said the World Health Organization's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on Thursday. The charts below show which Omicron symptoms are most common and how they compare to prior variants. Sniffles (Nasal Congestion and Discharge). Sinus infections can also cause loss of sense of taste or smell, higher fever, fatigue, and aches in the body. While in the past this has usually turned out to be a sinus infection, youre not so sure this time. Mark Gurarie is a freelance writer, editor, and adjunct lecturer of writing composition at George Washington University. However, these conditions arent the same thing. Another not-yet-peer-reviewed study, published on Wednesday, found that Omicron inherently reduced the risk of severe hospitalization or death from COVID-19 by 25% compared with Delta. OMICRON Original: Had much less loss of smell, but mostly sinus congestion symtpoms. COVID-19 symptoms tend to have more fatigue, cough, shortness of breath and may have gastrointestinal symptoms, too. Clinical practice guideline (update): adult sinusitis, Sinus infection (sinusitis): types, causes, symptoms & treatment, Infection by another virus, bacteria, or fungus, Allergy medications like the antihistamines, Getting plenty of rest and staying hydrated, Antibiotics (for bacterial sinus infection), such as Moxatag (amoxicillin) or Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanate potassium). However this leaves the susceptible person open to sinus infections and ear infections caused by bacteria that may last for several more weeks. In contrast, delta took about four days, and the original variant took more than five. Sore throats were often coupled with sinus congestion and headache, he added, followed by a cough a day or so later. For example, an omicron infection may lead to complications of an existing condition such as diabetes or heart failure. Paul Ellis/AFP via Getty Images Despite their overlap, there are some notable differences between sinus infections and COVID-19 as well. Whats the Difference Between Walking Pneumonia and Regular Pneumonia? How Stress Increases the Risk of Getting COVID, "Stress compromises the immune system, throwing off its ability to fight illness," Walker states. In addition, some symptoms of each are not present in the other. But as with any variant of SARS-CoV-2, your absolute risk depends on many factors, including whether you're vaccinated and boosted, your age, your overall health and your economic situation. For people who are at high risk for severe disease, such as older people or those with underlying health issues, the chance of being hospitalized is still quite significant. A viral sinus infection will usually begin to improve after five to seven days. A bacterial sinus infection will last seven to 10 days or longer and may get worse after a week. Colds are more common than sinus infections and symptoms tend to improve quicker. Get plenty of sleep and stay hydrated during cold and flu season. day, 2022 Galvanized Media. Get health and wellness tips and information from UNC Health experts once a month! Colds are usually transmitted via coughed or exhaled droplets or infected surfaces. But dont look for an antibiotic unless your illness extends beyond a week, he says. Allergies can develop at any point in your life. Several studies have found that the incubation period the time it takes to develop symptoms after being exposed is about three days. The symptoms of sinus infection tend to come on . These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of someone nearby or be inhaled. One of the key differences is the itchiness of your eyes and skin that can occur with allergies, as well as the thick, yellow or green . Discover risk factors such as sinus infections. It offers a comprehensive look at how COVID-19 symptoms have changed over the course of the pandemic most notably, with the advent of the Delta and Omicron variants. "A lot of this is probably magnifying these symptoms under a microscope instead of clear changes," he says. Read onand to ensure your health and the health of others, don't miss these Sure Signs You've Already Had COVID. Meanwhile, 44% of people in that group reported a persistent cough, and 29% reported a fever. As we enter the second winter season of the COVID-19 pandemic, it can still be confusing trying to tell the difference between winter allergies and COVID symptoms. Can you do anything to get your taste back after a sinus infection? For the common cold, the incubation period is relatively short, usually one to three days. Take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help relieve the swelling of your sinuses. The boosted people, in many cases it's almost like an old cold: the sinus symptoms, the sore throat.". Its also important to avoid being around people who are sick. He added, "It's not as bad as it was." Read our, Causes and Risk Factors of Sinus Infection, COVID-19 Treatments: What You Need to Know, Have Spring Allergies? Many people liken it to a bad cold or sinus infection. A lost of smell or taste is a pretty clear indication its COVID-19, for instance. Drink clear fluids, such as water and broth. This common infection requires antibiotics. Suffering from a sinus infection? The only way to know what you have for sure is to see a healthcare provider. The latest from Ohio State Health & Discovery delivered right to your inbox. And just like earlier variants, omicron can't be defined as causing only a narrow group of symptoms. The omicron variant of the coronavirus has surged in the U.K. and is now dominant in the U.S. as well. Sinusitis happens when your sinuses thenormally air-filledpockets in your face become inflamedand blocked. Vaccinated people, he continued, "don't have those respiratory symptoms as much.". Ohio State Health & Discovery brings this expertise together to deliver todays most important health news and the deeper story behind the most powerful topics that affect the health of people, animals, society and the world. All rights reserved. Typically, the loss of sense of smell associated with a sinus infection is going to be accompanied by more significant symptoms such as facial pain/pressure. Emily is a health communication consultant, writer, and editor at EVR Creative, specializing in public health research and health promotion. Long-term (chronic) or severe allergies benefit more from daily treatments, such as Zyrtec or Claritin. Your Face Mask Can Help, How To Protect Yourself From New COVID-19 Variants. Is There a Link Between a Low White Blood Cell Count and COVID-19? This itchiness is one of the key distinguishing factors between allergies and sinusitis. As a result, you should experience fewer symptoms. The treatments for each condition are also different, which is why its important to see a doctor and get an accurate diagnosis. The omicron subvariant of COVID-19, BA.5, became one of the dominant strains of the virus in the fall of 2022 in the U.S. At that time, it was the most easily spread strain to date and is able to evade immunity from COVID infection and vaccination. Clinical practice guideline (update): adult sinusitis. You might be able to get an over-the-counter test at your local pharmacy or have a test performed at a local health clinic or pharmacy that is sent off to a lab. ), "The risk is not zero," says Xu's colleague Davis, speaking of omicron. I have seen more patients with lingering sinusitis after Omicron COVID than prior variants. However, there are a few key differences. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e, RELATED: How to Reduce Inflammation in the Body Fast. How to protect yourself & others. And follow the public health fundamentals and help end this pandemic, no matter where you liveget vaccinated or boosted ASAP; if you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear an N95, , don't travel, social distance, avoid large crowds, don't go indoors with people you're not sheltering with (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene, a, nd to ensure your health don't miss these, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. If you have allergies, figuring out your triggers and trying to avoid them will help prevent a flare-up of symptoms that could lead to a sinus infection. A sinus infection occurs when viruses or bacteria cause inflammation and fluid buildup inside your sinuses. As with sinus infections, symptom management as your body develops immunity and fights off the infection is central to care. Some common sinus infection treatments include: According to the CDC, antibiotics are usually not needed for viral sinus infections. Sinusitis. Its also possible to have both conditions at the same time. Policy. An X-ray can be the first line of defense for a health care provider to show whats happening inside your body. Youll also want to wash your hair before bed after being outside and keep your windows closed when pollen counts are high. Also ask your doctor about recommendations for other medications you can take as preventive measures. The treatments for a sinus infection and COVID are very different. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { There's now data indicating just how severe its symptoms might be. Even your doctor cant tell if your infection is viral or bacterial based solely on symptoms or an exam.. Dust mite allergies can be alleviated with weekly house cleanings and bedding washes. "The most reported symptoms of Omicron are really very much like a cold, especially in people who've been vaccinated," Dr. Claire Steves, a scientist involved with the Zoe COVID Symptom Study, said in a recent video. Her symptoms were similar like a terrible sinus infection and congestion. In particular, Xu and her team observed a similar reduction in risk across all age groups, including children under age 5, who are not eligible for vaccination, and children ages 5 to 15, who may have been vaccinated but haven't been boosted. This can mean a cold or infection that's progressing. "I've seen a lot more people reporting fatigue as one of their main symptoms," he said. If you suspect you have any of the symptoms mentioned here, get tested ASAP. We avoid using tertiary references. When the nasal cavity gets inflamed, mucus builds up and gets stuck, further compounding the problem. Cases of sinus infection that last longer than 12 weeks are considered chronic. The following chart shows how Omicron symptoms compare to those of its predecessors, based on data collected by the Zoe app. How to Tell If Its Allergy or Infection. Severe allergies can lead to a cold-like condition called allergic rhinitis. Some symptoms are more common in one condition than the other. Additionally, some people who have COVID do not have any symptoms. Youre experiencing changes in vision or mental function. If they have mild to moderate illness and can stay home, but they have certain medical comorbidities, an antiviral treatment may be offered. An Ohio State dermatologist weighs in. ", Omicron is spreading at lightning speed. Subscribe. The variant looked wildly different from earlier versions of the coronavirus and it quickly became clear that these mutations gave omicron an uncanny ability to sidestep our vaccines and spread very rapidly. To help prevent sinus infections, COVID-19 and other respiratory infections, wear a mask in indoor public places and in a crowd whether youre indoors or outdoors. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. xhr.send(payload); Talk to your teens about their mental health. 960 Johnson Ferry Rd Along with nasal congestion and headache, sinusitis causes pain around your cheeks and eyes. A sinus infection often follows a viral infection, such as a cold or the flu. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Managing a sinus infection? Pay close attention to symptoms to determine if cause is sinus infection or allergies. Persisting sinus headache affecting the frontal and ethmoid sinus areas (regions between the eyes and up onto the forehead) is the most common symptom following bacterial-negative COVID sinusitis. What are the symptoms of the flu, COVID-19, and RSV? How can you tell if you have a sinus infection or COVID-19? If you get a COVID-19 test, remember to mask up and stay away from others until you get your test results. Symptoms of COVID-19. every day. As with previous variants, being vaccinated greatly protects you from severe disease with omicron. Aside from what causes them, this includes another battery of more unique symptoms. Taking the time to properly rest and recover will help ensure your illness doesn't progress into something worse. For instance, common allergy symptoms not associated with COVID-19 include itching and watery eyes. Typically, youll have facial pain/pressure, headaches, nasal drainage and congestion, decreased or loss of sense of smell, tooth pain and sore throat. Sinusitis vs. COVID-19. Is it a cold or sinus infection? Cleveland Clinic. At home this can be done by using a nasal saline solution or Neti pot. While the chances are much better that you wont need medical attention, you shouldnt hesitate seeking it out if or when you need it. Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing about health, fitness, entertainment and travel. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); (By contrast, with the original version of the virus, the rate was 1 in 10. For example, if you're over age 65, your risk of being hospitalized with COVID-19 is still 5% with the omicron variant, which means 1 in 20 people infected in this age group will end up in the hospital. The diagnosis cannot be made just by asking you about your symptoms or by doing an exam because the symptoms can also be caused by other conditions. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid per day. Almost as soon as Omicron started spreading, doctors noticed slight differences in their patients' symptoms relative to prior variants. While mild fever may accompany early onset of the cold and is common in children or infants with it, its not a typical feature of this illness in adults. Or is it? Click for More Info about Dr. Rogers and how we can help out! Ways that you can deal with a mild COVID infection at home include: If you are hospitalized with COVID, you might be given: There are certain things you can do to prevent sinus infections and protect yourself from the COVID-19 virus. Doctors treat viral and bacterial sinus infectionsverydifferently. Back in June, when the Delta variant was dominant in the UK, loss of smell was the sixth most common COVID-19 symptom among fully vaccinated people. The Anosmia/smell dysfunction returned and Im maybe even seeing this smell loss LAST LONGER than the original COVID variants. Learn about tips for relieving symptoms like inflammation, nasal congestion, and irritation. For milder cases and those within the first 10 days, over the counter medications and at-home treatments include: Decongestants are not recommended for adults or children with acute sinusitis and should not be used for more than three to five days in order to prevent rebound congestion. "You don't get off scot-free just because you happen to be infected in the time of omicron. Viruses lead to most sinus infections, but bacteria can. With allergic rhinitis, you can have the above symptoms as well as itchy eyes. If this persists, smell training therapy can help, though sometimes (rarely) this loss is permanent. "People that are unvaccinated go through a little bit of a longer and tougher course," Moreno said. Before Omicron, Moreno said, his COVID-19 patients used to feel sick for about 10 to 14 days. Sinus infection is a condition in which the cavities around the nasal passages become inflamed. "This is a pretty different surge," says Dr. Brendan Carr, chair of emergency medicine for the Mount Sinai Health System where the emergency rooms are busier than ever but many of the COVID-19 patients are not sick enough to be admitted. Also explore types, prevention, and more. Indeed, hospitalizations across the U.S. now stand at more than 126,000, and more than 1 in every 4 ICU beds is filled with a COVID-19 patient, according to the latest data from the Department of Health and Human Services. Instead, your doctor lookslargelyat symptom duration to determine the source of your infection. Research published in April 2022 in The Lancet also found that . Get the best food tips and diet advice You can support more innovations fueling advances across medicine, science, health and wellness by giving today. A sinus infection, sinusitis, occurs when your sinuses become inflamedand blocked. Sinusitis occurs when your nasal passages become inflamed. Get the best food tips and diet advice every single day, Now, you'll have the best and latest food and healthy eating news right in your inboxevery U.S. Food & Drug Administration. This is especially important as cases continue to rise. Doctors studying Omicron's spread around the world have found new clues to the pattern of symptoms caused by the highly-mutated COVID-19 variant, which a growing number of reports suggest might . Discover how doctors determine whether your sinus infection is viral or bacterial. Children's Wisconsin. With omicron, the symptoms also come on more quickly once you're infected. Some of the most common symptoms include a sinus headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, fatigue, and sneezing. Is that winter sniffle a cold or a sinus infection? doi:10.1177/0194599815572097. Whereas antibiotics will not work for viral cases, they may be prescribed in bacterial cases. "In this period, we still have delta circulating in the community. ; Duration: Whereas cold symptoms generally start to improve after . Whats the main difference between sinus infection and COVID-19? In adults and older children, RSV is typically a mild illness very similar to the common cold. Treatment depends on the cause but can include medications to decrease inflammation and treat the infection. For the most recent updates on COVID-19, visit ourcoronavirus news page. And after COVID being around for almost 2 years now, it's no surprise that people are starting to become less reactive to it. Get the best food tips and diet Still, these two conditions have different causes and symptoms. The loss of smell most commonly is resolved by 3 months, but about 20% of patients will have smell loss longer, and about 5% may have permanent loss of smell. The omicron variant of the coronavirus has surged in the U.K. and is now dominant in the U.S. as well. They can run tests to determine whether or not you have COVID, a sinus infection, or another condition. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You cant, on the other hand, fully prevent allergies. If youre not feeling well, talk to your doctor or find one near you. Three that have gained attention are nausea, night sweats and lower back pain. Thankfully, both of these conditions are treatable. Common colds. For example, if someone has a mild case, they can generally treat their symptoms at home. Is that winter sniffle a cold or a sinus infection? Scientists at Case Western Reserve University analyzed health records from more than a half-million people infected with SARS-CoV-2 across the country, including 14,000 people possibly infected with omicron from Dec. 15 to 24, after the variant became dominant. Do You Have Just a Sore Throat or Is It Strep? If you're sick, the following is recommended: Additionally, some medications can help, many of which are also used for sinus infections: Making sure your symptoms are more than a cold, and could be those of sinus infection, can be critical for managing the condition. While the data doesn't distinguish between vaccinated and unvaccinated people, 70% of the UK population has had at least two vaccine doses as of Thursday. Getting a flu shot will help protect you from the flu virus, which can cause inflammation in your sinuses and lead to a sinus infection. "Many people are still going to be admitted to the ICU, and some people are still going to need to have mechanical ventilation.". } else { If youre suffering from chronic sinusitis(nasal congestion, drainage, facial pain/pressure, and a decreased sense of smell lasting 12 weeks or longer)or you are getting frequent sinus infectionsyou should see your doctor, says Dr. Sindwani. You have a fever (over 100.4 degrees) that persists beyond a few days. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. Bacterial sinus infection secondary to COVID-19 may be a cause for lingering loss of smell. Whats the best way to remove skin tags, and why do they form in the first place? Now amidst the Omicron-wave of infections hitting vaccinated and unvaccinated alike, it is clear in our practice we are seeing a lot of exacerbations of sinus infections.