At an elevation of about 11,750 feet (3581 meters), give or take a foot or two or three depending on which source you consult, the summit is almost a mile and a half higher than the valley floor, and it has different weather than the valley. Other possibilities abound on this huge mountain and its area. The Roberts version of the story likely debuted at a traditional bonfire held at Aspen Grove the night before the Timp Hike, an annual pilgrimage to summit Mount Timpanogos in the early 1920s. Timpanogos Emergency Response Team shack about a hundred yards up from the Aspen Grove (Mount Timpanogos) trailhead. There are no toilet facilities past the trailheads. Take this seriouslyin the past quarter century, avalanches have joined falls as the most common causes of fatalities on Timp. The webmaster has a Timpanogos Emergency Response Team-specific map too, but it is cluttered with labels and probably not as useful as the one below. Perhaps one of the most mysterious cases in Utah history is that of Jean Baptiste. With 5,270 ft (1,610 m) of topographic prominence, Timpanogos is the 47th-most prominent mountain in the contiguous United States. It towers over the Provo, Orem, Pleasant Grove area and its a very dominant feature. We hauled out a trash bag full of garbage, including a zip lock bag full of human excrement that was left next to the trail and wrappers to food and snacks. White traces of early snow dust prominent sandstone and limestone rock layers on Mount Timpanogos and contrast with lower-elevation yellow-tinted aspen trees. You read that right, 100 times. Sadly, but utterly predictably, despite having promised to begin restoration in 2016, the Forest Service did nothing, and in 2022 the shelter largely collapsed. Winds increasing (moderate winds from the W on Fri night, gales from the SW by Sun morning). SAR staging at the Dry Canyon trailhead above Lindon in the spring, to rescue an avalanche victim. Washingtons Green Mountain Lookout in the Glacier Peaks Wilderness was preserved; our Timpanogos Shelter should be also. The higher you climb, the less gravity there is pulling on you, so that may be encouraging. Proceed until you come to a fee booth (pay the fee ) and look for parking just beyond in a lot at the left. Timpanogos Hike Overview. In the spring, Upper Killer Snow Hole forms at a spot most of the way up the switchbacks. From the summit of Mt. In 1997, a twenty six year old USU student from Logan died while skiing a snowfield on the Timpooneke trail, when he fell and then slid into a crevasse. Timpanogos experiences. This five plus miles is enough of a hike for some people, and the area around the Timpanogos Shelter at Emerald Lake is a popular resting spot where hikers contemplate the distance to the summit rising high overhead. -- Winter climbing requires a different level of experience and risk taking but the challenge is there and Timp is climbed in all seasons. 72 summit visits in one year? Paul Wake Free or royalty-free photos and images. Mt. I love this! In 1961, a forty five year old man died when a Cessna 172 from California, in which he was a passenger, crashed into trees on the mountain near the top of the Alpine Loop; the pilot, who had dropped through clouds and unexpectedly discovered he was quite close to the mountain, survived his many injuries despite being trapped in the wreckage for days in winter weather. The summit hut, in the off season. From the parking lot just past the fee station, the Aspen Grove (Mount Timpanogos) trail is toward the right side of the parking lot as you look uphill; the trail near the pit toilets is to Stewart Falls (Stewart Cascades). It also emphasizes the need to respect the mountain by having a low impact in the wilderness while visiting there. Lets recap this one more time: please dont litter, and please stay on the trail instead of cutting across switchbacks. It helps to have your 6 bucks ready to pay the fee. Mount Timpanogos Weather (Days 0-3): The weather forecast for Mount Timpanogos is: A light covering of new snow mostly falling on Tue morningTemperatures will be well below freezing (max -7C on Mon night, min -11C on Mon night)Winds decreasing (near gales from the W on Mon night, moderate winds from the W by Wed morning). Here are some interesting science facts. ECMWF, GFS, ICON, ACCESS-G, GEM, etc. If you look at the slopes of Timpanogos that faces Utah Valley then you can see the profile of the Indian Princess laying down. Named by the indigenous people to this area, Timpanogos roughly translates into "water on rock". The mountain towers about 7,000 feet over Utah Valley, including the cities of Lehi, Provo, Orem, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Lindon and others. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. There is a lot of interesting historical information in the book, in addition to suggestions for many lesser known hiking routes (some of which are quite dangerous). Hiking or climbing in a mountain environment has many risks. : ) On my last trip up the Timpooneke trail, I saw three deer and about a dozen mountain goat and too many pikas to count. : Subscribe to Krystal Kyle & Friends On Substack! Just treat the mountain well. In 1996, a nineteen year old killed himself near the base of Big Baldy. This trailheads parking lot can fill up quickly on Saturdays and holidays during the summer, with hundreds of people heading for the summit, and as many setting out for Stewart Falls (Stewart Cascades). Get Started The mountain towers about 7,000 ft (2,100 m) over Utah Valley, including the cities of Lehi, Provo, Orem, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Lindon and others. Eugene Timpanogos Roberts began the annual Timp Hike. In past decades, most of the falls and ledges had now largely forgotten names. Timpanogos Massif. You can read more information about hikes and tours on the Mt Timpanogos website. If you are physically, mentally, and materially prepared, it is a magnificent hike. My list of 14 Utah Winter Date Night Ideas got such a great response, I decided to follow it up with a list of 14 Utah. A few are: Provo peak, Spanish Fork peak, Loafer Mtn, West Mtn, Lake Mtn, Boulter Peak, and a few others. What sets "Timp" apart is its location. Hannah Scott Lone Peak High School Robin . Not many people do that! Wikipedia has an entry on Mount Timpanogos. Her beautiful flowing hair grew longer and longer, and the longer it grew, the more she reminded her father of his beloved wife. I won't try and explain the concept of Prominence but it is worthy to note that Mt. The summit is a small point in the long ridge about midway on the mountain. Its dangerous once youre out of the woods. Just do your best to follow the original trail, skipping shortcuts as much as possible. Jan 20, 2021, 11:55 PM BY MORGAN WOLFE, KSL TV PROVO, Utah - Utah County search and rescue crews have made two separate rescues on Mount Timpanogos in less than a week, and one hiker is warning others after he was taken to an area hospital for hypothermia and frostbite on his hands. The search was to resume this morning, according Gilbert, who added, "We're holding high hopes at this time. Dont turn more of the mountain into that kind of mess! ft, an office, a bunk room . Also, if you want to cook something youll find that just as water boils at a lower temperature at the valley floor than at sea level (about 204 F instead of 212 F), at the summit it boils at an even lower temperature: about 191 F. From the Provo Canyon side, after turning up the Alpine Loop and traveling for about five miles while passing Sundance and Aspen Grove, you will reach a U.S. Forest Service fee station, and just beyond that is the Theater in the Pines area, which is where youll find the trailhead for the Aspen Grove trail (also called the Mount Timpanogos trail). I have many pictures to post. The trail Mr. Alder liked goes on straight at that part. Since there are now several peaks here from the Timp massif, I was wondering if you had considered attaching them as children here. Another book mentioned above is "High in Utah", about the county highpoints and a mention of Mt. Kudos to all of them. Out of the shadows appeared a handsome young man named Timpanac. If you were southwest of Timpanogos in Utah Valley and looked northeast to Timpanogos you will be able to see the profile of the Chief's face. -- This is also where Lower Killer Snow Hole forms in the spring and early summer. Legend has it, that if you look close enough at Mount Timpanogos, you will see the silhouette of the beautiful princess: laying on her back, her flowing her cascading behind her, and her knees bent upward. For example, theAconcagua mountain page has the 'Aconcagua Group' and the 'Seven Summits' asparents and is a parent itself to many routes, photos, and Trip Reports. But then in late 2019 he released a second edition, which is listed below. They are pretty accustomed to humans, but can be VERY aggressive. It fills up fast on the weekends, however. The story of a native maiden climbing to the top and laying down to die is a fictional creation that was written in the early 1900's by BYU . Timpanogos can be seen here, When you consider what a huge mountain overall that Mt. I've also seen the cross country teams from local highschools run to the summit and back. In the wintertime the Alpine Loop is closed between Aspen Grove on the Provo Canyon side, and a short way above the Tibble Fork (North Fork) turnoff on the American Fork Canyon side, at Pine Hollow. Rainier and Mt. Multiple uninterrupted summit records include that of Lowry, who has run to the summit and back twice in succession in 6:45 via the Timpooneke trail, and the endurance record of David Crockett of Saratoga Springs, Utah. Up at the summit, its already winter. This is the second highest mountain in the Wasatch range, behind Mount Nebo. In 2010, a fifty eight year old Timpanogos Cave National Monument employee died while doing maintenance on the paved trail to the cave, when he accidentally drove a motorized trail bike off the side of the trail and fell hundreds of feet. With 5,270 feet of topographic prominence, Timpanogos is the 47th-most prominent mountain in the contiguous United States. Early Timp Hikes went up the glacier, sometimes with a fixed rope for aid. Dont do anything else that could be on this list of obvious no nos, like rolling rocks or letting your dog chase baby mountain goats. Driving a motorhome or towing a trailer is discouraged on the Alpine Highway - it is a steep and narrow road, with many tight corners and blind curves. Don't climb near the falls, fatalities have occurred here in the past. Remember that there is more to do on the mountain than just climbing to the summit. The wildflowers in the upper basins, particularly the Timpanogos Basin, are incredible. While hiking, dont run up on a horse from behind, and if a horse approaches on the trail you should step off the trailideally to the downhill sideand quietly talk to the rider so the horse will know youre there and are human. In 1972, a sixteen year old girl and a seventeen year old girl, both from Utah County, were raped and murdered at the Aspen Grove trailhead by someone who had recently been released from a mental hospital. Mount Timpanogos, Wasatch Range, Utah County, Utah Photographer: Jason Berry. I believe it after seeing him run. In 2020, a fifty seven year man from Highland, who was hiking as a Timpanogos Cave National Monument trail volunteer, died of a heart attack near the cave. If you fail to adapt to conditions, ye need not abandon all hope. Timp is late spring through late fall. Sign the register, and chat about trail conditions and summit weather. Kleenex, a litter bag, and possibly bug spray might be handy; think through what else you might need., I went back up later and figured it out. There is also a campground nearby. Timp in autumn, at Aspen Grove. Here are a few different versions of the same legend: In Tooele County, there is a mountain with a mysterious 13 carved into it. The landmarks life history beings with the ghost of a lake.), and a coffee table book of Willie Holdman photography. Timpanogos as well. Anna Gaskin Timpanogos High School In the Beginning, She was Lonely . Gilbert described Frederick and the other man as fairly competent backcountry adventurers, but noted they did not carry avalanche beacons on this trip. Check the table of contents and note the section that is in bold print. On February 18 This is a view of Mount Timpanogos in northern Utah as viewed from the edge of Deer Creek Reservoir. Low-lying clouds and snow prevented the search and rescue team from reaching the site, Gilbert said. Mount Timpanogos, often referred to as Timp, is the second-highest mountain in Utah 's Wasatch Range. Hike your way past stunning vistas to explore a hidden underground world. Mountain fuel. Timpanogos and although they are totally different, they both have that magic quality that makes you say to yourself, "I want to stand on top of that" . Even though this occurred two years ago, this story should serve as a reminder that this big beautiful mountain has a very dark side in winter. Read the neat article HEREI hope the link will remain working for awhile since it is a very nice article about Ben and his dedication to hiking to the summit on a regular basis. It was especially popular when there were toilets here, but the Forest Service no longer maintains toilets in the wilderness area. If youre cross-country skiing or snowshoeing westward from the trailhead then youll want to go a ways toward First Falls to get away from the snow machines on the road, but do not go too far unless you know what you are doing. The Forest Service also prohibits campfires within the wilderness, so backpackers need to take stoves instead of building fire pits and tearing down trees. If you run into stinging nettle, or lightning, or an ornery moose or stubborn mountain goat, or rockfall, work out how to deal with it. Many people say it something like Timp-a-nookie, but that doesnt seem like how its spelled, as the Tim-poo-knee-key adherents will tell you either politely or with some exasperation. Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple seen from the North East. As of late 2017, the number is now over 955 and climbing. Snowshoes. Timpanogos is a huge mountain, extending almost seven miles in a north to south direction with many of its peaks reaching over the 11000 foot mark. Her knees were up, and her arms were out to her side. The early Timp Hikes required getting up to Stewarts Flat (now Sundance) on a Friday and camping, then following sheep trails and bushwhacking the next day up to the summit, then going back to the valley on the third day. In days of yore the local community rallied to build the shelter, but more recently the U.S. Forest Service failed to maintain the historic shelter despite promising to do so, and when the shelter largely collapsed in the 2022 the Forest Service refused to restore it. 295 S 1500 E SLC UT 84112-0860 . It was not visible, nor haunted; now it is both. When engaging in wholesome recreational activities near the rivers be mindful of the drowning danger, especially during spring runoff. Make the right move by choosing this substantial 5-acre vacant land in Amargosa Valley, situated between the booming cities of Las Vegas and Death Valley Junction in California! View Mt. Theres a reason one of the winter mountaineering routes to the summit is called Everest Ridge.. As the month progressed, more items were found. This web page suggests that people heading up Timp should first think about how to do so safely. Remember to take a jacket, even in summertime, because the caves are a little bit chilly. There are 2 main trails that lead to the summit, joining at a gap not far from the main summit. In Timpanogos Basin, a short way past the old toilet trail, the Timpooneke trail will split, with the left trail going to Emerald Lake and the right trail climbing to a junction with the Aspen Grove (Mount Timpanogos) shortcut from Emerald Lake, just below the saddle. (The peak in the center left is not the summit, its Roberts Horn.). Skinning up Timpanogos is fun, but no other mountain in Utah has buried recreationalists so deeply for so many months. For example, hiking into an electrical storm or during an electrical storm is reckless and dangerous. You are responsible for your own safety while on Timp, but TERT does try to be available to give free help when the mountain gets its heaviest use, and that can cut hours off the time it would otherwise take to get assistance. As an HCA Healthcare hospital and a Top 100 performing hospital in the nation, we offer the latest advances in life-saving technology with the compassion and personalized care of a community hospital. Moderate 4.6 (336) Mount Timpanogos Wilderness. With close proximity to Salt Lake City, beautiful wildflowers, wildlife sightings, and incredible views, it's no wonder this is a well-traveled trail. The beautiful Mount Timpanogos looms 11,749 feet over Utah Valley, inviting the most adventurous people to see the views from the summit. The annual Timp Hike grew to have a prehike bonfire and program. Make good use of your light. Timpanogos wildflower show - late July, Hiking, Mountaineering, Scrambling, Skiing. He now has over 835 summits of the mountain and will keep pushing that record higher and higher. The vast circues and basins were carved and gouged into this mountain by much more extensive glaciation as recently as 12000+ years ago. what is adlerian therapy used to treat; Home. For those continuing to the summit, the trail veers to the northwest and crosses a low ridge into Timpanogos Basin. The Daily Herald recently had this superb story about him. Thanks. At the Timpanogos summit youll weigh less than you did in the valley, albeit just a tiny fraction of 1% less. Timp poses a good challenge. Mount Timpanogos is Utah's second-highest mountain at 11, 752 meters tall. Nestled in the beauty of Provo Canyon, Mt. Behaving foolishly in the wilderness is not a good idea; there is no safety net in the backcountry. The meadow at the Aspen Grove (Mount Timpanogos) trailhead. But wait, there's more: Ben summitted 100 times in 2015. We have all heard the timeless love story of Romeo and Juliet, but did you know that Utah has its own tragic Romeo and Juliet love story? Found Deceased UT - Jacob Routt, 36, hiker, Mount Timpanogos, 16 Sept 2018 JerseyGirl Oct 1, 2018 New Posts ID - 4 University of Idaho Students Murdered - Moscow # 35 Latest: SUNchips A moment ago Crimes in the News UK - Terri Harris 35, Lacey Bennett 11, John Paul Bennett 13, Connie Gent 11, Killamarsh 18 Sep 2021 Latest: Legally Bland It is about 1.9 miles to the falls and has about 330 feet of elevation gain going to the falls and 450 feet of gain coming back so expect close to 800 feet round trip with 3.8 miles of effort. Vanman's pic at the summit in late October, Fred Beckey's Great Peaks of the Continent, Routes If youre curious about what kind of night of fun motivated the creation of this web page, watch this short video: Lots of people get themselves into minor trouble on Mount Timpanogos, but most of them limp out and their stories arent told publicly. From the summertime, here's a neat Trip Report posted elsewhere on a recent hike to the summit of North Timp. Please read what is found on this page, it is very sobering and towards the end, it offers a list of those who have died on Mt. Frederick's sister, Tamara Love, said she was told her brother got caught in some trees and was able to stop himself in the slide.Gilbert said Frederick searched the area but could not find his friend, who Love said was a man named Marshal. (82), Additions & Corrections Dork. Mount Timpanogos-South Peak 11722 422 Hiking info for North to South Mount Timpanogos Traverse and Emerald Lake Loop, located in Uinta National Forest, Utah. The book recounts deaths by suicide, freezing, avalanche . Anyway, it might be nice to have all the peaks grouped, though making a separate page to do it might not be necessary. It does not appear to have occurred to the Forest Service that concentrating impact at a couple of well made toilets might be better for the mountain than the current situation. The Timpanogos Emergency Response Team sometimes provides weather and trail condition updates directly from the mountain. SAR does have a bad habit of clogging trailheads and keeping them clogged. In 2012, a twenty two year old BYU student from Nevada died when he fell while climbing rock, without gear, at Stewart Falls (Stewart Cascades) while on a church outing. Get to know this 7.0-mile out-and-back trail near Provo, Utah. Snow obliterates the trail for a good part of the year and there are places where ice axe and crampons would be needed. Far too many people go up the mountain utterly oblivious to the danger they are getting themselves into. Standing at 11,750 ft in elevation, the second highest mountain in Utah's Wasatch Range has long beckoned area residents to explain their relationship with the majestic peak. An alternate version of the legend is that she was being sent up the mountain as a sacrifice, and was rescued by someone she thought was a god, but when he was later injured and she realized he was human, she completed her sacrifice by throwing herself off the mountain. Timpanogos by Michael Kelsey and the book called High in Utah " by Michael Weibel and Dan Miller. In 2016 the Forest Service did put in some small signs to point this out (after putting up a large sign on the importance of paying your fee). TERT shack near the Timpooneke trailhead. There have been no avalanche deaths this year in Utah. In 1978, a thirty six year old man from Idaho, returning from a trip to Colorado, flew a Cessna 172 into the cliffs above Emerald Lake, in zero visibility weather, killing him. Part of the mountainside near Stewart Falls (Stewart Cascades) has been entirely denuded of vegetation, as has part of the area just below Emerald Lake, and those places are now nothing but eroding dirt slopes. CALL OR TEXT US NOW FOR AVAILABILITY AT 310-853-1455! If Fortunes wheel does not keep things small, and you are too injured to walk out, the Utah County Sheriff Search and Rescue team can hike up Timp and evacuate you. Contact Us . A Handful of SAR Links Not Related to Timp, If there is any snow on the west side of the mountain, it is too early for most people to hike the summit trails, Timp is a long, steep, and in places a rugged hike, not an easy walk up, You need to be in good shape, and you need good footwear, lots of water, sun protection, food, extra clothing for bad weather, a first aid kit with material for blisters and falls and sprains, reliable illumination in case you dont get down before dark, and a map, Drive to the mountain early, before parking fills up, and bring your entrance fee, Fourteen to fifteen miles on this mountain will take most people all day, The weather on top is colder than in the valley, and afternoon thunderstorms are common along the trails, Sliding down the glacier is a frequent cause of injuries, and it isnt fun to hike out when injured, You do not have to reach the summit to enjoy the mountain, Always practice Leave No Trace ethics while on the mountainpack out your trash, stay on the trail instead of cutting across switchbacks, and dont start campfires in the wilderness area, Here is the most important tip: _______________ (you have to figure this one out for yourself by thinking about how to prepare for and adapt to current conditions). There used to be a toilet in an outhouse off to the side of the Timpooneke trail by where the trail crests into the Timpanogos Basin, complete with a trail sign showing the side path, but the outhouse is completely dilapidated and the toilet is full and foul; ignore the sign and the trail guides that tell you its still an option. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.