With a population of about 19 million people, Mali is the eighth-biggest country in Africa. As of 2020, it had the ninth-highest number of deaths caused by air pollution. Source: Our World in Data, 22. Then why not get a job there. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods also pose significant risks. Across the country, aid workers mostly national humanitarian workers are affected by the impact of armed violence, bureaucratic impediments, and targeted violence. South Sudan continues to be the most violent context for aid workers, followed by Afghanistan and Syria. Climate change and conflict are becoming increasingly common bedfellows, and South Sudan is a case study for this relationship. Recently, President Salva Kiir commissioned more than 300 cadets into the National Police Service. Due to years of civil war, many civilians have access to a bunch of weapons in the country. According to the US State Department, western tourists should avoid travel to Mali because of armed robbery, kidnapping, and violent crime. Juba is the capital of South Sudan, and a dangerous city in the world, due to ongoing armed conflict and violence there. OK, you told your security officer about your travel plans and got your briefing. One of the newest countries in Africa, South Sudan is a dangerous place for tourists. The split followed a 2005 peace agreement, which ended Africas longest-running civil war the Second Sudanese Civil War. Travelers can visit the world-famous Central Kalahari Game Reserve and see wild dogs, giraffes, cheetahs, and other animals. One program respondent summarized it in our 2017 survey: If there is no support for the South Sudanese, there will be a country without a population., If there is no support for the South Sudanese, there will be a country without a population. Concern Program Survey Respondent. No, you want to see the worldall of it, good and bad. South Sudan has one of the worlds lowest life expectancies. Despite peace agreements, there is little faith in a political settlement being achieved at a national level. List of cities in South Sudan Cities of South Sudan Juba, capital of South Sudan Politics of South Sudan Constitution Executive Legislature Judiciary Administrative divisions Elections Foreign relations Related topics Other countries v t e The population estimates for cities in South Sudan are for 2010, except where otherwise indicated. The general food distribution occurs every two weeks, running from April to August. Some more exciting than others. Eye Radio is a product of Eye Media Limited. Somalia was not always a dangerous place. The biggest nation of sub-Saharan Africa, DRC is the 16th highest populated country in the world with 86 million people. As the State Department advises: Have evacuation plans that do not rely on U.S. government assistance. Its not that they dont want to help, exactly, its just that we have almost no presence outside of the city of Khartoum, and even there, we arent exactly favorites of the Sudanese. These questions revolve around confidence in local police, safety at night, cases of theft, robbery and assault. 34.47. In the same way, it takes an array of partners to support crisis-affected people, stated Sara Beysolow Nyanti. Know Before You Go Copyright 2023. The crime rate is also high, with an increased risk of robbery, kidnapping, and carjacking. Other attractions in Botswana include the Tsodilo World-Heritage site, Chobe National Park, and Moremi Game Reserve. Unfortunately, in the last 10 years, the country has experienced ethnic violence and civil war. However, gender equality and protection concerns remain critical issues. Natural disasters such as droughts and sandstorms also exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. It takes a village to raise a child. In 2011 Sudan, split into two countries and South Sudan became the worlds newest internationally recognized country. Source: Britannica, 8. ), funeral wishes, etc., Just as with Sudan, travelers are advised to sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers.. The Most Dangerous Animals in South Sudan Today. On the eve of World Humanitarian Day, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan, called on Thursday for joint action to address the aid crisis in the country and end attacks against civilians and humanitarian workers. We recommend checking the latest travel advisories and consulting with local experts before making travel plans. Currently (as of April 2021), the U.S. Department of State has "Level 4: Do Not Travel" warnings for South Sudan, Burundi, Somalia, Libya, Mali, and the Central African Republic. Prevailing cultural norms, especially in rural areas, leave women excluded from all areas of political activity and decision-making. The agreement also pushed to open corridors for humanitarian aid access. The Mahdists . Acting on the crisis in South Sudan will be a clear test of that legacy. Stay safe, and enjoy your travels! Today, Somalia faces ongoing armed conflicts, humanitarian crises, and a lack of state protection according to the 2020s World Report. There is also the Okavango Delta where you will find a bunch of big cats. If things go bad for you in Sudan (and let's face it, you're in Sudanthey will probably go bad for you), you'd better have a Plan B, and it it had better be a good one. I'm in South Sudan in Africa. Is India A Good Travel Destination? Several factors come into play when it comes to the most dangerous countries in the world. Thats a problem you wont find at Mount Rushmore I assure you. However, if you are entering the nation from yellow fever endemic countries, you are required to get vaccinated. Second, treat all guns as though they are loaded. The 30 most dangerous cities in the world Show all 30 Venezuela, Haiti, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Niger, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia,. 7 Reasons We Say Yes! Our ability to provide assistance outside Juba is severely limited. And right away, before even visiting, the State Department advises you to Make contingency plans to leave. So, unrest? Check out our guide to the most dangerous places in Mexico. These five nations also have weak governments and poor security forces, making them unable to protect citizens from harms way. It is also worth mentioning that this African nation is the 3rd greatest gold producer on the continent. It lists three other South African cities, Pietermaritzburg, Durban and Johannesburg, as being among the 10-most dangerous ones in the world. 15. All rights reserved. In addition to the beaches, the country also offers a range of other attractions. South Sudan was once part of Africas largest (Sudan) and the worlds 10th largest country. I would like to highlight and honour the humanitarians, especially women, who work tirelessly on the frontlines in most difficult environment, trying to reach thousands of crisis-affected people, said Ms. Nyanti. A Complete Guide To The Philippine Island, The 5 Cheapest Countries To Visit From India In 2022. Natural disasters such as floods and landslides also exacerbate the humanitarian crisis. According to the Global Peace Index, the most dangerous countries in Africa in 2020 are South Sudan, Somalia, and the Central African Republic. And if you love it there, I have great news: you can probably get jobs at most of them! The White Nile, one of the two main tributaries of the Nile, runs through South Sudans capital city. Check. The index was compiled by Numbeo, "a crowd-sourced global database of reported . In 2022, the world's youngest country will enter its tenth year of protracted conflict. However, some countries in Africa are legitimately unsafe for tourists. Well, not without handcuffing you first. Since the conflict began in December 2013, 85 aid workers have been killed. Now it ranks as Africas 19th and the worlds 41st largest country. Source: World Bank, 3. If you wish to travel solo to these places, you should think twice before purchasing airline tickets. The city has been a flashpoint in the civil war, with government and opposition forces still fighting for control over the area. This affected eight of the countrys ten states, and over 800,000 people as of November, 2021, are still dealing with the fallout of a crisis that was largely absent from international news coverage. Believe it or not, the situation is even worse. 2023 ClearanceJobs - All rights reserved. It is also known that armed groups who control some parts of the country target civilians for kidnapping. This war-torn country has been in conflict and violence since 2011, with frequent bombings, shootings, and chemical attacks targeting civilians and foreign visitors. South Sudan is one of the worst countries to be a woman, 5. Things like aggravated assaults, robberies, and murder are quite common. This African country has been plagued by a civil war since 2012, with ongoing violence and human rights abuses targeting civilians and foreign visitors. She divorced her husband because he was abusive and moved home. Lifesaving emergency nutrition and health services provided to acutely malnourished children and women, reaching over 142,000 people via 78 nutrition centers. The page divides every country in the world into one of four levels: As a clearance holder, you, need to consider what it will look like if you make that sudden trip to Moscow (listed as Do Not Travel for reasons that must surely be obvious) without telling your security officer. Some 36 percent of them involved violence against . With vast natural resources (raw minerals), the Democratic Republic of Congo is actually a rich country. From 1899 to 1955, South Sudan was part of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and under joint British-Egyptian rule. Source: BBC News, 6. Situated in the Indian Ocean, this gorgeous island nation is well-known for its picturesque beaches with turquoise waters, reefs, and lagoons. Inspired by a recent Reddit thread, I decided to take a look at some of the more interesting places in the world to travel. it's just that we have almost no presence . What South Sudan's increasingly fragmented war means for aid delivery, Q&A: ICRC's South Sudan director on how to deliver aid amid the protracted violent conflict, Attacks on aid workers, health facilities leave millions in South Sudan without care, report finds. The cycle of hunger runs from one generation to the next. The Lantoto National Park covers nearly 300 square miles of forests and glades near the southern city of Yambio. Her and her family eat the same thing twice a day, but there can also be long periods of time without food. The Human Development Index also shows that the CAR is the least healthy nation in the world. Mali was a relatively safe destination to visit until 2012 when rebels seized control of northern territory. Here is what the State Department has to say about traveling to Somalia: Dont. David Brown is a regular contributor to ClearanceJobs. 36.00. If things go bad for you in Sudan (and lets face it, youre in Sudanthey will probably go bad for you), youd better have a Plan B, and it it had better be a good one. I mean, sure the Matterhorn is nice, but they have that at Disneyland. The crime rate is high, with an increased risk of kidnapping and robbery. This led to yet another conflict that has displaced at least another four million people. Source: BBC News, 11. Planning a trip to Africa? Establish your own personal security plan in coordination with your employer or host organization, or consider consulting with a professional security organization., Even if you do that, yeah, the State Department is basically guaranteeing that you will get kidnapped, advising you to establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax).. The complex balance between conflict and climate has left South Sudan consistently ranking among the worlds hungriest countries as well as one of its largest refugee crises. Or worse, did you let slip that you know the launch codes? Juba, South Sudan is the most dangerous city in the world and it ranks on number 3rd among the 25 most dangerous cities in the world list. The references from which the estimated populations are sourced are listed in each article for the cities where the population estimates are given. South Sudan is alandlockedcountry in Africa. Landmines! In fact, you should probably report every single interaction you have with foreigners (including friends and family). Water, sanitation, and hygiene programs reached over 150,000 people in Unity State and Northern Bahr el Ghazal, including 34,000 people living in Bentiu displacement camp. We are optimistic that these peace deals will be implemented and that this will bring positive outcomes for the safety of humanitarians.. Spartanburg, South Carolina Image Credit: Kevin Ruck, Shutterstock. The conflict lasted 22 years from 1983 to 2005, killed at least 1.5 million and displaced over four million people. South Sudan, also called Southern Sudan, country located in northeastern Africa. The report accompanying the index says several companies operating in and sourcing from these countries have faced severe disruption as a result of civil unrest, including strikes, while the economic impacts have also been significant. And you can get their watches, cheese, and army knives just about anywhere. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_in_South_Sudan&oldid=1139466193, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from January 2023, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 08:10. They probably wont need protocol for long, which is why you should Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them. That is, to identify your remains. The GPI rank is based on everything from crime statistics to the political and governmental situation in these African countries. In 2020 alone, almost 1,500 violent crimes were reported in the metro area. Read, watch, and listen to reportage on South Sudan. David Brown / Mar 2, . For communities already stretched thin on resources and with little to fall back on, these interruptions can have a severe impact. The population estimates for cities in South Sudan are for 2010, except where otherwise indicated. Source: BBC News, 9. North Korea: Not even once. The crime rate is also high, with widespread drug trafficking and organized crime. So much that no one even knows the name of the country for sure. In the meantime, without any other solution, this crisis will continue to absorb significant resources and delay a transition from emergency relief to recovery. Roughly one-third of attacks occurred in South Sudan. Official name: Republic of South SudanCapital city: JubaPopulation: 10,561,244Area: 644,329 sq kmMajor languages: English, ArabicTime zone: UTC+3 (East Africa Time) Source: CIA World Fact Book, 1. It is great to see that granting humanitarians safe access for aid delivery is seen as a priority, Zawar said. The worst areas for these problems are the central and northern parts of Mali. We should mention that nearly 40% of the nations territory is taken by wildlife areas and nature parks. But it soon descended into civil war in . Even one attack is too many. Source: The Guardian, 14. The Boma National Park is one of Africas largest reserves and home to one of the continents largest wildlife migrations with as many as two million animals simultaneously migrating in mega-herds. Source: UNESCO, Bradt Guides, 16. Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash. While we hope that all travellers can experience the beauty and diversity of the world without facing any risks, we must acknowledge that some destinations pose significant dangers that cannot be ignored. Some of them have been targeted by local armed groups and even killed in the last 10 years. This links with a history of conflicts occurring in the aftermath of floods and droughts within the region, both of which can be attributed to this increase in temperature. And knowing the average ClearanceJobs reader as I do, I am sure youre not interested in a quick excursion to Tijuana or a luxurious cruise to the Caribbean. Here are some highlights from last years programs in the country: The community gathers for a Concern Worldwide Nutrition clinic at a health facility in the Payam Ariath area in Aweil, South Sudan. Anwar received a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication at the University of Windsor. Social protection also comes with stigmas attached, especially for women affected by gender-based violence, and a recent survey showed that 82% of women and 81% of men agreed that women should tolerate domestic violence in order to keep their families together. Even in a happy marriage, women are at risk in South Sudan, which has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world at 14%.