Of these, 366 are compatible (77.1%), 80 are incompatible (16.8%), and 29 are compatible in specific conditions (6.1%) as shown in Table 2. hSMxv? RELATED: What Does Potassium Chloride React With? WebMagnesium Sulphate Mannitol Metronidazole Midazolam Labetalol Gentamicin Glucose 4%, Sodium Chloride 0.18% Glucose 5% Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Heparin (Sodium) Potassium Chloride Potassium Phosphate Propofol Remifentanil Milrinone Morphine Noradrenaline Omeprazole Thiopental Vancomycin Stability of milrinone lactate in the presence 29 critical care drugs and 4 i.v. Our patients hate those because they're enormous pills. Stability of Milrinone Lactate 200 micrograms/mL in 5% Dextrose Injection and 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection. A clear and con-cise compatibility chart can be a useful tool in helping to deliver safe, high-quality IV therapy to patients. %PDF-1.6 % Your email address will not be published. Potassium chloride is inexpensively available and is rarely used in the laboratory. Another highly recommended measure for the safe administration of drugs is having reliable information available on drug compatibility when administering common drugs in critically ill patients. The transtubular potassium gradient (TTKG) is no longer recommended. However, 93% of the papers described the conditions and methodology of the study with enough detail to guarantee its reproducibility. UAiM 0g `%u?J[ +sC e#)7p:iQZ>`} d/ J;#A- 0 IJp C%tu0t}vN0{3):UVww A;{ ?M=]\:Zk-=%]%Q`l The frequency of monitoring electrolytes depends on clinical acuity and renal function (similar to the monitoring of oral repletion above). Accessibility (2) Patients with persistent renal potassium wasting, with inadequate response to potassium supplementation alone. Aggressive repletion of mild hypokalemia in patients with renal failure (. Fox, L.R. National Library of Medicine In my time there we have still never used IV potassium and opt for PO k-dur instead. %%EOF Search for and click on a drug 2. Compatibility depends upon many factors including temperature, pH, IV fluid, concentration, order of mixing and brand of drug. The goal of this review is to gather the information published on the physical and chemical compatibility of the most commonly used drugs at an ICU when infused through the same line via a Y-site. ]g0i9FAA,at 0 The systematic review included 29 studies (27 originals, 2 reviews). The study contributes to the safe administration of intravenous drugs in critical patients with a view to avoiding adverse events in this frail population. 1648-1654. Martn, A. Alonso, I. Gutirrez, J. lvarez, F. Becerril. A target potassium of >3 mM may be reasonable in most patients with severe renal failure (in the absence of digoxin or myocardial ischemia). The citrate will be converted into bicarbonate, thereby improving the acidosis. The rest is in bones and cells. I wondered that too, but it's pretty common practice to run things in one at a time on stable patients because if they have an adverse reaction, you can be pretty certain which medication they're reacting to. WebTherefore, the final table shows the compatibility data of 475 out of 945 possible combinations of 2 drugs (50.3%). UCI de hospitales espaoles e internacionales. Webimportant to recognize that compatibility reflects only the physical interactions such as formation of a precipitate and does not necessarily address stability or pharmacologic activity of the products. Summary of the quality criteria of the papers published. Compatibilidad fsica de la amiodarona en perfusin continua. Therefore, the final table shows the compatibility data of 475 out of 945 possible combinations of 2 drugs (50.3%). For patients with hypokalemia plus hypomagnesemia, a reasonable strategy is often to treat the hypomagnesemia fairly. Also, in this case, I'd want to correct the hypomagnesemia prior to administering the K+, since as I mentioned above, the low K+ may be refractory to treatment in the presence of hypomagnesemia. The results on this section are summarized in Table 3. Judit Roura Turet: data mining, analysis and interpretation of data; paper draft or critical review of the intellectual material; and final approval of this version. What Is The Difference Between Potassium Chloride And Klor Con? Only about 2% of the total Mg2+ in the body is in the plasma. The problem is that magnesium blocks potassium secretion back OUT of the cell, and with low intracellular mag levels, potassium is allowed to freely exit the cell. N. Baririan, H. Chanteux, E. Viaene, H. Servais, P.M. Tulkens. Disclaimer. Perfusions at drug concentrations that exceed the usual ones are often used in the critically ill patient. Am J Heal Syst Pharm, 58 (2001), pp. 161LP-166LP. Sociedad Espaola de Medicina Intensiva, Crtica y Unidades Coronarias, rea del Medicamento. 1287-1292. L. Trissel, C. Saenz, D. Ingram, K. Williams, J. Retzinger. Marta Prat Dot: data mining, analysis and interpretation of data; paper draft or critical review of the intellectual material; and final approval of this version. Gormley, M.S. 2012 Jan;23 (1):54-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8167.2011.02146.x. Our patients hate those because they're enormous pills. (1) Delayed sample analysis (cells absorb potassium while the blood tube is sitting around). Our patients hate those because they're enormous pills. For example, diabetic ketoacidosis causes potassium to shift out of the cells. J.A. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nieforth KA, Shea BF, Souney PF, Scavone JM. S.E. HWr8}W|MT9'emv2}r-EZvnP%"@NdtpY{wpvtz\4/?>*FGM1@FISbr7rB]sYLwu4&ijm /&)]yZY 40HsWc32ffg0aF+my=.V"[&&p~vk'T cX0;?~3!Lc56@q]uS~ >9"TyrUm@<08XD)j]oX(X4] vo7#%1TFFBiJ$z(Eo` l@Ih Boxes were named with a C if the mix was compatible, with an I if incompatible and with I/C if stability depended on special conditions. 1) Se realiz una bsqueda sistemtica en las bases de datos Medline, Stabilis, Handbook on Injectable Drugs y Micromedex, para completar y actualizar la informacin disponible. The stability data reported in this review cannot be generalized to other drug combinations or concentrations different from the ones described. As far as the magnesium goes we don't piggyback it most of the time. Combinations of physical and chemically compatible drugs with concentrations below the reference mark. In the context of an ICU patient with no obvious GI potassium losses, persistent/recurrent hypokalemia implies renal potassium wasting. 67% of the studies assessed gas formation, and only 12 measured pH changes in time. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. WebIv Medication Solution Compatibility Chart For Nurses Uploaded by: run.rebel.run April 2020 PDF Bookmark Download This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Compatibility of propofol injectable emulsion with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration. (3) Profound shock plus severe hypokalemia (unclear whether potassium would be adequately absorbed from the gut). #1) Familial form with onset <20 years old. By using a Beckman clinical chemistry Analyzer, 9% sodium chloride injection and 5% dextrose injection solutions at 22. often administered in low doses due to their high drug strength, requiring dilution and a prior assessment to their administration. None of the included studies followed all the methodological requirements. RELATED: What Does Potassium Chloride React With? Ningn estudio cumpli todos los criterios de calidad establecidos, aunque el 93% garantizaba una correcta reproducibilidad. Am J Health Syst Pharm, 54 (1997), pp. A clear and con-cise compatibility chart can be a useful tool in helping to deliver safe, high-quality IV therapy to patients. Can Magnesium And Potassium Run Together? Secondary to another electrolyte abnormality: Polyuria with increased distal delivery of sodium and water to the tubule: Potassium wasting diuretics (e.g. 2) as conditioned compatibility (I/C), that is, that the combination had been studied at a concentration different from the standard one. However, this, Start with 20 mEq potassium IV over 2-3 minutes, Start with 20 mEq potassium IV over 10-20 minutes (infusion rate of 60-120 mEq/hr). The research was published in the journal Neurotypical and was released online on December 4, 2013. #2) Acquired form associated with hyperthyroidism, typically in Asian and Mexican men. Search focused on drug combinations on which these authors had no information or had not looked for information. WebCompatible: metronidazole, ranitidine, vancomycin Intermittent Infusion 30-60 minutes Dilute with 50-100ml NS, G. Preferred concentration 2.5mg/ml in NS. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 To keep this page small and fast, questions & discussion about this post can be found on another page here. Linear regression showed that the following factors were significantly associated with a greater change in magnesium level: Se proporciona una actualizacin de las compatibilidades entre los frmacos habitualmente empleados en las UCI, con la intencin de contribuir a la administracin segura de medicamentos en pacientes crticos. The adverse drug is anaade to serotonins risk of an adverse effect. Mixing solutions containing calcium or magnesium ions has a substantial risk of forming an insoluble calcium or magnesium salt. In the absence of the above factors, hypokalemia is well tolerated (and can be treated gradually). Specializes in MPH Student Fall/14, Emergency, Research. If you have any questions or comments, please dont hesitate to contact us. EKG changes due to hypokalemia (e.g. It is consistent with the gray boxes specified as I/C as shown in Fig. Study drugs and concentrations used as reference for the bibliographic search. Tests were run in triplicate only in 26% of the cases. Potassium is flowing into the cells just fine. Less than 5% change in measured potassium and magnesium concentrations occurred in 24 hours. WebMagnesium Sulphate Mannitol Metronidazole Midazolam Labetalol Gentamicin Glucose 4%, Sodium Chloride 0.18% Glucose 5% Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN) Heparin (Sodium) Potassium Chloride Potassium Phosphate Propofol Remifentanil Milrinone Morphine Noradrenaline Omeprazole Thiopental Vancomycin For example, even though the pH is a critical factor in the stability of drugs in solution, it was only verified in 12 of the 27 papers. Advanced diagnostic testing: Begin by checking urine potassium, creatinine, sodium, and chloride. WebIntravenous administration of magnesium and potassium solution lowers energy levels and increases success rates electrically cardioverting atrial fibrillation J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. Excessive use of intravenous potassium repletion, when enteral potassium would be a safer and easier strategy. Larger, modern studies have shown that the safest potassium range in patients with myocardial infarction may be 3.5-4.5 mM. Repletion of magnesium is often necessary to successfully replete the potassium. 0 A chart was created with all the possible combinations of the drugs of interest. Specializes in Trauma/ED. Se incluyeron los estudios publicados entre 1990 y 2017 redactados en ingls, espaol y francs; 2) se analiz la calidad de los artculos segn los criterios indicados en las guas de prctica para estudios de estabilidad; 3) se construy una tabla de compatibilidades con los datos hallados para las combinaciones binarias de 44 frmacos de uso frecuente en unidades de cuidados intensivos (UCI). B. Moriyama, S.A. Henning, H. Jin, M. Kolf, N.N. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding. The magnesium was piggybacked onto the other saline IV with the potassium. The effect of nimodipine, fentanyl and remifentanil intravenous products on the stability of propofol emulsions. Profound shock with questionable absorption. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 45 (2001), pp. Repletion of magnesium is often necessary to successfully replete the potassium. Another factor is the prescription of doses in different units of measurement or the high number of drugs used with each patient. We don't infuse potassium into the cells, we infuse it into the serum and then depend on good net uptake to improve potassium levels, it's sort of like cells are scooping up potassium with a bowl, except those with low magnesium are scooping them up with a colander. P.R. S.R. Webcompatibility prior to coadministration. Infusions remained stable at 22 degrees C. For 24 hours. Gens Castells Lao: study design and idea, data mining, analysis and interpretation of data; paper draft or critical review of the intellectual material; and final approval of this version. Am J Hosp Pharm, 40 (1983), pp. Isert, D. Lee, D. Naidoo, M.L. The drugs used in the review are routinely used in the ICU setting are often administered by continuous infusion. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Visual compatibility of clonidine with selected drugs. IV magnesium may be the fastest way to reduce the risk of arrhythmia (because magnesium can be given rapidly). None of the samples appeared to form visible precipitation or to change in color or clarity. IV or IM. It is important to recognize that compatibility is not just Furthermore, serum hyperkalemia may cause poor retention of potassium (as it will tend to encourage potassium excretion in the urine). When handing off my patient the RN told me that the mag should go first because it is what the k will stick to. This review was conducted following quality criteria based on the opinion of experts and following clinical practice guidelines811: Study reproducibility: description of active ingredient and diluent, study conditions and methodology. /`p L. Knudsen, S. Eisend, N. Haake, T. Kunze. Over the last few years the pharmacokinetic advantages of a prolonged perfusion route of administration of these 3 antibiotics have been confirmed.1619. v]"^{ ?5iLuQaU.f.1&fU\G;*=Wxtz6IF/5:Z55el6hCAj|]r8-]TOa.0-DEllb uCcP|v&,g'6x"n|gM,pQY}f}Q~ 1rZW_1aQ& i'yJ<8hBI0f`~Cc]l;So8>(P|;7d>XQ&@K;ra`HNi11,o_N*k2'R>!^7& fMnfclfMq1X< 'jjJU**;&2QTmN.bJVB}} q|=yxxEdjgauNX 6cVV I"r|NiaUvzY]Oy K#0@'YVio|{G@ ;|'mYV? 71-78. Avoid or Use Alternate Drug. Repeat electrolytes if doubt exists about their validity (e.g., inconsistent with clinical context & EKG). Pharm Technol Hosp Pharm, 2 (2017), pp. Chemical Stability: Chemically stable. Chemical Stability: Chemically stable. Of these, 366 are compatible (77.1%), 80 are incompatible (16.8%), and 29 are compatible in specific conditions (6.1%) as shown in Table 2. 2020;44:8087. Published data may report both compatibility and stability; however, most evaluate compatibility alone. Stewart, F.W. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! WebThe compatibility and stability of 80 mmol/L potassium chloride and 16 mmol/L magnesium sulfate in 0.9% sodium chloride injection and in 5% dextrose injection solutions at 22 deg C have been studied by means of a Beckman Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Synchron CX5 Delta. It has been completed with the new information available on drugs in our setting and data on the most widely used concentrations of drugs. Epub 2011 Aug 4. (ii) Article quality was analyzed according to the stability studies practice guidelines. Click Get Compatibility once both drugs are selected PEPIDs IV Compatibility tool is included in any every clinical decision support suite Accordingly, drug stability knowledge was available for 50.3% of the studied admixtures, in which 77.1% of the binary combinations proved compatible and 16.8% proved incompatible. Figure 2. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. Incompatible: amphoteracin, cephalosporins, erythromycin, penicillins, phenytoin, potassium chloride, heparin, thiopentone, tetracyclines, vitamins B and C, nitrofuranoin, warfarin pH: 4.5 Table 2. As Fig. WebIV Drug Compatibility Chart A Alteplase (Activase, rTPA) Amiodarone (Cordarone) Argatroban Atropine Calcium chloride Diltiazem (Cardizem) Dobutamine (Dobutrex) Dopamine Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Esmolol (Brevibloc) Furosemide (Lasix) Heparin Insulin (regular) Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Lorazepam (Ativan) Magnesium Sulfate I had not heard this before and am unable to find any information on this. WebIV Drug Compatibility Chart A Alteplase (Activase, rTPA) Amiodarone (Cordarone) Argatroban Atropine Calcium chloride Diltiazem (Cardizem) Dobutamine (Dobutrex) Dopamine Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Esmolol (Brevibloc) Furosemide (Lasix) Heparin Insulin (regular) Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Lorazepam (Ativan) Magnesium Sulfate Forest. The new findings revealed 29 compatible combinations, 27 incompatible combinations, and 26 compatible combinations in specific conditions. A chance of incompatibility exists whenever any medication is combined or added to an IV fluid. As far as the magnesium goes we don't piggyback it most of the time. Webimportant to recognize that compatibility reflects only the physical interactions such as formation of a precipitate and does not necessarily address stability or pharmacologic activity of the products. Click Get Compatibility once both drugs are selected PEPIDs IV Compatibility tool is included in any every clinical decision support suite Epub 2011 Aug 4. La revisin sistemtica incluy 29 artculos (27 originales y 2 revisiones). Compatibility screening of Precedex during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs. VT, VF, or asystole), Recurrent malignant arrhythmias with a pulse, Severe hypokalemia plus {DKA or overdose of beta-blocker/calcium channel blocker}, http://traffic.libsyn.com/ibccpodcast/IBCC_EP_67_-_Hypokalemia.mp3. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Even if we took all the possible combinations suggested into consideration and added the new data found, we would still have zero information on the physical and chemical compatibility of 470 combinations. Forty-four drugs used in continuous perfusion at the ICU setting were selected including a solution for parenteral nutrition with and without lipids and 3 beta-lactam antibiotics. eplerenone and potassium. For patients with oliguria or renal insufficiency, closer monitoring is required to avoid overshoot hyperkalemia. and Lpez-Cabezas et al. K. Nemec, E. Germ, M. Schulz-Siegmund, A. Ortner. M3.5 mM. Am J Health Syst Pharm, 54 (1997), pp. Copyright 2009-. Storage: Room temperature of 22 C. Beckmans Clinical Chemistry Analyzer Synchron CX5 Delta. We are the EMCrit Project, a team of independent medical bloggers and podcasters joined together by our common love of cutting-edge care, iconoclastic ramblings, and FOAM. For deficiency that is not severe in older children, some manufacturers have recommended 1 g (2 mL of 50% solution) once or twice daily by IM injection. Summary of physical and chemical compatibilities. (3) Safer (oral potassium is overall more idiot-proof than IV potassium). (iii) A compatibility table was produced with data for 44 binary combinations of drugs frequently used in the ICU. Reference: Infusion of potassium at a rate of 40-60 mEq/hr is reasonable if the patient is extremely unstable (with the judgement that the inability to provide insulin is a life-threatening problem). provided compatibility information on 393 out of 945 possible combinations.5,7 After completing the systematic review, new stability data for 82 drug combinations were added. Physical and Chemical Stability of Morphine Sulfate 5mg/mL and 50mg/mL Packaged in Plastic Syringes. The drug combination with no compatibility data were left unchecked. Standardization of infusion solutions to reduce the risk of incompatibility. K of 3 mEq/L may correlate with a potassium deficit of 100-200 mEq. Commonly used rate for routine potassium repletion. @Z-!/^0B"oxC(cbS8v^zjx?N3Ggf&;V7Jmm *ZDkQ}:TpE E[$c. It takes 3-4 hours for the Mg2+ in kidney and heart cells to exchange with the Mg2+ in plasma, meaning that you should give the mag first so it has time to start moving into the cells so that it is more likely to be effective in blocking potassium excretion. Times elapsed while taking the samples in the stability analysis: a 5-time sample time period is recommended including a sample time of 0. Linear regression showed that the following factors were significantly associated with a greater change in magnesium level: Updated: Feb 27, 2020 This is especially interesting in urgent situations when any delays caused by the healthcare providers can have consequences in the patient. Reference: Administer IV dose over 2 to 3 hours for mild or moderate hypophosphatemia and over 6 to 8 hours for severe hypophosphatemia 18. The terms used were physical compatibility, drug stability, y-site, y-injection, intravenous drug, plus the names and synonyms of the drugs of interest. Select a second drug the same way (limited to 2 drugs) 3. 1968-1969. WebIv Medication Solution Compatibility Chart For Nurses Uploaded by: run.rebel.run April 2020 PDF Bookmark Download This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Furosemide, for example, requires a basic pH to guarantee the stability of the molecule in solution, which is why the mix with acid drugs (pH<4) causes turbidity and precipitation.12. Cells with low potassium are leaking the potassium they are receiving right back out, which decreases the net uptake and secretion. 2960 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9C0431B6ABCE6D4C97FFF3C0974F0366>]/Index[2940 41]/Info 2939 0 R/Length 104/Prev 123650/Root 2941 0 R/Size 2981/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 1 shows the selection process. Carasso, R.A. Kennedy. Epub 2011 Aug 4. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Also, to assess the quality of the information published and generate a compatibility chart with reliable and updated information to improve safety in the administration of drugs to critically ill patients.