The average hamster lifespan is relatively short, around 1-2 years, but they can live up to 5 years. Youre entitled to know what their intentions may be. Most hamsters will also eat the immature seeds in the hay. You should handle a sick hamster with care since some of the bacteria strains can spread to people. How much room Petco has at any one moment determines whether or not it will accept an unwanted hamster back. Unwanted hamsters remain in the centers until they find a home. Free-roaming allows your hamster to have sufficient exercise and explore spaces other than its own cage. Weve all been there. What Happens to Returned Hamsters at Petco. Hamsters eat vegetables like lettuce, carrots, and spinach. You will then be given a refund for the purchase price of the hamster. You may have an allergy to small animal dander, or another pet could end the hamsters life. When your hamster struggles significantly to breathe. When your hamster is diagnosed with a terminal disease such as cancer and suffering from major discomfort from the symptoms. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. A bored hamster can quickly become a destructive hamster. Hamsters fetch low prices in pet stores, and their value depreciates with age. If you know you will be away much longer than usual, consider leaving two water bottles for your hamster. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. But this doesnt mean that they can be bought, set up, left, and forgotten. Alternatively, dispose of the hamster in the garbage. Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 22. A hamster with dental issues may stop eating. Please bring your hamster to the store and speak with a team member about finding a new home. You'll need to have your purchase receipt, and you may be asked to fill out a return form. Technically speaking, you can leave your hamster alone at your home for up to a week, provided that you leave enough food and water for him to go around comfortably. Not all hope is lost if you lose your receipt. In this case, the only alternative is to make the item available for adoption rather than resale. IF you cant take care of the animal and cannot find someone who will go to a pet store and explain your, and the hamsters problem. Putting down a beloved hamster may seem inconceivable but there may come a point in the little guys life when every inch of breath can seem torturous. There is no financial compensation if the hamster was acquired outside of Petco. You may bring your hamster to a Petco store to be treated in the wellness room if it becomes unwell during the first 30 days of its purchase. No matter how long youve kept a hamster, Petco will take it in under the Think Adoption First program, which accepts all unwanted pets in good health. Why you might need to return your hamster to Petco, What to do if Petco wont take your hamster, What to do if you cant keep your hamster. All rights reserved. Before you get one as a pet, there are some things you should know. Most hamsters sold by pet stores are 6-8 weeks old and retail at about $10-20. Your dog or cat may want to chase or eat them. Offering 5-10 tablets of Tylenol PM should do the trick but expect your hamster to look disoriented after overdosing on the painkillers. Of course, some issues arent possible to overcome. To return your hamster to Petco, youll need to take it to the store and speak with a manager. After a couple of days, your hamster will feel comfortable and more ready for interaction. What happens to hamsters that dont get sold? When a hamster gets scared or awakened suddenly they may bite. The bar spacing on the cage should be no more than 1/2 inch, to prevent the hamster from escaping. Make sure your hamster's water bottle is full of fresh water. It's also a good idea to provide hay in your hamster's environment to help with nesting and foraging. There are kinder ways to rehome a hamster, so never consider releasing it into the wild. Hamsters can be unfriendly if theyre not tamed properly. Socialization in hamsters. If you have decided that you can no longer care for your hamster, there are a few options available: 1. Inside the hamster cage you'll need to provide soft and absorbent bedding, awater bottle, an exercise wheel, chew toys, a house, and food dish. Pet hamsters are prone to illnesses like amyloidosis (kidney disease) and congestive heart failure. Returns via a Pets at Home store Simply take the order confirmation email you received when you placed the order and the product you wish to return to a store and tell the sales assistant you bought it online. As popular as hamsters are, theyre not adopted as often as cats, dogs, or rabbits. can you return a hamster to pets at home. Things like sudden movements and loud noises can cause them distress. This doesnt mean they want to live in a waste dump, but that they enjoy knowing right where their food stash is and the familiar smell of a well-used sleeping den. But if that is not viable due to accessibility or financial reasons , the method above is as painless as it comes in DIY hamster euthanasia. Which of the following securities is exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933? If you remain convinced that you want to sell your hamster, you have the following options: Ask if anybody you know would be interested in buying the hamster. We wanted to give you a few more general tips for keeping your hamster comfortable when you need to leave it alone. If his appetite is not completely lost, this can be a great time to offer some of his favorite treats. Its an upsetting thought, but some snake owners look to purchase hamsters as a food source. Even though these pet rodents have shorter lifespans, the decision to let them cross over to the other side can be extremely difficult. Hamster ownership is a greater commitment than many people realize. This mineral buildup can block the showerhead's water flow, preventing it from Can you cook mince 1 day out of date? Choosing a hamster that is easy to tame is another factor to consider. What Should You Do If Your Hamster Has Babies. Sign up for our newsletter. Also, personal circumstances can change, meaning you can no longer care for the hamster. Most hamster fur color changes. Some pet stores will accept unwanted hamsters back with a valid receipt within 14 days of the sale. But if youre prepared to take on the responsibility (and expense), then youre well on your way to becoming a great hamster owner! At Petco, youll find everything you need for your dog or cat, from food to toys to services, as well as pets themselves. Put the poor hamster in the euthanasia chamber jar with the hose extended about 2 inches into the chamber and partially seal the container, making sure theres a small opening to allow the containers air to escape. Odds are they will put the hamster in a little cage and sell it to someone else. Some vets offer complementary services including burial or cremation. Hamsters are typically low-maintenance pets but proper care is essential to keeping them happy and healthy. Not every hamster in the pet store is in optimal health. Releasing a hamster into the wild isnt an option, as domesticated hamsters lack survival instincts. You can use a specialist app like Pets Home or a website like Animal Direct, which allows you to set your price. Youll need to have your purchase receipt, and you may be asked to fill out a return form. By Males tend to outlive females, but their lifespan remains short. The shelter will likely already have more hamsters and small animals than theyll ever rehome. Open the 1 gallon jar or juice pitcher and add familiar litter and toys from the hamsters cage to provide comfort during the little guys last moments. While it is understandable that you may feel a sick hamster is not what you paid for, returning the hamster to Petco may do more harm than good. How to return an item purchased at PetSmart? Because of the recent media attention on the problems caused by pet releases, many pet stores may be willing to take back unwanted pets, rather than risk having it set free. Doing these things will ensure you rehome your hamster to someone who will love it as a pet instead of someone looking for snake food or a lab test subject. When he's not reading about cryptocurrencies, he's researching the latest personal finance software. How Long Should You Leave Your Hamster Alone? If you gain interest in your hamster from a stranger, ask some questions to the potential buyer. While hamsters only have short lifespans, they require a high level of care. Before you start down a potentially arduous process of looking to sell your hamster, consider donating it to a local animal shelter. Use a seed mix that contains a mixture of seeds, pellets, grain, and dried vegetables. Although hamsters cannot live as long as other pets such as cats and dogs, they can still make excellent pets. Hamsters are trainable. If your hamster has a history of cage breakouts, it is important to give your cage a thorough inspection before leaving your hamster alone. You will also need to bring along the purchase receipt, as well as any food or bedding that came with the hamster. If behavior is not an issue, and you are simply no longer able to keep your pet, contact the pet store where you purchased it. Some only take cats and dogs, while others have the facilities to take in hamsters and other small animals. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Hamsters can be tamed to be very sweet little pets but for anyone who has ever been bitten by one, they know hamster bites definitely aren't fun. The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends the use of CO2 for safely putting down small rodents such as hamsters. To get a refund, youll need to show evidence of purchase in the form of a valid ID and the original receipt. Even if you find a willing professional, the procedure can be quite expensive. These mixes usually contain hay, pellets, and dried vegetables. Hamsters that arent native to their surroundings destroy ecosystems and breed, threatening local plants and wildlife. I am also the main writer and chief editor here at Pet Educate; a site I created to share everything Ive learned about pet ownership over the years and my extensive research along the way. Carbon dioxide gas will start filling the atmosphere, passing through the hose and into the euthanasia chamber. Here we answer the most important questions with complete, objective, thorough and extensive research, while also pulling from our combined 250 years of pet ownership experience. If you need to return your hamster to Petco, you will need to bring them back to the store where you purchased them. Call a local animal shelter and ask if they take small pets. Even in motherhood, females spend only a few weeks with her young. 5 Certain Reasons You Should Know! Perhaps you brought home a sick hamster, or maybe your new pet isnt a good fit for your family. Most pet stores have policies in place for returning small animals, and the staff will likely be able. Whether you get a refund is a matter of discussion between you and the store. When she's not blogging or spending time with her family, you can usually find her rooting around in the garden or at the hardware store. Ask friends and family members if they want to adopt your hamster. With thousands of articles covering everything from do-it-yourself repairs to tips on parenting, Arew has something for everyone. This leaves them vulnerable and highly stressed. Create a tiny nest and cover the jar with a cloth or shredded paper to limit the hamsters movements during the final minutes. So, how long can you leave your hamster alone? Arrange a Pet Sitter After a brief quarantine period, PetSmart will put the hamster back up for sale. If youre selling a hamster, youll likely be selling a habitat, toys, leftover food, substrate, and various peripherals. They have fast metabolisms to keep their body temperature stable. For a refund or exchange within 30 days of your purchase, you can bring your hamster back to Petco with identification and proof of purchase. What Is The Difference Between Bonding And HardWall. The price may depend on factors such as location, vets skill level, and the type of service but the range can start from as low as $40 to over $500. Besides, while solitary animals by nature a caged pet becomes entirely reliant on their owners to meet their needs. However, pet stores must sell hamsters old enough to go to a new home., Hamster ownership is a greater commitment than many people realize. Plus, they come in a variety of colors and fur types. I've looked after adorable hamsters for more than 10 years. However, pet stores must sell hamsters old enough to go to a new home., Due to an average lifespan of around two years and a low asking price at nationwide pet stores, the demand for rescue hamsters is limited, especially as they age. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Choose a cage that has good ventilation, is easy to clean, has space for a hamster to run and explore, and won't allow your hamster to escape. Returns more than 14 days after purchase either will not be accepted or may be approved on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of a PetSmart store manager. Burial can be quickly done in your backyard by simply digging up a hole 1-2 feet downwards, tossing the dead body, and covering up with the dug soil. Avoid grabbing or forcing your hamster to come out, as this will only break the trust. To safely leave your hamster alone, you can do a few things: Leave your hamster only dry shelf-stable food. Vets offer the quickest and most pain-free ways to put down sick pets but be prepared to sign a form of consent and pay the necessary charges before the procedure starts. These conditions can be fatal to them. If your hamster is sick you should only give them medication recommended to them by the vet. Place the hamsters cage away from direct sunlight or a heat source. eBay doesnt allow the sale of live animals. We recommend always calling on a vet to euthanize sick pets including hamsters. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. Companion Animals explains that hamsters are prey animals. You may also want to buy treats for your hamster to eat, while vitamin supplements will be . If the teeth are left to continue growing they will eventually start causing pain and other health issues. A hamster needs a cage that is at least 18 inches by 12 inches, with a height of at least 12 inches. [Normal vs. Abnormal]. Petco re-sells the hamster once it has recovered its health and is ready to go home with a new owner. Both eyes should be open and, ideally, the hamster will be eating or running around the cage. Most cities have pet crematoriums you can take the little pets body after conducting at-home euthanasia. When you leave, it can be tempting to lower or raise your thermostat to save energy costs when you are gone. We try to figure it out, give them proper rest and treatment, but still, you find no chance of . Returns via a Pets at Home store Simply take the order confirmation email you received when you placed the order and the product you wish to return to a store and tell the sales assistant you bought it online. If keeping your pet is no longer viable, you should consider rehoming the hamster. Just giving an animal to someone you know is not a good idea unless you know that person already has those sorts of animals and how to care for them. If you no longer want a hamster, youll need to find it a safe and loving home. In theory, nothing can stop you from selling your pet hamster to a third party, as you dont need a license to sell an adult or baby hamster online or in person. Bury the hamster in an out-of-the-way plot, at least three feet deep, to ensure that it wont be unearthed by other animals. Ask them for photos of their setup to ensure they can properly care for your hamster. There are several methods available for DIY hamster euthanasia but the gas chamber option seems to be the most pain-free from personal experience. If you leave your hamster without any water or food, it can survive up to 48 hours. There are a variety of hamster toys that are designed to be chewed so your hamster's teeth can be properly cared for, and an exercise wheel will allow a hamster to run as much as they want. This will prevent their teeth from overgrowing. If you desire to give your pets the best environment to thrive in, please feel at home as we share some of the most valuable advice on the Web. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You can feed your pet hamster combinations of rat blocks (rodent chow) and seed mix or hamster pellets. There are laws about releasing animals into the wild. There are various options, including: See if someone you know and trust would be willing to take the hamster from you. Find a new home for your hamster with a friend or family member. They are small rodents that typically live about two years, and are usually best housed alone. Answer (1 of 4): Petco does not sell cats or dogs. Although this can extend up to 72-hours, it all depends on your hamster, its nature, and you. This method is not recommended for anyone looking to put down pet rodents in a humane way. You may struggle to find a pet store willing to take on a hamster, let alone buy it from you. If your friend or neighbor does not feel comfortable opening the cage or providing food and water, they can at least send you the reassurance that your hamster is still in his cage, alive, and generally doing well. Depending on the height of the fall, the broken neck can be so severe that it ends up killing the hamster. During the first 48 hours of having a new hamster at home, it is best to simply do regular visual checks on your hamster without disturbing them. Because hamsters like to store their extra food in special areas of their cage, we want to avoid having the hamster store fresh food that is likely to spoil while you are gone. If you bought the hamster from a breeder or another source, returning it to them may be an option. Also, living situations can change, such as a no-pets policy on a rental property. Leave your hamsters current bedding in the cage until you return. The dogs you might see for adoption in store are available through a shelter or rescue that is in partnership with the Petco Foundation. To get a refund, you'll need to show evidence of purchase in the form of a valid ID and the original receipt. However, if the breeder or other source does not want the hamster back, then taking it to a Humane Society or animal shelter should be your next step. The easiest option for getting rid of a hamster would be to release it into nature. During this time, the foundation will cover the costs of food, housing, and veterinary treatments. The return policy and restocking schedules for Petco products may also be found here. Hamsters are typically nocturnal animals that like to burrow and hoard food. If not, they should be able to tell you of ones that can. What happens if I buy a puppy and it dies? If you decide to use the internet to sell your hamster for cash, you need to know how to sell hamsters online. Encounters between hamsters that don't know each other can result in violent fights. Petco will accept a dead hamster for return within 30 days of purchase at any of its U.S. stores. The hamster must be in good health, and you may be charged a restocking fee. A self-taught DIYer, Tammy loves nothing more than tackling a new project in her own home. When you do not have the financial muscle or cannot commit as much time as necessary to care for the sick hamster. Hamsters are one of the most popular pet options for both children and adults. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox, Protect Your Cat From These Household Hazards.