this is highly unlikely however if you make a sea turtle upset or angry or make it feel endangered it most likely will try to bite or do something to youno I was bitten on the back of the head. Turtles process urination as they consume liquid. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. By carefully taking note of your pets behaviors and body language, youll be able to make sure your turtle feels safe, comfortable, and happy! This may sound like a silly question, but it gets asked a lot! And land turtles that dont spend any time underwater have little to no use for the breathing abilities of the cloaca. Common UTI Symptoms. A good general rule is to siphon about 1/2 of the water out once a week, replacing it with clean water. This hormone causes the heart to beat faster and its blood vessels to constrict. A dog or cat may view your new turtle with curiosity at first, but a simple exploratory scratch or bite can easily cause serious, andpotentially lethal, harm. Turtles arent likely to escape a well-managed enclosure, so if you can rig things up properly, you might not need a lid at all. So, its important that your turtles environment be kept clean. In male turtles, the penis (which is a surprisingly large, black organ with a spade-shaped end) may periodically prolapse out of the vent and become visible outside the body when the turtle is stressed or acting sexual, but then it should revert back into the shell easily. Any prolapsed tissue represents a potentially life-threatening problem that should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. If you can get your turtle to associate you with these essential parts of their life, theyll feel more comfortable around you. While observing your turtle, stand near its aquarium and make slow movements. But all of this shouldnt talk you out of getting a turtle, after all,any pet has the potential to transmit disease. Will turtle pee hurt you? Blue. For instance, baby turtles or hatchlings are more sensitive to touch as they are not used to that. With proper handling and caution, you can reduce the frequency or even totally stop this incident. The pee they released on you isnt actually urine. The kidneys filter the blood and produce urine stored in the bladder. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. So asking yourself if they drink water is quite understandable, especially since they spend most of their time in the water, where it can be quite hard to see what they do. Digging and moving around in the aquarium are also positive behaviors that mean your turtle is happy. If your turtle doesnt show any interest, try using live food like crickets to engage with it. The most popular one is that its a natural defense mechanism. Do snapping turtles recognize their owners? A gravid turtle with dystocia typically does not eat and rapidly becomes sick, lethargic, or unresponsive. Splashing around in the water and basking regularly are some other signs of a happy turtle. A turtles life is an endless circle of food going in and waste coming outoften at the same time. Coming into contact with turtle pee can cause skin irritation and burns. Its best to hold them over a sink or a towel, so you dont make a mess. This will help to remove any bacteria that may be causing your turtle to urinate more frequently. Usually, turtle pee doesnt stink or smell bad. You see, Turtles urinate when theyre stressed; this is a normal response to feeling threatened. They will drown in a tank of water. Your veterinarian will perform a physical examination, palpate the turtles abdomen, and take radiographs (X-rays) to diagnose the problem. You shouldn't force yourself to pee if you don't have to for medical reasons. This will help your pet get used to your presence. Figure out when your pet is most active, what scares it, and when it seems the most comfortable. No release If you do have a legal pet turtle you can no longer keep, do not release it into the wild. It may be a reflection of a dirty tank and infrequent water changes. Similarly, a turtle with gastrointestinal parasites and diarrhea may strain to defecate and prolapse part of the large intestine or the cloaca (the common chamber into which the gastrointestinal, reproductive, and urinary tracts empty) out of the vent. Changes to your usual vaginal discharge. Stress and pressure could cause your turtle to pee on you, or defecate. Your email address will not be published. If your turtle doesnt seem to be digesting properly, its a good idea to take them to the vet. Turtles who are used to handling usually won't release any body fluids while you handle them, but if they are young or not used to people, it's going to happen. Dont force ithold a piece of lettuce about six inches away from your pet and wait patiently. Hence, its best to err on the side of caution and avoid contact with turtle urine if possible. To get your turtle to feel more at ease when you pet it, set it on the ground first. This is not a normal occurrence and should be addressed by a veterinarian immediately. When turtles get scared they can basically pee on themselves. Weve identified a few more theories through our research and observation on why turtles pee on you when picked up. In fact, its almost odorless. (Are They Dangerous? Coming up behind your pet is a surefire way to scare it! This is a natural reflex that helps them to escape from predators or other threats. My goal is to share what I have learned over the years through my experience and research about animals of all kinds. Turtles are commonly incriminated as a cause of Salmonella bacterial infection in children. Orange. This means that they tend to be quite skittish around people they dont know. A turtle that is in good health will actively hunt any live food you give them. Other turtles seem to be terrified of being picked up and try to squirm away or even bite if theyre grabbed. After awhile, you can try to feed your turtle by hand. Most importantly, wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap every time after handling, feeding your reptile, or cleaning its cage items to help minimize risks of contracting salmonellosis. Its also important that your turtle gets enough natural sunlight and UV rays. Thick urine in men and women. A veterinarian familiar with reptiles should examine an turtle with these signs immediately. Your email address will not be published. Those are the questions that we will explore in the rest of the article. This can cause by several reasons like the food theyre eating (fish), your turtles may suffering from dehydration or infection. Not only the turtle's pee is harmful to humans, but it can also cause serious complications leading to death. The cloaca is located at the base of the tail, and urine is passed through it using muscular contractions. You can find more details on traction wrapping in this article. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and genital herpes can all make it hurt to pee. A lack of safe drinking water is a common result of disasters, natural or otherwise. But this can also be dangerous We are a passionate group of writers and researchers who write about pet turtles and tortoises. Many turtle owners report that their turtle comes up to the surface of the water to greet them when they enter the room. Hissing expels air while urinating and defecating allow more space for your turtle to withdraw into its shell. Salts also accumulate in the plant's leaves, potentially causing . Urea is a waste product produced when the body breaks down protein. Because pee itself is a bacteria containing liquid. If you want your pet to feel comfortable while playing, then you should consider getting him or her some toys. Hence, when a turtle is picked up, its body releases a hormone called adrenaline. Fluids dilute the yellow pigments in urine. Keep working on hand-feeding, and with time and patience, you can try petting your turtle again. Observe your pet regularly and figure out when it is most active, what frightens it, and when it appears the most comfortable.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'reptileshere_com-box-4','ezslot_7',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reptileshere_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'reptileshere_com-box-4','ezslot_8',109,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-reptileshere_com-box-4-0_1'); .box-4-multi-109{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. So, do turtles pee when scared? Many turtles enjoy being petted, but first they must get used to humans being present and interacting with them. In fact, they have to pee to get rid of the waste products they produce. If you are not sure whether the shell is normal, check with your veterinarian. It might disgust you to experience your little snapper peeing on you. I have been an animal enthusiast for many years now and I love them. Make sure not to shake your turtle, and dont hold it too far from the ground. Yes that's right, sometimes a turtle pees on you So the question you may be wondering - Why did my turtle pee on me? Infected animals and people carry the bacteria in their gastrointestinal tracts and shed the bacteria in their feces, serving as a source of infection to others. When a turtle is scared, its body goes into fight-or-flight mode, and it may release the uric acid (a urine-like substance) as a way to defend itself. Answer. Some turtles with urinary tract infections or other health issues will urinate more frequently and even urinate outside their habitat. The protective shell of a turtle makes surgery difficult. While drinking a little bit of your own urine probably won't hurt you, it's definitely not as safe as a . This will cause a lot more damage than a simple snap. To get your turtle to feel more at ease when you pet it, set it on the ground first. It's not harmful to the turtle itself, however, people can get infected by coming in contact with it. So, the answer is yes, red-eared slider turtles do pee. Infected animals and people carry the bacteria in their gastrointestinal tracts and shed the bacteria in their feces, serving as a source of infection to others. But, in reality, turtles dont have the ability to produce urine. Turtles that feel affection towards their owners will often follow them around. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Its best to let the turtle approach you first rather than picking it up without warning. Patience and regular interaction with your turtle are the best ways to help it grow more comfortable with being handled. On this site you will find articles that cover every basic thing that a turtle owner needs to know, as well as all the advanced stuff. Though turtles peeing onto their caregivers is odd and with concerning reasons. Unless it's a protected species, it's not illegal to own a turtle under a shell length of 4 inches. Build a consistent routine by feeding your turtle at the same time everyday. Its up to you, but remember to handle it with care. Turtles can be very mysterious creatures, so mysterious that even now we dont know that much about their behavior. The cloaca is the opening that turtles use for defecation and reproduction. One technique involves cutting the shell and then repairing it following the procedure; the second technique involves making an incision in front of and through the muscles of the pelvis and hind limbs to enter the abdominal cavity. Therefore, the right method of handling may slow down the occurrence of them peeing on you as they get used to your grip on them. So, its better to be careful. Do You Need A Tetanus Shot After A Cat Bite. Second, you can try to train your turtle to urinate in a specific area. True or False: It's Safe to Drink Your Urine. And whatever the reason, its important to be prepared for a turtle to pee when you pick it up. Do turtles pee? Turtles tend to be more receptive and energetic when theyre warm. Dont keep them too long in your hands, being gripped is unnatural for them, so it is quicker for them to be in a defensive mode. If you are a woman, you are more prone to UTI or urinary tract infection than men. A turtle bite can be dangerous depending on the species of turtle and its age. Its always best to remove any uneaten food from a turtles enclosure to avoid a mess from cast-off and decaying matter, which can make the tank water get very nasty. Read my articles and share them with your beloved ones. We have lots more on the site to show you. Never enter the safe zone! Posted July 22, 2018. Although this isnt proven by research or science, several myths and old wives tales about turtle pee causing warts are well-known. Because aquatic turtles poop in the water, they can get . This is Shuvo Mahfuz, one of the main authors of ). We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. So, why do turtles pee when picked up? The regular color of urine varies. Young children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised are most at risk for developing severe disease. Turtles have a powerful sense of hearing; if you make a lot of noise in or near their tank, it might stress them out. Just be sure to use warm water and avoid getting water in their nose or eyes. If your turtle is energetic and active, thats a great sign that its comfortable in its environment. They will lay out under the. Some turtles are more outgoing and curious than others, making them more likely to enjoy being handled. You shouldnt force it hold a piece of lettuce close to its mouth and wait patiently. But then why do some people claim their turtles pee smell bad? Its best for your turtle to have something to rest their feet on, whether thats your hand, arm, or another solid surface you can hold. Talk to your veterinarian about your turtles specific needs.. Its a natural way for the body to protect itself from danger. When it comes to filtration, it is recommended that you opt for a turtle tank filter system that is strong enough to filter a tank twice the size of yours. This is the place from where turtles urinate, defecate and lay eggs. Your email address will not be published. Like many other animals, turtles are opportunistic feeders and will often continue to eat as long as food is available. If you put them down on the floor, they might inch closer and closer to you. Many of these children did not exercise proper hygiene (such as washing their hands after handling the turtles and even placing the turtles in their mouths). With a safe zone, your turtle can easily escape any unwanted interaction. The urinary system of a turtle consists of two kidneys, a bladder, and a cloaca. Generally speaking, a turtle can go about 8 hours without water in a warm and dry environment. The answer is no; turtles do not pee out of their mouth. Can Hermann Tortoises Eat Watermelons? Lastly, if your turtle is still peeing on you, it may be a sign of a health problem. While observing your turtle, stand near its aquarium and make slow movements. When turtles get scared, they release a small amount of urine. The problem with these turtles, or reptiles in general, is that they carry Salmonella. If you need to rehome a turtle, there are any number of internet groups and organizations that might be able to help find a suitable new family for it (see related links below). And Coates adds, depending on your turtles species, its diet, and your set-up, you may also need to provide a calcium and vitamin D supplement. A good idea for reducing stress related to handling is to create a safe zone in your turtles aquarium where it can hide and find comfort. Do make sure to read its body language. However, a few things make box turtles urinary habits unique. Also, a turtles pee can create problems during the pregnancy. You might not realize it, but turtling can be a result of problems with your enlargement routine. Try to avoid frequent and excessive handling of your turtle. But with patience and effort, you can build a strong and rewarding bond with your pet. I love turtles, and I write turtle-related blogs and product reviews. Read our advice on understanding. It is likely based on the individual personalities. Approach the turtle slowly, and make sure it can see you. Its possible that your turtle may also defecate if it feels truly threatened. They pee like most of the remaining reptiles. " Turtle urine causes brain damage in humans when it comes in contact with your skin ." Do turtles poop? UVB rays cannot penetrate glass, however, so glass tank tops will negate the benefits of any sort of overhead lighting. Learn more about KiwiCo's seven different subscription options here: peeing out of their mo. . Do not grab the sides of the shell of a Snapping Turtle as the head may whip around and bite you. The cloaca is the opening that turtles use for defecation and reproduction. While turtles generally don't go out of their way to do so, they may release urine as a defense mechanism if they feel threatened or are startled. Since the turtle can't digest the material, it should come out with feces. Hermann tortoises and their dietary preferences can be very strange, sometimes tortoises will eat everything that is in front of them (even if they shouldnt) and other times they will become some Can Hermann Tortoises Eat Tomatoes? Understanding these problems will allow you to better care for your pet and minimize future health care issues. Putting all the disgust aside, you also might overthink if something internally could be wrong with your turtle. While at first, this doesnt seem like a very efficient defense, it actually is. Younger turtles feel much more secure if they have a solid surface to place their feet on. The answer is yes! The Surprising Answer( With Video). But, if you drink less than 7 to 8 glasses, which is a prescribed limit, your pee becomes more acidic. Once this is accomplished, the turtle will swim now and then for excercise when he wants. While growing, juvenile turtles need to be fed fairly often, adult turtles can be fed a few times per week, depending on the species. But if you pick them up they'll likely pee on you, so watch out. If your turtle resists, stop petting it immediately. And it can also have toxins that can be dangerous to the brain if it comes to contact. Do You Need A Tetanus Shot After A Cat Bite. After all, some say, there are probably other turtles there, and an abundance of food, water, and sunlight. by leaving a tip. So the quantity of pee that gets out is very small, which makes it very hard to see. Do Turtles Pee? Happy turtles will eat their meals enthusiastically and appear excited when presented with food. However, turtles are not the only animals that release urine when theyre scared. So, youre looking for a new companion pet and youve decided that aTestudinecould be the right fit for you. However, it is important to note that not all turtles will react this way. Green algae growing on the outside of the shell occurs commonly and can be cleaned off with periodic brushing of the shell with disinfectant cleaners. You also might have . And the most renowned assumption is that its a type of defense mechanism for turtles. Regardless of the tissue or organ prolapsed, all can become traumatized, become dried out, or suffer from compromised blood flow. 96 Continue this thread It is a common problem in reptiles and can be life-threatening. There are a few theories on why turtles pee when theyre picked up. Even if you opt for a screen top for your tank, its best if the cells of that screen are as wide as possible to allow ample UVB lightto reach the turtle. Considering that they are instinctually intelligent, peeing on you isnt normal. So the more you drink, the clearer your urine looks. Have a dedicated area for cleaning reptiles items, separate from the area humans items are cleaned. The shell may be soft, bumpy, or asymmetrical. Before purchasing a turtle, check the laws in your municipality regarding legal ownership of pet turtles. Instead, turtles have bladder problems which cause them to relieve themselves by releasing fluids directly onto their skin. They can also spin around quickly or even lunge. Nothing bad will happen if you touch turtle pee, just make sure that you wash or disinfect your hands before you touch anything else. When turtles need more room inside their bladders, the best way to help them is by giving them something else to chew on.