I mean everybody has issues but 4 me my good out weight the bad. Which not to brag but he will NEVER find another woman like me. He's logging it all awayhow much you have in common, what you want to get our of dating him, if your future goals align. Then one day he just disappeared one me havent heard from him in 3 weeks. He went home and things have been different every since, he still tells me he loves me and I am his best friend but I catch him lies all the time. Tips to Get Aries Man Heart, What Type of Women Do Aries Men Like (3 BEST Traits He Looks For). Something that can be seen in their temper tantrum, especially if they dont get their way. He was talking up the future, and then 2 months later he was gone. Yes I love him! I havent heard from him since that day, i called several times and no response. I can't talk for all of them, of course, and I'm not saying that this is even the right answer. Hell likely tell you whether he wants something to happen between you or not as long as you bring it up in a light enough manner. He was sleeping. do i back off as well? Which that was a promise 4 me 2 be his wife, that even after being with him 9 years i have yet to get a ring. Hey. ugh He said: I like you a lot and I care for you but I'm just not ready for love or to get lovey dovey. He may say youre important to him one moment and then turn around and act like youre not even that high on his priority list the next. He ignores your texts. Aries people are really good at starting something new, but not so much at keeping them. When in doubt, ask him directly. he recently told me that he likes me and that he would wait 2 have sex with me (btw im 17 hes 19). If something is wrong in the relationship, she expects her partner to be direct and straightforward. Aries like to act tough, but behind those horns, Aries can be very sensitive. ****************************************************He asked me to borrow money and didnt like my reaction, and he keeps asking me for lifts and once he knew i didnt want to and i know he isnt happy about that but ive tried to help him where i can. He has a lot of people wanting his time. I much prefer the feeling I have when he trests me like I'm his girl, that's really good. Instead, you see anger and a lot of it. But such a cowardly exit I think. This is creepy but I didn't mind because it was him. The response I got was" I understand, I just need some time to figure things out. How can someone go for months without talking to you, and still care? I've bern with my Aqua guy on and off for 4 yearswe leave together now but he decided he wants to move out. If their meant to be in your life they will be. I have been accused of things, constantly, like I have to reassure him I am not cheating or even thinking about cheating, we have had terrible arguments about this and it stems from his past relationships. For me, as a very strong-minded Aries woman, it started off as a challenge for me to see if I could actually follow another person and allow him to be mostly "in charge". They are very good at playing games. These personality traits of Aries drive people away and may harm themselves in the end. I was absolutely horrified! But after 20 months we are still chatting. This background check and communications tracker tool will reveal all the secret stuff thats going on behind your back. im sagitarius i cant just sleep while vacation lol! The information I read is good but sometimes I'm use to him but this right here what he is doing is so hurtful. He will rather travel with his family and friends than travel with you. And if he does, does he become bitter, aloof, or sarcastic as a result? I am courteous and timely in my responses (text communication) however, I find this mental confusion uninteresting. His impulsive act often makes the woman feel like shes neglected, unloved, and uncared. Recently, he told me that hes loved me for years & always will. However, hard some of them try to keep up the appearance, they hurt as well. And I said I wouldnt do it again. All our friends who've seen us together say there's undeniable attraction between us. Her "just do it" way of living sparks him to act on his dreams and imaginings. Need advice. How does it work? Once an Aries woman is in love they show their caring side and always tend to the needs of their partner. I have decided to not text him nomore and just wait for him.. weird and ridiculous. I am certainly not looking for any longterm commitment but don't want a 'friends with benefits' type relationahip either. See also: Aries man with Sagittarius woman compatibility. He seems to lack perspective, emotional maturity/intelligence, internal locus of control, self-awareness & communication skills. He would try to see me once in a while but I am stubborn and not on anyone else's time and a week after the last time he ended our 'social' connection. i was friends with an aqua man for 7 years, the relationship was never sexual, but very intellectually engaging, fun, and light. It all comes across rather childish and while it will NEVER be me to chase him, if he contacts me, unless i move onto someone, i will answer him and leave it to go how it goes, provided he is not rude because if he is, then he will be ignored until he finds a way to rectify it and i will not take any s*it, and will cut him out of my mind while he is acting the fool.. On writing this, i fell like i should change my number but when i cut him off once before, he got frightened and turned up at the front door days later.. Im a genuine aqua man, and only thing i have to add for the ladies having troubles with their aqua man is just be as supportive as you can. Somehow it seems to me there is a reason that the universe has produced people with the Aquarius temperament, and so I want to find a way of valuing this personality and the individual man that I love. You don't want inconsistency in your life, trust me. Which I think was a bad idea. Anyway we became exclusive right away as he asked me to be his girlfriend and that was that. Mine is also sexy, intelligent and extremely charasmatic. 5 Easy Tips to Effortlessly Texting with an Aquarian Man, 5 Potent Ways to Make an Aquarian Man Obsessed with You, He does a full-on disappearing act on you, 7 Essential Things to Know about Dating an Aquarius Man, What to do when an Aquarian man doesnt like you. ok im an aries woman ive recently ben talking to an aquarius man.. we hung out 2wice so far. Aries woman in love is looking for a romantic tale and elaborated gestures from their partners. They need someone exciting and who can keep her excited all the time. Use your good luck and power shades in all aspects of your life for an extra boost of good fortune. But he always seem to wish only if we would have gotten married we'd still be happily married . Plus, both are idealistic romantics who have faith in new beginnings and tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. By understanding someone and how they view things it's easy to make yourself more attractive to them. Maybe I allowed us to become intimate too soon?! They will date 3-4 girls at the same time. You don't think we are scared too?? Except the breakup was hard, even at that they usually find a little hole to slip back into your life. And if he does and his pride is that strong that he cant be bothered to break down and call, then..it can be so many things. He lived in USA and just visited London about 7 times a year, I thought I don't want to meet and fall for you and then never get to see you. Like Aries men, Aries women are deeply passionate and refuse to hide their feelings. All these amazing traits fit Aquarius mans ideal type perfectly, plus he also likes how she is confident about herself. Am I wasting my time? We're Talking About Hey Guys, Wanted To Get Some Advice Regarding A Capricorn Woman I've R. An Aries man who keeps coming back to you cares about you. He is on a mission with something at the moment, which started a couple of days b4 we last met, and he asked me to help him with it so we have been in constant contact during the last week for that reason BUT nothing else seems to be happeening. He always felt he never did anything wrong. How? But the moment that he seemed to care he backed off. For her, love is very important in their lives. Preface: One woman army of the zodiac. Keep track of the info in this article to see whether he will come back or he already lost his interest in you. Looks like your account has been deactivated. Whatever he has himself lost in with you is a sign that he's fallen in love with you. i mean his laptop on cus he wants me to speak with his mum, and he fall asleep and i got so mad at him! I have been having the exact problem at the moment, I have been seeing an aquarius guy who is 10 years older than me for a while now and he has on and off started ignoring my texts and wont get back to me for 24 hours or more but when he decides to finally text back he wants to see me. Your sweet Virgo sun can turn fiery in an instant when their Aries moon gets hurt. My friend says he is still deciding about me. He probably doing that silent treatment, to see you react to him not talking to you. The process will surely takes time, but at the end of the day all the patience and waiting are worthy. His time is precious. Allow these follow your dreams quotes, How to Attract a Sagittarius Man: 12 Keys to His Heart. They are social butterflies and can never sit idly inside their homes. I don't want to lose him so as of today I will ignore him which to me is an odd way of getting him back. I really hope this helps! I will not deal with this again. I really like this guy and it seems to be a list cause. On the other hand, Aries woman cant stand of disappearing acts. Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you? Aries and Leo Compatibility - 2 years. Try to keep the conversation light, make him laugh, and do things that attracted him to you in the first-time meeting. He may send sweet texts one day then drop off the map the next. He s unemotionally attach to me when we get our closest & things going great will even say he doesn't know if he could ever love any one. As if things weren't already bad enough! They are probably thinking they like you, want to be with youBut at the same time, they are feeling that ever familiar despair as they think their freedom is leaving them for good. Hi ladies! What give them the right to lie and take or even ask if you could pay a bill for them and never repay you back your money or take a christmas gift from you and leave you with nothing. Give him space, dont push him to talk to you. Then he wanted more. Trouble is they must surely lose so many good women. I have been in this relationship for almost a year, and despite all the challenges I am not ready to give up. They were there before I was so who am I to tell him to get rid of his friends and vice versa. Hi, Im Loren. When an Aries woman dates a Pisces man, she should know she will have to adapt in one way or another to his easy-going, passive, dreamy outlook on life. That's a trap! Find a good Aries that truly loves you! It's taken me 12 long years to finally accept that my aqua man will never fulfil my needs. If your heart is set on a Sagittarian man, you're in for a challenge. how come? An Aries man who keeps coming back to you cares about you. I said: We do get lovey dovey, when we're being intimate duh. i met my aquarian at work. Lets have a look at Aquarius man and Aries woman love compatibility. He will call or text like everything is ok Not speak a word about the argument and him being silent.. Doesn't he miss me like I miss him? On the other hand, Aries woman can't stand of disappearing acts. Quite frankly, I prefer my solitude to this mental immaturity. Pairing Capricorn and Gemini is like pairing up Yoda with Tinker Bell. Just dying to get in that little place! Most importantly, he requires his freedom even when you two are dating; hence, respect his privacy or he will run away. Well, after feeling like "I" need to watch what I say, how I say it, when I say itblah, blah, blahI've made a decision that it's just way too much work, and too frustrating to do this, and being an Aries, I march to the beat of my own drum, and to HAVE to try and do all this just to have someone in my life is utterly ridiculous to me, and I've just had enough!!! I ignored him and finally send him a long text telling him that I dont do games. We had talked and I thought everything was fine. How Compatible are Aquarius Man and Aries Woman? He is NOT listening. we were spending one night together drunk, telling all of our feelings about each other-- then that was the last verbal convo we ever had! we began talking hanging out things moved Fast. Best of luck to everyone! What gives. As one of the Fire signs in the zodiac, he is definitely irresistible, charming to the opposite sex. Thank you! Im at lost of words, do kno wat to do. Aquarian men love to prod and analyze in conversation, even during small talk, so something is off if hes not doing that. He loves me, I love him, but I can sense when he's about to start acting weird again and I back off, but boy does my patience run thin with this bs, but found a solution in occupying my time with other things taking my mind off of him and why he's acting weird.