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Our fabulous list of creative writing prompts will help students overcome writer's block and help get your writer's creative juices flowing. There are a number of different methods of setting a match ablaze to come up with story ideas. How much others can gain from pursuing faith. Until tragedy strikes that stranger. Bad romance novels play host to an abundance of problematic and tedious characters the meek virgin, the reformed jerk, the conflicted step-brother. Trials and tribulations of a blended family. It fits with the sci-fi world and further creates a sense of realism and it pulls the reader deeper into the world. Write about how over the course of a few hundred years, cases of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses caused the death and destruction of generations. Then they come across a town that seems unchanged, inhabiting seemingly normal people. The lessons you didnt realize you learned as a child. An 18-year-old boy who left home to pursue a career in music with his band is close to hitting the big time when he gets a call from home saying his father passed away. Write about how theres a house at a dead end thats not abandoned, but hardly anyone has even caught sight of who lives there. 18. Use them as novel ideas, short stories, screenplays, or just try them as creative writing exercises to stretch your imagination. They just cant seem to stop killing people. Urban fiction or "street lit" is a popular genre -- usually self-published -- that deals with the harshest social-economic realities of inner city life: poverty, crime, gaudy sex, fast romance, graphic violence, verbal abuse and domestic violence. A young Muslim boy from a strict family falls in love with the Christian girl in his high school, and must now balance the expectations of his family with that of his heart. by Dan Dalton. The template will now appear in the default options in Scrivener. Your characters identity is stolen, racking up thousands of dollars in debt. Here are 30 horror and thriller writing prompts: Scaring people so much so that they sweat while simply reading is a difficult task. The only catch . How your childhood friends affected your adult life. Reading minds might seem like an advantage in the dating world. Compare and the difference between a value and a moral. Oh, and they have a debilitating medical condition to look after, too. After venturing in and out of foster homes, theyre finally an adult and on their own. Their decision? A single gardening glove is in their place on the bed. A book about the idea of self-care and what it means to you. How your faith can steer your career and life. These are 100% original, never-before-seen creative writing prompts you wont find anywhere else. Oh, and this alternate universe hasnt discovered electricity yet. They can help you focus on things you're grateful for and help in developing an attitude of deeper appreciation, and they can help you turn your attention to things you may want to change . They havent lit them for weeks. Until they catch him do something they never thought possible. The journey of parenting and what its taught you about yourself. People read romance to be invested, to feel something real. How to introduce self-love into your life. If youre writing a nonfiction book, we have great ideas for you to focus on. This is why fantasy is my preferred genre to write in. Here are 25 Health and Wellness Writing Prompts: This can be atricky topic to write about because love is different for everyone. There are 500 fiction writing prompts in the book 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. When a shiny, unnatural looking contraption touches down and, Write about how the only reason your character is alive is because of a test device implanted around their heart. But when someone your character has never met before steps up to challenge your supposed-to-be life partner, theyre forced to be with a stranger. Unfortunately, theyre world is headed toward an ice agewhich could mean their extinction if they dont learn to make peace with their water-wielding nemesis. There are countless fantasy worlds out there and that means you really have to focus on being unique within your world. When their birth mother reaches out to reconnect, they never couldve predicted whats kept her away for so long. Human curiosity is what makes this genre so incredibly popular. about how your character runs away from their tribe in the dead of night. A writing prompt can be a phrase, an image, or even a physical object that kick starts your imagination and motivates you to write. Video footage of them at the scene during the murder shows that clearly. These passages are listed at their readability level according to the Fry formula. How to find what you truly enjoy in a life partner. In your characters world, crime is nonexistent. Create a conflict many can relate to or sympathize with, Spend a lot of time on the character arc as many contemporary novels are primarily character-driven, NEVER romanticize abuse as love (AKA, a jealous boyfriend should never be praised for loving your character more because this is harmful to readers), Create real chemistry by giving your characters qualities that would, Avoid insta-love by giving your characters time to bond and get to know each other, Look out for serious romance cliches and overused plot lines like love triangles, forbidden romances (these can be great, Continuously up the stakes whenever the reader gets comfortable with the relationship. Here are a few writing prompts for a number of different broader categories that have proven to be prosperous. Your main character has been feared it or been affected by it. So why does something thats been illegal for as long as they can remember feel so. Each day may produce a completely different reality than the one before. Ways in which you can improve your sex life. Also use the sentence 'Aren't you afraid?' Write about a character who researches untouched societies as a living. Here are the fiction writing prompts we have: These are the nonfiction writing prompts: Save This Resource NOW for Quick Reference Later, 200+ Fiction Writing Prompts In the Most Profitable Genres. >> UPDATE: Due to the popularity of this post (thanks, you! Here are some of our favorite story generators on the Internet: Writing Exercise's Random Plot Generator. Write about how, to make some extra money, your character puts their spare room on Airbnb. In an urban fantasy world set on a distant planet, your main character is a city-dwelling alien struggling to connect with his rural family members. Here are a few ideas to do these writing prompts justice when writing your fantasy novel: Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: This genre is another very popular one, and for good reason. What you expected happiness to be versus how it truly is. Theres been no war or poverty or famine in centuries. The Internet suddenly shuts down, and no one knows why or how to get it back running again. A long-lost shipwreck is found, completely intact. Your main character is newly employed to be the rulers personal assistant. Little did they know that this small town could house so much of what theyre really looking for in life including a hottie with a less-than-favorable reputation. They have everything they would ever hope to haveexcept for a clue as to what happens outside their very large, protective walls. But they did leave a few notes with your characters name on them before it happened. Write a book about how at the height of your characters career and life as a whole an attack destroys their city, kills their spouse, and forces them into povertyand maybe even war. Write about purple glasses. Goals in life and how to accomplish them. Write about how the painting thats been in your characters home for over 50 years starts screaming. A bounty hunter has to track down a target and bring him back to his employer alive. Fiction writing prompts are an amazing way to get the creative writing gears moving and generate new ideas for your next (or first!) For today's prompt, your character discovers that there are fae in their backyard. A group of "outsiders" become a clique that eventually excludes others. Urban fantasy stories are set in cities. Books in the subgenre of Urban Fantasy are set primarily in the real world and contain aspects of fantasy, such as the discovery of earthbound mythological creatures, coexistence or conflict between humans and paranormal beings, and other changes to city life. When working to writing prompts the goal is to get some words out, create some new ideas, and make new connections in your mind that will help you build new stories. Write about how to use your passions to increase your confidence. Striking it against the matchbox it came in. Write a book. Urban fantasy takes place in a predominantly urbannot ruralsetting Contemporary fantasy is set in the present day (or the time in which it was written) Magical Realism Touches of magic are incorporated into the real world Blurs the lines between fantasy and reality Medieval Fantasy A subgenre of historical fantasy Set in the Middle Ages Fifteen years later, they meet someone who makes their life better in ways they couldnt have imagined. Write about how your main character suffers from a condition that gives them periodic blackouts for seemingly no reason. Your own struggles with faith and how you maneuvered them. Different Its been two years since your character has actually had a steady job. Top 50 Fiction Writing Prompts Here are 50 fantastic fiction writing prompts that will help you start your next story. 6. When your character is sold for the 8th time in their short 20 years, then end up at one of the top houses and become a personal servant to the next leader of their settlement. #2: Describe exactly what you see/smell/hear/etc, right now. Polka dot shoes. Then, when theyre falling asleep, they hear that same sound outside their window. Your character knows better. Your character is on the lookout for a new best friend. Close reading is a specialty of mine as symbolism and thematic ideas are always . With new laws, new standards, and new rulers in place, their life obtains a whole new purpose. After growing increasingly desperate, they answer an ad for a personal assistant position. Your characters country is the bestuntil a new ruler steals the throne by forceof magic. Fantasy is all about magic, creatures, and abilities. Now theyre in therapy, fighting with their own mind in order to sort out what really happened that day and why they cant stop hearing another voice. The second thing you could do is read urban fantasy books by fellow, successful authors. What they didnt anticipate was the massive super virus 100% resistant to the drug. Write a guide for how to discover whats truly meaningful to you with your faith. Upon further inspection, your character finds a bottle in one of the baskets and in that bottle, a letter. This is one of the top book ideas right now. See where these ideas take you. #7 People thought society would be better if we killed the worst 1% every year. Something to keep in mind is that creative writing is largely driven by tone, style, characters, and your plot. Its a day of celebration. The pollution in your hero's city. Their new partner has a lot in common with the main character. The Ghost Cat, Totem #5 by Christine Rains is a paranormal, shifter urban fantasy set in Alaska and is the fifth book in a series about three polar . But now they cant seem to escape the town. They said strange things might happen. Your character is walking home midday when they hear an usual sound coming from an ordinary house in the suburbs. Write a story about how natural farming doesnt exist anymore. The father is already non existent so go ahead and make the mother a crack head child abuser. Now your character knows why. Now they have to make sense of a new reality and an identity thats shocking. 29. Write about the technicalities of being healthy.. As this genre gains more and more popularity, you may find yourself wondering what a certain post-apocalyptic world might look like. In fact, nobody marries for love. We've collected 50 fourth grade writing promptsincluding opinion, persuasive, informational, and narrativeto spur your students' imaginations and get them writing! The point is, writing about a lack of self-esteem and how to gain it is something everyone has experienced and therefore, everyone can relate to. Your main character has seen the same person at the bus stop every day for what seems like over a year. Shes in a trance and wont answer to her name. But for some reason, the person addressing them thinks they already know everything about it. This list of 1800+ creative writing prompts has been created by the Reedsy team to help you develop a rock-solid writing routine. Ohand they have a one-year-old to take care of on top of it. As all aspiring authors know, this is the #1 challenge . Write about how your character teaches children magic. Feel free to alter the writing idea to suit your creative writing needs. Now they have to maintain the faade of going to college even though they decided to pursue a different endeavor. Write about what life would look life if morals were not in place. Your character runs an underground cyber center that gets crashed by local law enforcement. They know practically everything about each other. Write about a character who survived an accident that killed one of their siblings. I get it. And thats when life becomes a little weirder. Title: FALLING INTO FIRE. Dystopian Writing Prompts Writing Plot Mystery Writing Story Writing Prompts Writing Inspiration Prompts Book Writing Tips Writing Therapy Writing Groups Writing Characters More information . Write about how to overcome a learned toxic thought-process when thinking about yourself. Write about letting go of toxic family members to find happiness. But when their best friend goes missing and their body shows up in front of their house, your character makes it their mission to find out whos responsible even if it means breaking the lawa lot of laws. Your character is a rare breed who was born without it. Write about childhood pains that have followed you into adulthood. How to let go of a crappy childhood to find happiness as an adult. Black Perspectives, the award-winning blog of the African American Intellectual History Society, invites essays on the topic of "Post Racial Democracies?". Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: Write about a character who wakes up in a space pod alonenext to a ship so massive it's actually carrying a planet beneath it. Write about how two old bicycles are embedded in a tree grown into it from years of being chained to it. Write about your ideal health and wellness system for long-term success. Now, after 10 years of solitude, people start filing into their neck of the woods covered in wounds, tattered clothing, and bruises. Write about how our morals and values change as we grow up. Your character is short on food, shelter, and even patience. A message to anybody who doesnt think they have something to believe in. They seem better than everuntil your character discovers their method of staying clean; a new addiction has taken its place. A. While there are a variety of writing competitions, short story contests are great ways to develop your skills as a writer. Write a story about a main character whos read all about the warning signs of a solar flare and the flipping of the Earths magnetic field. Without a word, his eyes start to bleed. Here are 28 contemporary writing prompts: I personally believe contemporary can be one of the hardest genres to write because you have the least wiggle room when it comes to creativity. Write about accepting who you truly are and how it can change your life. That being said, keeping your message broad enough to impact a lot of people while also hitting specific key points can make it easier. Write a story about how two thousand years after a massive wave of a fatal illness swept over the entire world, your character navigates a life of poverty and hardship, struggling to feed their very young twin siblings and alcoholic father. Your character lines up at the bank very early in the morning, dreading another day of mind-numbing work ahead at their corporate job. It should be so specific and vivid that when the reader finishes the story, they feel like theyve lost a bit of reality., Imagining characters complexly is also important. Write a story about a character whose religion has a talisman as old as the religion itself. Write a story where magic is abundant, everywhere, and used as currency. Use our fun Story Ideas Kit to create mix-and-match story plots. In your futuristic society, humans are bred in a lab without them as a means of creating equality. Your character is of a very noble household and can barely sleep each night. Two years after your characters significant other goes missing, presumed dead, they start getting messages that could only be from them. Who knew miracles were actually. because the formula does not factor in conceptual difficulty of a text. Enjoy! Non-fiction. The world is ruled by one person dedicated to keeping the peace. But now the suns rays have difficulty penetrating it and the world is slowly growing colder. 1. What faith means to you and how you express it daily. Write a story that involves a post office, a banana, and a baseball glove. Dealing with grief, your family blaming you for a siblings death, and a debilitating disease isnt easy. How you learned to love yourself through your faith. Searching for urban fantasy writing prompts? Nobody knows how or where they are now. Here Are 15 of the Best Reddit Writing Prompts: #1 You have a machine that tells you the effect of an action you are thinking about making, but you can only activate/use it once.. That settlement doesnt actually exist. Write about a character who experiences the horrific destruction of Pompeii. But during interrogation, they get. Fantasy Prompts While it doesn't have to be dark, it often uses themes that correspond to the darker side of city life. Your main character discovers a voice message from 700 years prior detailing the downfalls construction. Story Ideas. They were carefully removed from building, monuments, and schools. During a follow-up set of interviews, your character conducts around a certain mob member, long thought to have put an end to that very mob, they find out that the mob member has been lying for 30 yearsabout everything. Here's how to use these writing prompts: Choose a prompt that inspires you to write. So much so that children are now worth millions. Write about a trial being the only way your character can ever hope to rise above their current abysmal ranking. Your journey from not having any faith to where you are now. Struggling with self-esteem and how it can affect relationships. Write a story about how your character wakes up to a little girls screams outside. Write about a single member of each noble family who has been murdered every week for the past two months. In the world your character lives in, holding on to your own sanity is the difference between destruction and thriving. Here are a few guidelines when creating your science fiction world from these writing prompts: Dynamic is the slang the author created in this instance. Your struggle with an addiction of some kind and how you overcame it. You may want to use a reading from an earlier or later grade level. How-to guide for finding something to believe in. Some say its just their twisted imagination, their new therapist thinks it is something much, much differentand dangerous. Consider a time your morals were compromised and how it affected your life. Even though romance is an extremely popular genre doesnt mean you can be lazy when it comes to the actual romance and creative writing prompts isnt always enough to help you develop a full-blown romance. A waft of something flowery washes over your main character as they jog down the street. Write a story about a character who lives in an ancient society. Your character boards a ship to sail across to a newly discovered land. If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket. A building theyve never noticed before flashing an OPEN sign catches their attention. 15 Urban Fantasy Story Prompts Everyone loves a good blend of fantasy and modern day life, here is a list of 15 prompts to get your creative juices flowing. With everyone in their family having gone to an ivy league school, your main character feels the pressure to get in and get As. And thats exactly what were here to help you with, whether youre writing as a hobby or looking to publish a novel thats destined to be included on every bibliophiles gift wish list. Write about ways in which you can improve your romantic relationship. How self-doubt can affect your search for love. When theyre forced to leave their home to rush to the aid of someone struggling outside, they learn that those natural disasters are completely fabricated. Decide if the story will take place in this world or a completely unique one, Create realistic advanced technology that your characters would actually use, Avoid modern-day slang unless the story takes place here, Paint a very clear picture of everyday life for your character from the very first page, Get creative with the laws, culture, and customs. Writing about your personal beliefs, how you came to them, and how they steer your life is something almost everyone can relate to. You have to ensure that you dont give away too much information so the readers dont figure it out. How toxic relationships can alter your self-esteem for the worse. Happiness is an illusion, as are every other emotion. Your character thinks they must be the last person left on Earth. Your character stumbles into trouble when they discover that technology isnt in charge at all a group of people theyve never seen or heard of are. actually what their specific relationship can benefit from. Write about how after a devastating illness that rocked, Write a book about how after a devastating storm that encompassed the. Its got to be more than a coincidence, right? Expose popular moral dilemmas in the world. 1. Write a story about how oxygen levels on Earth have been plummeting for centuries. They never turn around and your character is left with a bag full disturbing ransom notes. Unfortunately, they become radioactive, toxic, and severely deadly to anyone who breathes in even a tiny amount. But when your best friend turns out to be the complete opposite of how you thought, a relationship can get tricky. When someone new finally learns the truth, reality becomesconfusing. . Its the heart of their civilization and religion. View the prompt as an idea to kickstart your writing. Your main character wakes up on the ground in the middle of nowhere, not knowing a thing about themselves. Write about a kingdom overrun by magical beasts who spit a toxin that makes you forget everythingfrom forever. Write about how death is a natural part of life. On the same day your character challenges their loves family of 8, someone else challenges theirs a family of only 3. Write about a single tower that powers whats left of the countrys population. A good prompt can give you the inspiration you need to craft a paragraph, a book, or an entire series. Your life and what lessons you learned that others should know. Becoming open-minded in your pursuit of love. Your characters new goal? Do they fall in love, or do they plot their revenge? Creative writing prompts are the missing link all writers needwhether youre writing for fun or looking to write an amazing novel and live full time off your fiction writing like students in our Fundamentals of Fiction program. How finding love has changed the way you care for others. Write a story about how in order to marry in your characters society, suitors have to fight a persons entire family for their hand. Since the manmade radioactive superstorm that destroyed most of life as they knew it, extreme measures have been taken to document every move of every person. Society is starting to focus on health and well-being more so than many other important life ventures and now is the time to write about it! Turns out, your character is immune to the substance. And it wasnt for the last time. Most importantly, have fun! Theyve put everything on hold for it including their love life. Your character ends up in their clutches, forced to do their bidding. If youre not born in a certain family, youre shipped off and sold. The ServiceScape Writing Prompt Generator has hundreds of creative writing ideas. Your journey to understand what it means to truly be alive. Unfortunately, your character discovers a superstorm developing, Your character develops a new device you implant in your ear that reads the minds of those they focus on. How to find the best exercise type for your needs. #11 Every time you die, you are reincarnated into a new body. But after years and years of developing a technical system that is the center of and controls everything, its almost completely peaceful. Write about how books have nearly been abolished. But when it seems like a cure is within reach, a suspicious fire burns all of their researchor so it seemed. For your main character, that seems obvious. Whether or not your family can truly impact who you are as an adult. 40 Self-Help Writing Prompts Write about a time when you had to start over in your life, and what you learned from that. RandomHelpfulTip: No high school urban story should include parents. Your character is a compulsive liar, unable to stop themselves from spinning tales that make them the envy of everyone around them. Write a story about how the government was taken over by the rich nearly 50 years ago.