Keefe rolled his eyes and smiled. I dont know exactly where he is, he didnt tell anyone where he was going, just said he had to go get some stuff from in town, he admitted. This would be one confusing trip. And however much I want to, I cant just give you some custard bursts and a half thought out apology. She wished this hadn't happened. We could all use a little more weird, he said with a wink. He stretched, waking up from a nap, and looked over in her direction. Just then, Keefe sauntered over to the group, holding a very full looking shopping bag. She hated talking about this, even more than she hated talking about telling Grady. Were going to go to a couple of different stores to shop, and then well get a late lunch at my favorite place, and itll all be great. Madly, Sophie said with an obvious eye roll. Keefe grinned a warm and slightly relieved smile. Im starting to get worried.. Sophie went up second to last, still trying to decide what to have. Bet youre glad you didnt take me up on that bet now, arent you? Cora whispered to Marella, and Sophie couldnt help but laugh at her friends antics. Yep, we're just waiting on Keefe. As they hopped out of the shuttle, Linh squealed, pointing at something just in view. Oh Yeah, youre right. Promise never to do that again, it was torture waiting to publish this story that I had written literally days before you guys even hit ten reads. Sophie Im sorry I just wanted to-, Protect me? Do you mean that you and Keefe- he was cut off by Cora, who addressed Sophie, Youre not making any sense to the rest of us, so we would appreciate it if you started explaining., Fine, she replied, hoping that this would be over quickly, at the very least, Uh. Thats fine, I was going to talk to him later anyway., Okay, Fitzy, Keefe said as he moved closer to Sophie protectively. Were friends. With that, Sophie walked away, ignoring the strange looks from everyone else in the restaurant. Hey, Sophie? I can't believe we forgot to get some earlier! she called, her eyes wide. #kotlc Sophie Foster has been at war with herself and her guilt for too long. Keefe leaned closer as Sophie shuffled through the movies. pillow pellow milk melk; 7th birthday party ideas for girl at home ", Keefe snorted, shrugging his shoulders. Everyone around Sophie has been obsessed with matchmaking, being paired up by the day. She doesn't know who to pick, Fitz or Keefe. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. Elwin reluctantly let Sophie stay with Keefe. What happens when Sophie and Keefe start dating? How are you alive? I have that effect sometimes. Keefe stared off into the distance in a way that was probably supposed to be dramatic, even though he was only wearing swim trunks. If we teleported, we would basically give elves away to everyone around us by falling out of the sky.. It was too late to fold the pile of clothes swiftly building up in her suitcase. I wanted to make sure it was accurate to the movie, Keefe answered matter-of-factly as Sophie let out a laugh. I think he went back to the hotel, Dex slowly began, to get some human candy., Nice try, but I already used that excuse. His hands rested on her hips, sending heat to places it shouldn't have. For one, youre not a Pyrokinetic whose power broke him as well as hurting the ones he loved the most. Im sure we could use the help getting Sophie to buy something, not to mention controlling the guys, Biana said with a dramatic eye-roll. Sophie twined her arms around his neck and leaned in closer to him, until she was almost engulfed into his embrace. In the distance, she saw Keefe and Dex swimming in the water. Something big. Is there something you want to tell me? she asked, knowing deep down what he was about to say. She had been right. I'm so glad you like it; your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. These are some KOTLC One-shot! Instead, she turned back to her already melting shave ice, and vowed to just enjoy her vacation. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. I have a photographic memory though, so at least I have some mental pictures. Sophie replied, trying to phrase her words in a way that wouldnt make Cora suspicious. Keefe leaned sideways and whispered to Sophie, So. what exactly are we supposed to do? Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. Though simple by elven standards, it was still too bright and shimmery for her tastes. Besides, Im not sure the kiss wouldve worked out as well as it did in the movie., Thanks for understanding. Its her who is basically the whole leader of the showdown now that Fintan is out of the picture. "No wonder the Neverseen captures you so easily. Meanwhile, Biana, Dex, and Fitz wandered off to look at different parts of the airport. Thanks for reading, enjoy! After that, it only took a couple more minutes to get everyone into the hotel to get checked in. Hope you enjoy!!! Maybe he'll listen to you, Tam explained. Sophie strolled over to the boys suite. A half an hour later, everyone met up in the girls hotel room. Keefe laughed, You know Foster, always getting flustered and confused with her words, she probably meant Hawaiian candy. What will happen to Fitz? Sophie reached towards his hand and this time he didnt let go. Everyone else- sure! Updates will be random. Wow. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. Just didnt hear him come up behind me. The one where we, yknow Sophie started talking to Dex, figuring this would be the least embarrassing way to spill the news. It tastes just like plain pasta, Sophie replied, a little sheepish for asking. She was about to start out the door when Keefe interrupted her leaving. Some Sokeefe for the Shipping Soul - Cuddles - Wattpad Hope you enjoy!!! sokeefe cuddling fanfiction - Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. This hadnt been exactly how she had pictured his reaction, but there was still hope about their friendship. (yes, i know bri just posted a wedding oneshot, but this isn't like the one she posted, this is completly different. And that's not all- Alden Vacker- someone who'd been looking for her's mind is broken. Hes become a less and less dependable friend, and with the way hes been acting this trip, I just gave up trying to keep our relationship intact. When Sophie turned seventeen, Edaline and Grady made the surprise they were going to have another kid. Of course it was. Which one would really care for her? Sophie was more than happy to wait. That was worth so much more. Keefe just smirked, but she could see a tint of pink in his cheeks too. "Come snuggle with me instead.". They crashed together, nearly falling in a heap, and they were so busy untangling themselves that it took several seconds for them to realize that they had made it to their friends. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didnt care. Sophie smiled at him one more time before taking his face into her hands and pressing her lips to his. Well, there's always one person holding up the line, it used to be the person having way too much trouble picking up their one suitcase. I'm a little cold, Sophie shivered, I didn't even know that was possible in Kauai. You're so light!" She rolled her eyes, but kissed him again. She decided to pack light for this trip, Fitz remarked with a grin. Its your choice, and if you dont want to sign up for your match lists, then theres nothing I can do to stop you. But when her sanity is shattered under the mental weight of he. Sophie blushed in annoyance as more people stopped to stare at Keefe while he ran a hand through his perfectly styled hair. Biana asked. The rest of her friends were still nearby, some sunbathing liker her, and the rest splashing in the waves. They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. He was in his bathing suit dancing, obviously not seeing her. Once again, Sophie was left speechless. Sophieisn't sure about herself. Mine is of course a diamond, cause we all know Im the best.. I mean, kinda Sophie trailed off. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? One row behind, Linh stared eagerly out the window, while Tam and Dex inspected their surroundings. We didnt take that long! Biana protested, Right Sophie? Sophie stood silent, zoned out and staring puzzled at her friends. She burst out laughing, clutching her sides as Keefe joined in. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic by @bookreader209 - Chapter 1 The last thing I want to do is hurt your feelings, but I don't like you quite like that. I know better than anyone how my brother can get sometimes, and it takes a lot of strength to speak up. They slowly parted, their eyes meeting as they broke apart. Marella lay on the bed next to her, taking a nap after having gotten ready to go. It didnt mean anything that Keefe had chosen the same flavor, did it? But Sophie is struggling to keep up. Ummm a. car accident. The plane is stopping now. Besides, it was getting a little chilled without my second layer, so it worked out.. #alwaysopentosuggestionsorcomments He been staring at you a lot, and you guys seemed pretty close on the airplane. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. As a friend though, and I wouldnt want anything to change that. I think Ill have a rainbow flavor. She'd expected that, but it didn't make it any less intense. Cuddling for Comfort, an attack on titan/ fanfic | FanFiction You cant blame yourself for what they do. Sophie reached towards his hand, but he blocked her. Hey are you guys almost ready for the beach? She asked with a sigh. Ill also have that. There is one thing though, is there nothing on this? Umm, okay. Sophie pulled Keefe aside once again as the group continued back to the hotel to discuss what to do that day. He stopped laughing for a second, staring at her intently. You could never be done Sophie. I really like it. The party started to the baggage claim, the human girl still close behind. She knew the homework was due tomorrow, but he felt so warm and nice and before she knew it, she had already given in to the temptation of Keefe's distractingly warm arms around her. Check. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didn't care. So, how did your talk with Biana go? Sophie asked, trying not to think about Fitz anymore. Now was the perfect time. You are awesome, and sweet, and a great person. You guys have to try some.. After eating their shave ice, the group had split up, the boys exploring the shops while the girls, especially Biana, bought clothes. Thanks for all this. They walked past the overly expensive but totally worth it gazebos, and up past waterfalls, fountains, and pools to the main hotel. It looked weird but I think I need to watch it! Keefe explained. It had small straps and was about knee length. The stars are beautiful, arent they? Keefe sat down on a piece of driftwood, looking up at the sky. Stay with me." His heart leaped, no matter how much she assured him that she's in love with him, every time she said something like this his heart felt more full. She was done letting him sweet talk her into giving him another chance. Or paper and pens to draw? Sophie whisper-shouted back. I forbid it. Yep. You do realize none of us believe you, right? Marella said, So just tell us. There was no awkwardness. Oh, sorry. This flight is like 6 hours.. When Grady and I got married. All these human things are so confusing to me, and you know so much, I just feel so stupid and-, Keefe. Sophie reached out a hand and rested it on his shoulder, getting his attention and stopping him from getting even more mad at himself. Did I hear my name? Several hours passed, and when Sophie opened her eyes again, Keefe was nowhere in sight. I wanted to set up something like in that movie we watched, but its not working at all, he explained, poking the spaghetti with a fork as if he hoped it would magically fix itself. You know, I used to think you were a good friend, but Im starting to realize you can be pretty selfish. He stood up as Sophie woke up to the three of them staring at her. Keefe is this whole plate one piece of pasta? Sophie asked suspiciously, as ridiculous as it sounded. But for some reason, a mysterious group wants to kill her. Im not mad I'm just really confused, Sophie told him. Right now, it just felt safer to wait and see. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction Well, it hasnt even been that long, it just feels like youre rushing into this. he said, and her heart plummeted. My names Sophie, whats yours?. Sorry we took so long, we were she trailed off, staring at Keefe and hoping he would provide an excuse. Fighting to stay awake Sophie struggled to get out of Keefe's tight hold, only to realize he had fallen asleep holding onto her, and by the looks of it, he wasn't letting go any time soon. After a few more minutes of quiet, Keefe stopped walking, and squeezed his eyes tightly closed, taking a few deep breaths. It had been next to impossible to convince the council to let them go, and even harder to convince Grady. Something just felt off, and I finally figured out what it was, she explained, Wheres Keefe?. + ; a Sokeefe human AU - - Wattpad I need to pack everything else., Anything to get us out the door faster. Hey, Dex, where did Keefe go? she called out to her friend, who was lying down on a towel a couple of feet away. Biana returned carrying a soft, wispy dress. Even though this homework was from her Polyglot class, which normally came easy to her because of her special ability, she still took the homework very seriously. Of course. Sophie lay back down, but she was once again too plagued with questions and worries to actually rest. Theres normally some kind of sauce or topping., Its ok, Im pretty picky about the sauce anyway, so it's nice to not have to worry about that.. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. I didn't want to cancel the whole trip so here I am. She winked. She looked at the screen. I said that I didnt care if you wanted to find your bio parents, or if you didnt want to think about them ever again. Bianas approval made her heart feel even lighter, the recognition meaning more to her than she wouldve ever guessed. "Goodnight, Foster." , Keefe mumbled. You know even Biana packed faster than you? Keefe eventually stood up, grabbed her wrists, and looked her dead in the eyes. And you already know Fitz and Biana of course. Sophie pointed to each person in turn. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath. Sure they were close and she could open up to him more than other people, but she liked Fitz. This fan fic is in different POV's. Chapter 1, dedicated to my crush, initials are NG. :D (All characters belong to Shannon Messenger). also all these characters belong to Shannon Messenger the author of kotlc so yeah :) The cover art is Not mine. Keefe had gotten her the same ring as him. A few weeks later, Sophie realized something that turns her world upside down. Can I talk to you? ", "Wow! No, Keefe this is serious, Sophie scrunched out your eyebrows. You were so helpful when I tried to find my biological parents. But something was missing in this picture. 8 letters Chapter 1, a keeper of the lost cities fanfic | FanFiction How did your talk with Fitzy go? Keefe asked in response. Can't he switch with Foster?, You're not even sharing a room with him! Fits reminded him, You're rooming with Dex remember?, That's more like it! Keefe exclaimed and stage whispered, Were going to have to cause some trouble later.. Everything went smoothly, though Biana did receive some odd looks from the cashier when she set down all of her clothes. Biana was reading a book and Fitz was talking intently with the human girl sitting next to him. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. Keefe sighed in obvious relief, his previous embarrassment disappearing. Sokeefe Stories - wedding - Wattpad But after several minutes of confused pondering, she decided not to think about it, instead focusing on picking out a dress she actually enjoyed. Dex snickered and whispered back, I brought balding serums. Sophie barely resisted the urge to groan and hit him over the head with a suitcase. Thats so awesome! Linh exclaimed, and Biana, Marella and Cora all agreed, each one of them congratulating Sophie and Keefe. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. Unsurprisingly, she had already changed into a cute pink bikini she had bought online with the help of Dex. UPDATE: Keefes thoughts chapter. #wattys2019. Thats not a healthy relationship, and if you cant acknowledge that, then I dont want to keep trying to be friends when Im the only one putting in any effort.
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