It was great meeting you also, and I look forward to working with you. However, we sometimes feel like saying It was a pleasure speaking with you again and again could be a bit mechanical and dry. You can appreciate them for spending some of their time meeting with you, especially if it benefited you. (shake hands) We must doing it again soon! "text": "We can thank someone for speaking with us via phone by using the expression “It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone earlier today/this afternoon/yesterday, Mr./Ms. It shows that you respect and value their time. 3. Im glad we could have this discussion is a great phrase in many situations. Thank you. It was lovely to see you is somewhere between informal and formal English. For example: One person will say It is nice to meet you and the other will reply The pleasure is all mine., From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (its) my pleasurespoken used when someone has thanked you for doing something and you want to say that you were glad to do it pleasureExamples from the Corpus(its) my pleasure Thanks for coming. My pleasure.. Note, since this is saying goodbye, or "leave-taking," it's okay to repeat the same words or use similar words (similar to greeting: A: How are you? Happy to help with any other projects in the future! This phrase works best when youre meeting a powerful person (i.e. So, here is how to respond to a nice to meet you email! I hope we can arrange something like this again soon. Needless to say, today can be conveniently replaced by other time expressions like this morning, this afternoon, or this evening, depending on the conversational context. Its been a pleasure, and I hope youll consider me for future positions should they ever make themselves available. What is another word for its a pleasure? How to Respond to Nice to Meet You In Email? Yes, its a very informal one. It shows that you had a great experience meeting someone and talking to them about things. I appreciate you spending the time to talk to me about your concerns with this place. Want to improve this question? WebThe first sentence is correct by saying, It was a pleasure meeting you. The second sentence is grammatically incorrect. It when one wants to express gratitude in work-related contexts. It was great meeting you is a fantastic choice in formal English. Lets meet again. It really helped me deepen my understanding of the value of effective procedures, particularly for our team. All of these responses are excellent. Im glad that things have been looking up for you. Give me a call whenever you want to do this again. We should do this again sometime. Its a great alternative because it gets right to the point and shows someone that you enjoyed talking to them. }, As a texted response, it would be okay with a friend. It can also be worded to reflect, Meeting you has been a pleasure. Mollie Marie Starving Artist 6 y Im glad to be welcomed onto the team. And if you explain why exactly you feel so excited (you have heard of this persons achievements and you want to work with such a great professional, etc. However, I don't know much about Indian English, so it may be perfectly acceptable there. So, we have collected ambiguity-free ways of expressing the goodbye message It was a pleasure speaking with you to make conversations less awkward. I hope we can do this again soon. You turned out to be a really good company. You may also like: 12 Better Ways To Say Nice To Meet You Online (Zoom Or Email). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. to begin your interaction by praising the recipient. It was nice to talk to you. My response might depend on exactly who I am talking with, but I can think of the following which I would say at least Thank you for shedding some light on some of these things. In a business letter/email, is it acceptable to skip the nice to meet you part? This phrase works best when youve learned a lot from your conversation with someone. Hey fellow Linguaholics! It was a pleasure, as always. I look forward to working with you, and I. I am happy you decided to contact me again, and it was a pleasure meeting you, too. (more informal, use with a good or frequent chat buddy only) Sometimes, its perfectly acceptable to respond with OK if it makes sense in the context. It's important to say one of these phrases before leaving Its been great to talk to you is a great alternative you can use. It was lovely to meet you yesterday. We can make use of this expression when we talk to someone that we highly respect or admire a lot. John: Have you met Sally Hill? rev2023.3.3.43278. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. 5. -Yes, same here. My pleasure is an idiomatic response to Thank you. It is similar to Youre welcome, but more polite and more emphatic. This will surely help you to establish strong and positive social bonds with them! It was a pleasure meeting you today at the government building. Let me know if theres anything else youd like to discuss. This would be a simple concise response showing that you are also pleased to meet this person. Yes, Im pretty sure it can! Informal: -Yes, catch you later! We can use It was a pleasure speaking with you when emailing a person that has recently been introduced to us by another person. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. I am the proud owner of ] By acknowledging the other persons work skills and experience, you make them feel valuable and you start your conversation in a more than positive way! It was a great honor to meet you! Them: It was a pleasure to meet you! Im glad you could share it with me. It was nice to meet you today. } (This one sounds better because 'me too' is not by itself.) I had a great time with you. Which is, Another Stack Exchange site that might be better for questions like this one is. Im glad that we got to spend some time working closely together over these last few days. It was nice meeting you, too. What about these options I wrote off the top of my head? I will let you know if something comes up later in the week! Im glad we could have this discussion. I usually respond to such statements with something like that. Then if someone says 'Glad to meet you', can we respond either 'Me too (=I too)' or 'You too (=Glad to meet you too'? responses. It provides evidence from a corpus (COCA) that is related to "It was nice to talk to you. } Let me know when you want to meet again, and well see what we can sort out. In situations like the one below, it would be inappropriate to use highly. Martin holds a Masters degree in Finance and International Business. Me: Likewise. When a guy says the pleasure is all mine? Same here. Appreciated shows that you value their time, but you met with them previously rather than trying to set up a meeting at present. I've learned so much, had amazing experiences, and worked with some great people. (friendly/enthusiastic) It works by showing them that youre interested in working with them, even if you dont quite have anything ready for them at the minute. However, this common phrase adds a dash of politeness to your message. 7. But what if you got to know the person via email, for example? Apart from that, these positive parting messages also serve a deeper social purpose. Yes, but only if its a very informal conversation. I appreciate you meeting me. So how should we fix that? Its a pleasure to meet you Pleasure to meet you too It was nice meeting you too The pleasure is mine Formal and Informal: Its very nice to meet you Nice to meet you too Lovely to meet you. Im glad we could meet shows that you appreciate someone spending the time to talk to you. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Styling contours by colour and by line thickness in QGIS. Thank you for meeting me. Something like it was a pleasure speaking with you works well. It was great to meet you! It was nice talking to you, Matt. I appreciated your time yesterday. -Same here. Thank you for meeting me. "@type": "Answer", Speak with sounds a little gentler and more collaborative than Speak to, which can sound like a person of authority is speaking and someone younger or subordinate is listening. Watch the video: Only 1 percent of our visitors get these 3 grammar questions right 12 Best Replies To Nice Meeting You On Email (Business Context), 9 Ways to Say It Was a Pleasure Doing Business with You, 10 Best Ways to Say You Havent Met Someone, 12 Ways to Say Thank You for Your Hard Work to Your Team, 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. We will surely be in touch. It turned out to be a lucky day indeed. WebThe word "meet" can mean two different things - to get together with someone you already know, or to see and speak with someone for the first time. In touch is a phrase that means establish communication with someone, which is quite literally what youre doing when you email someone. It was nice to talk to you about this. Similar to It was lovely seeing you, I had a lovely time with you also bears a warm and intimate connotation. You might be a bit embarrassed and confused about how to respond to someone who said nice to meet you online, and this is why. (shake hands) Them: Nice to talk to you! English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. You dont have to use nice, either. To a certain point, it can be considered suitable, but only for those of you who communicate online daily and such online greetings are usual things for you and your interlocutors. “Was” is one of the simple past forms of “be.”" Actually, I want to make this question a bit general, but since I heard this sentence a lot I used it as an example. How are you?. Frequently Asked Questions It saves having to essentially say the entire sentence again that they just said to you. Or Let's do it again sometime. Also, instead of using today, other adverbials can obviously be used such as earlier as in It was a pleasure talking to you earlier on the phone., 14. It was nice talking to you. How to Respond to Nice to Meet You In Email? Please do not hesitate to contact me if theres anything else you need. When the situation is even more casual, it also follows that we would want to wrap the conversation out in an informal manner too. Having a bunch of alternative greetings at the back of our heads is a handy skill to have because it saves thinking time. It was a privilege to meet is a very formal and respectable way to show that youve enjoyed your time with someone. "acceptedAnswer": { B: Pleasure having you in town again, Mrs. Murphy. Is a PhD visitor considered as a visiting scholar? The use of to is indeed in favor (compared to with). If youre responding to a message from another person, give them a true response that is at least a sentence or 2 long. Of course, it is very nice to say something pleasant and polite that will let your new contact know that you are happy to meet them. Im glad we could have this discussion. It works best when youve only just met someone for the first time. It was nice meeting you, too. You can use speaking and talking synonymously, and this phrase works well when you want to show that youve had an enjoyable time with someone in a formal situation. We could do that, for sure. You can respond by saying Nice to meet you too or Great to meet you too or Its my pleasure to meet you too. It means you now have to end the conversation, even if you do not wish to. To digress a bit to sentence structure, the, In a similar vein, we would also hear the relevant phrase. So, in our post today, we list down different ways of expressing the same intent as with It was a pleasure speaking with you.. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. So is it correct to use this nice to meet you phrase? (8 Better Alternatives), 12 Better Ways To Say Best Regards (Professional Email), 9 Other Ways to Say Im Good At on a Resume, 10 Polite Ways to Say No Visitors after Surgery, 11 Best Ways to Say Im Here for You to a Loved One, 10 Professional Ways to Say I Am Not Feeling Well. When to respond to a message from another person? I know youre very busy, but Im glad we could talk through a few of these things. I think this smile would be plastered on my face for the entire day. If we have had an initial interaction with a person over the phone or any other voice-communication platform, we should say It was a pleasure talking to you over the phone today.. It was good to talk to you, as always. In situations like the one below, it would be inappropriate to use highly formal language because the relationship between the two people is quite close or intimate. However, if we are to make it more visible, the preposition with conveys more warmth than the preposition to; this nuance makes speaking with you the default choice. Id love to hear what. However, some of you probably wondered sometimes how you should reply to such a common greeting phrase as nice to meet you. In this view, It was nice talking to you should be more suitable. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Our goal is to create English lessons that are easy to understand for everyone. And you too, is the best way to respond to it was a pleasure talking with you. We say thank you because the person speaking to us is being polite and kind. I appreciate your time is another good way to refer to meeting someone in the past. It was nice to catch up, Barry. Yes, it was. We should hang out again soon. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? How to Write a Great Follow-up Email after a Career Fair, The 23 Best Ways to Respond to Whats good, Linguaholic 2023 |Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Careers. Hello. establish strong and positive social bonds. We make use of such kind of language to let the other person know that the discussion is over. It helped to ease my mind about the way things are going right now. Thank you for coming to me with these concerns. Including a detail like over the phone makes the writer more visible to the receiver of the message, and it makes the recall process a lot easier. We usually do this by thanking somebody for whatever they said in the previous email (i.e., Nice meeting you) and telling them that we had a great time there. Thank you so much! As a simple reply, you can use "The pleasure is mine". Thank you again for your time todayit was truly a pleasure meeting with you! I believe this is the start of a strong working relationship. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. I think there's also a distinction between talking. Well, first of all, you need to remember that the way we answer such questions does not only show how well-behaved and polite we are. Im glad we could meet. Sam: Oh! I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, Mario. It shows that you had a good time talking to them. It was a great pleasure meeting you! Them: It was a pleasure to meet you! It was a pleasure speaking with you is just a slightly more formal version of It was a pleasure talking to you, but both essentially suggest the same meaning. A special one for the ladies: is more appropriate, and the choice between talking to or talking with was questioned. ", There are a couple of other things that I would like to go through with you. Thank you, I had a great time learning about the business today. 1 How do you respond to it was a pleasure talking with you? I didnt know how bad it got. Do you want to meet again next weekend, maybe? I really enjoyed our last meeting, and I think it would be beneficial for both of us. One of the things we say is It was a pleasure speaking with you.. When to use which of your example sentences is all up to what tense the verb is in. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? Seems too simple, right? How can I reply to "It was nice to talk to you" properly both formally and casually? And I use "It was a pleasure meeting you" or "It was a pleasure to meet you." Its most common in formal or business contexts since youre more like to have a discussion that requires your attention. pleasure for you and implies that youre looking forward to doing it again. "@type": "Answer", Briefly: -Yes, it was nice to talk with you too. See you around! We can use this expression, for instance, when dealing with business acquaintances with whom we bump into at random. I hope you agree. It would be rude not to accept the compliment. again after a while, Reese. Well, the time of saying that is much important. There's a whole range of possible answers, ranging from "Thank you" to "The pleasure was mine", with some neutral and perhaps even derogatory replies possible (try to avoid the derogatory ones :) ). Well, the time of saying that is much important. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain. Now you know how to reply to nice to meet you if the meeting is taking place in person, and what to say to this phrase in response if you received a greeting email. It was a pleasure, as always. What should be the proper reply for thanks? Disconnect between goals and daily tasksIs it me, or the industry? What should I reply to the pleasure is mine ? If youve had a good experience with your first meeting, this phrase should work really well to show them that youve enjoyed everything that youve spoken about. It was nice meeting you too. It was a pleasure meeting you, too. These usage differences go to show that using less formal alternatives to It was a pleasure speaking with you is generally harmless and acceptable. From the data, we can draw a few conclusions: All possible choices (of to talk or talking, and of talk to or talk with) are acceptable (or at least can be said "in use"). It is common to respond simply with Likewise, or with It is nice to meet you too. Meanwhile, we may also use It was great seeing you if we do not want to specify the act of talking to or speaking with the other person. With this many alternative answers, you will easily pick up the one that will be suitable for the particular situation and occasion, since some of these replies sound a bit more formal than others. B: Thank you for the invitation. I appreciate you meeting me. My response might depend on exactly who I am talking with, but I can think of the following which I would say at least some of the time.
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