I also in an agency that tries to decrease drug-related faitalities. ", All three predicted Jesus would return in this year, with one of the predictions being based on the dimensions of. Because as we see in The Walking Dead, at some point you're going to need community. Its ok though, keep believing the lies the govt/TV tell you, the rest of us conscious individuals will keep pushing for our freedom from the govt. This should be at least three days, although a two week supply would be even better. Since the . Now Im not talking about the Walking Dead here. Nowadays, people use the word zombie a lot more loosely often metaphorically to refer to anyone or anything that presents as apathetic, moves slowly, and demonstrates little awareness of their surroundings. And you know what? I agree with you, Noreen. He was eventually committed to an. The military are trained mindless ? The odds were definitely in my favor. The Zatypota wasps lay eggs on the abdomen of A. eximius spiders. Dr. Douyon and Prof. Littlewood examined the three zombies, and found that they had not been the victims of an evil spell. The following 2023 predictions are currently particularly trendy among doomsday enthusiasts: Lost in space: Some anxiety profiteers out there want us to believe Earth will be thrown off course in 2023with devastating consequences. This prediction was based on the practice followed by computer programmers of abbreviating year numbers with two digits when developing software. Believe it or not, historical records record multiple examples of zombie-like people who sound very much like Hollywood-style zombies. The same astrologers who predicted the deluge of 1 February 1524 recalculated the date to 100 years later after their first prophecy failed. Camisard prophets predicted the end of the world would occur in either 1705, 1706 or 1708. please. #10.be tuff,work out,practice with swords,guns. The Zombie Apocalypse is not only a very real possibility; I believe its already upon us. oh my goodness, its Incidentally, because Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease can be contracted through a contaminated food supply, imagine how easily it could be weaponized with the introduction of contaminants into the food chain. The predicted date of the end of the world, according to this psychic well known for predictions. Zombies can spot nearby people and will chase them for the brains. Especially people who kill or rape children!! Truthfully, most parents are better than what you think. Fair use.Music Used: (Unknown) #ZombieApocalypse #March2023 #MrJustinGames2023----------------------------------------------------2015-2022 Mr.Justin GamesTAGS:The Simpsons ,the simpsons, THE SIMPSONS, Treehouse of Horror XX, January 2022 , February 2022 , March 2022, April 2022, June 2022, September 2022, September 1, The Simpsons Season 21, Episode 4 , THE SIMPSONS ZOMBIE, The Simpsons Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie Apocalypse , February 21 2021, 2021 , FEB 21, February 21, FEBRUARY 21, USA, Zombie , Apocalypse, Infection , Zombie Infection, Z Day, UK, Burger Square, Krusty Burger, Krusty Burger 2, the simpsons zombie apocalypse, Homer Simpson, Bart Simpson, UK , Japan , Russia, Europe , France , Zombie Apocalypse In US, Eating Another Patient, May 2022, May 1, 2022, Philippines, MAY 2022, MAY , May "First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. For instance, 1999 would be coded as 99.. These species of fungus target and infect various insects through their spores. But always being prepared for the unexpected than expected the covid-19 been here for almost to years so if everyone do the math how many people are in the world then do how many people are in your country or state then do your town then the county population in other countries around the world the city and towns county with in there county how many to you think are wearing mask or staying clean and keeping six feet apart think about it for real there with every new virus thiers a cure the same thing is going to happen when zombie APOCALYPSE hits if its coming from russia the in prediction the got to be a way to get antivirus right there are ways I would try and think about this would be how would you try put a stop think when you were a baby what did your shit record contain when you got your shots remember each state and other countries with their country have different shots that you had to take when your where little there should be a cure stop it but how would you get the viruses in the first place where would you and get it and how would you get it the answer is right from us the scientist is going to a grave to get a courpse to do what other lab body you need a lab rat if the virus is coming from a rat he going to need a dead body to test it on that only explanation I see how we can get from animal to human but rat Im just thinking out side the box here so we can come with a counter attack against the virus ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, Dude, I think ur the one who needs to lay off the drugs, Agreed lay of the drugs dude but yes I shot a man 5 times and he didnt die, Thats because he was a human zombie and thats what there saying here also u wonder y we live in corrupt world cause of all gangs and mafia holy wood rule the evils w corrupt politics and do what ever to fuck this world up I play vid games and make media but am aware of truth always I am millinery brat and no fool I try to save lifes as much as possible incept corrupt cops sucks always protect wrong people and a lot times $ power rule bs get away things just because it happens s does not mean its right thing there is wrong right in decisions marking playing vid games some of us is way to make $ and keep us from falling into depression but I do kno how to fight this is no joke idiots read revelations about our govmerment read satan commandments its true u young morons who dont under stand Shit this world is heading train ride of wrong direction most of u goin to die if u dont help make a stand change way our world is we all in this fight together and corrupt world acts like none of us matter incept rich and kill off rest population of course government all of them have plan destroy our world while they live in space leave us behind idiots at least I kno diff idiots are more than us I am 2 smart for this shit. "Infectiousness" represents two factors . Your 5-Step Guide For Surviving A Real-Life Zombie Apocalypse. Nikki take a look around you our society is not the same anymore. In 1870, Wendell published his views in the booklet entitled. I'm not really sure how the Mayan calendar . And theyre the ones youll encounter the most frequently because theyre everywhere. Here's a handful of videos to educate and entertain you. I couldnt agree more, parents everywhere say yes to many times that one day, they could expose there kids to a highly dangerous situation. Weinland, who previously predicted the world would end in 2011, 2012, and then 2013, predicted in 2018 that Jesus would return on June 9, 2019. A new article in a peer-reviewed student journal finds that the zombie hordes would take Earth's population down to a mere 273 survivors in 100 days. The parasitic fungus can manipulate the brains of ants, turning them into mindless zombies that obey and work for the fungus. The world was to be destroyed by terrible flooding on this date, claimed this leader of a UFO cult called. The only Zombie movie I ever saw where the survivors tried to determine how long it would take for a zombie to starve to death was 28 days. In addition to his claims about the end of the world, he also predicted that on May 21, 2011, at precisely 6:00 pm, Gods select people would be assumed into heaven, in an event he called the Rapture. I hope everyone takes a good look at these people and what they are saying because theyre todays youth. The end of the world was predicted to occur on december 21, 2012, when one of the great cycles in the mayan calendar came to an end. #6.go to country side(farms,no citys) Pick a meeting place for your family to gather in case zombies invade your home or if your town evacuates because of a hurricane. Marion Keech) claimed to have received a message from planet Clarion in the early 1950s: the world was to end in a great flood before dawn on December 21, 1954. My bad I thought I was dealing with adults. The only way to kill them is to damage their brains, which can be a challenge. At the turn of the century, computers would revert to 00, assuming that the date was 1900 instead of 2000, leading to software errors. In fact, in the animal kingdom we can find a real-life example in tropical countries like Brazil. When his original prediction failed to come about, Camping revised his prediction and said that on May 21, a "Spiritual Judgment" took place and that both the physical rapture and the end of the world would occur on 21 October 2011. This French bishop calculated the end would occur between 799 and 806. I see parents more afraid of their kids, then the kids are of them. Instead, medical reasons could explain their zombification. If all this has got you worried, have a look at some of the more notorious doomsday scenarios in history that failed to materialize, just like hundreds of other prophecies through the ages. No, not the friendly kindthey will be bloodthirsty monsters, resulting in, you guessed it, the end of humankind. Its no wonder, then, that the CDC uses zombie outbreaks to illuminate the importance of being for emergencies and preparing for Pandemic Outbreaks. Unfortunately, a bioweapon made using an artificial virus has recently become feasible, making the possibility of a zombie virus seem real. The world was also supposed to end on October 21, 2011. Answer (1 of 40): As a comparison, a deer that dies in the woods only lasts a few weeks. This prophet predicted that Judgement Day would occur this year. Go Ron Paul! now for all the brain dead people that want to act like puppets I wish you would look up the book series called the right use of will. Axe, pry bar, hammer . If there's no-one nearby, the zombie will move at random. A powder? Zombies are so terrifying because they are people who were dead who have come back to life. they feed off suffering they feed off negative energy and emotions. The writer is LIKENING the mindlessness people like YOU live under, to a zombie take overin fact they clearly state that the idea in your head (how a moron would perceive the writing) is NOT what they are talking about. Ghetto Rats. Forget the mindless idiots who sit in line for ten hours when the stupid phone hits the market because heaven forbid they are caught walking around with a phone thats more than six months old people are actuallykilling each other over iPhones. 3 min read. Share. The exact problem with our beautiful country and why it is falling apart. The end of the world is nearagain! Remote, off the grid, great hunting. When the researchers opened these artificial cocoons, they found Zatypota larvae growing inside. When reanimated, P. sibericum only infected amoebas archaic unicellular organisms but happily not humans or other animals. In my country, everyone is able to go to a GOVERNMENTAL test center and test their drugs. While the odds of Hollywood-style, real-life zombie attack might seem nonexistent, theres a good reason that zombies and disaster preparation go hand in hand. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Zombie. For centuries, doomsdayers have prophesied the apocalypse. At the end of the day, despite all of the recent heartbreak, humankind is still around, and thriving! Conspiracy theorist David Meade predicted that. Most common reasons for using this calculator include: baby's due date. Within the next 1 million years, Earth will likely have undergone a, It is estimated that every 100 million years, Earth is hit by an asteroid about 1015km in diameter, comparable in size to the one that triggered the, The Earth and the Moon will most likely be destroyed by falling into the Sun, just before the Sun reaches the largest of its, This page was last edited on 5 March 2023, at 02:40. The United States may have one of the largest armies on earth, but even the Pentagon has taken no chances at being caught off-guard by an unusual foe. Obviously, the main ingredient needed for a zombie apocalypse is zombies. Become a super scavenger. And now, guess who supposedly made that prediction. If you cannot see the changes and problems arising as a result, YOU are part of the problem. I agree with everyone who thinks that zombies are real These days one of the most popular shows on television is The Walking Dead, a show about what happens after the dead come alive and civilization collapses. I team up with who ever wants to save world help protect humans whats right not bs that corrupt the world I help humans civilians and try to save as many I can I team up w who ever wants be serious. And so it was just unfortunate that he ingested bath salt, but the drug was not the cause of his killings. PPL REAL LIVE readier then u think so him before day stuff. A plague of the undead would be the ultimate test of human survival, and so it makes sense to say that if youre prepared for a zombie attack, youre prepared for anything. Your guide to zombie parasite journalism Many species of fungi can be dangerous, often because they are toxic to animals, but there is one thing in particular that makes Ophiocordyceps especially frightening. The walking dead. Cardiovascular health: Insomnia linked to greater risk of heart attack. Actually the Bible does say that a Zombie like Plague is coming. MDMA is another kind of drug, that does LESS damage to your body. Thats very dangerous for these tiny spiders.. "Back in the 16th . I really dont have a clue why the USA (which I actually see as a beautiful country) continue this war on drugs. I think your dead wrong on MDMA but for arguments sake lets say your right. According to astudycommissioned by Nokia, the average cell phone user checks their phone at least 150 times a day, or approximately once every 6 minutes. university starting. The zombie apocalypse is real one day someone will get alot of people to do bath salts. First: My own addictions were my fault and mine alone. The doctors and pharma companies are happy to provide us with xanax for our nerves, opiates for a head ache, etc. I really cant argue with you about the other issues, but if youd like to learn more about drugs AND how the country could fight addiction AND drug-related violence, please ask. This day would mark the beginning of the third woe of the Apocalypse, during which the. For instance, the drug issue. Go kill yourself in your parents basement. In this article, we explain what they are and what happens inside. The apocalypse maps tell of an Antichrist, the rise of Islam and other events following Judgement Day that was predicted to occur in 1651. This early French bishop announced the end of the world would happen during this year. People who are on drugs, especially bad strains of drugs, can often exhibit superhuman strength while also being impervious to pain. Swedenborg, a former Lutheran, claimed that the, Based on a misunderstanding of a talk given by astronomer. The word zombie originally spelled as zombi first came into the English language in the 1800s, when poet Robert Southey mentioned it in his History of Brazil. This is ridiculous. This pastor predicted the end would occur in his book, This minister predicted the end in his book. As with any kind of attack, keep basic self-defense techniques in mind: Go for the eyes, the groin, or use a key as a puncturing weapon to incapacitate them. AT THE Centre de Psychiatric et Neurologie in Port au-Prince, Dr. Lamarque Douyon, a Haitian-born, Canadian-trained psychiatrist, has been systematically investigating all reports of zombies since 1961. They act all tough saying ill shoot him or her or this and that but if it comes down to your parents or sister or wife and kids 99% of the people wouldnt be able to pull the damn trigger. Drug busts are big business! From 1966 on, Jehovah's Witnesses published articles which stated that. People on here spell like they havent completed the 6th grade yet, Duh u humans research 1500 to 1800 s it did happend look Haitis it said its happening there South Dakota to North Dakota it happend creepy pasta talks about weired stuff 2 its around Ebola case 2012 y was that so important cause it happend in country and in ma covered up again y same reason as sept 11 2001 was covered up and aliens 2 ghosts demons cause polites and government dont want us knowing they think we to stupid to handle truth u young humans are idiots stupid foolish its u all get killed first u act like morals dont exist any more it should cause to much bs happing u nine idiots dont c it coming non fiction is reality covered up u fools movies hi tech cars drive by it self exist a I robots exist flying jets by it self exist so u c non fictional happening now everything movies said it happening fools pay attention, no jacob its not cool to survive a apoclipes plus people would kill you for food and your vheicls and do you want to know what happens bruh. The second prediction of the end of the world from this preacher. Hi, I dont believe in zombies also, but I understand what you are saying. I agree with most of what you are saying, but i think that one of the reasons for the disrespect is the CRAP music,glorifacation of drug dealers showing off all their stuff, video games and t.v. Well done. We leave it to you to decide. Im sorry, but there is no need for a 90 year old man to have an erection! There are many viruses that can cause it ecspecially mad cow disease. He and his wife of 20 years own a home in Daly City and have two kids, a 13-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy . no one thing is a lie but nothing is ever the truth. Belief in the apocalypse is observed to be most prevalent in people with lower rates of education, lower household incomes, and those under the age of 35. Some of the more well known zombie attack stories include the man who was high on synthetic pot who attacked his neighbors and ate their dog while the poor creature was still alive. Have you taken a good look at society lately? Then our own society comes into play. Here in europe we are getting tired of banks and of Germany, who is f*cking europe for the 3rd time in 100 years with they bank system. It wont take nothing for them to whip up a deadly virus n use it on us. Because that man that ate that guys face off was a cannibal. Carpenter ants in these environments can become infected with Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, the zombie-ant fungus. Time and Date AS 19952023. First i agree about the iphone statement, but did you forget about hte kid in Houston i think that was killed for a pair of tennis shoes,,, Of course, the current global security situation is worrying. This group of radical Christians predicted that the final apocalyptic battle and the destruction of the Antichrist were to take place between 1655 and 1657. To ensure you'll make it through the zombie apocalypse, heed their simple tips. #1.gather food and water. Video games do not prepare your mind or body for combat. If our govt wasnt retarded when it comes to the war on drugs then it would be legal and available in its pure form so people wouldnt accidentally get bad drugs in place of it. If zombies were to start roaming the streets - yes, we said zombies - the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants you to be prepared. Below, you can watch a video showing how the parasitic fungus infects its victims, leading them to their death. The Shakers, a Christian sect founded in 18th century England, predicted the world would end in 1792 and then in 1794. Columbus claimed that the world was created in 5343 BCE, and would last 7000 years. Today, in Portugal, is transportation strike and I cannot go to work, no buses or trains, and if I would drive to work I would have pay to work, because gas here is between 1,65 to 1,85 a litre, and I live about 100Km of my work place! We are taught that there is no need to experience any kind of pain. Dixon predicted that Armageddon would take place in 2020. I agree drugs are ruining our society! In my opinion it would be way nicer if youd write stories about these problems, one at a time. as it is true you take someones brain out it kills movement function everything. This Christian minister predicted the rapture would occur no later than 1977. Did you know that if you say gullible slowly it sounds like zombies? After infection takes place, the parasitic fungus takes control of the insects mind, altering its behavior to make the propagation of fungal spores more likely. In nature, a number of different Wasps seem to act as host zombies what insect other insects. They found that a previously unknown species of the Zatypota wasp can manipulate spiders from the Anelosimus eximius species to an extent that researchers have never before witnessed in nature. They are not REAL zombies, they are just SIMILAR to them. We found that a high percentage of the cells in a host were fungal cells, notes David Hughes, who is associate professor of entomology and biology at Penn State. Many of these people were shot and killed simply for walking over some imaginary line in Chicagos notorious gang filled neighborhoods. Every member of our armed forces is trained to take and give orders. For every mans hand will be upon his neighbor , something causes this to happen. The fungus eventually completely takes over the ant, grows a long capsule of spores out if its head, and then rains down more fungal spores infecting other ants on the ground below. But there is something else that makes P. sibericum stand apart. #2.gather guns,silensers,ammo, and knifes,swords, and machetes. haha. Use this knowledge to calculate the weekday of any date in your head. As it said, people are /killing/ each other for a stupid iPhone. science is stronger then anything. Real* im scottish and I been doing the research guys and girls, Not that this would be a dream come true if u think about it what happens if the army dont know about it and they get bit then their dead, Also it will come when we wont expect it its true because thats what always happens, You obviously have been watching to much walking dead. Our society has degraded so far down into the gutter that todays youth will do anything to escape from reality, including taking drugs that are literally turning them into real-life walking zombies. Ophiocordyceps feed on the insects they attach to, growing into and out of their bodies until the insects die. If anyone reads this please know that this is real and is killing humans. in 28 days later, the zombies (at least the father chasing his son) seemed more intelligent. Every year, new apocalyptic predictions waft . #8.find generated(optional,but recommended.) Some versions depict slow-moving members of the undead who wander aimlessly while others move quickly in search of their next victim. it shall open your eyes it would perfectly work nicely side by side with the bible as the right use of will series is of the non flesh like body aka the soul and astral body, Uk ive been watching videos about all this and Im starting to do more research Im not saying Im the smartest person on earth but if u watched the news a while back there was a guy that turned into a zombie and he damn neared ate the whole guys face off in seconds one of the swats only had one bullet left in his gun if he missed his head then a zombie outbreak wouldve takin in place but now theres been sketchy labs all over the us and other countries who are waiting to start the zombie outbreak and only time will tell when it starts playing video games like call of duty can teach a few things of how to handle a gun and how to shoot a gun its like school if u think about it Nd gta is just a game where kids now and days say to there selfs oh ima try and go rob a bank or kill people for no reason thats because there idiots and they wouldnt know what to do they would be scared when the police shows up thats why I tell people and the people that Ik prepare for whats about to come in god knows how long it could be soon so protect your kids your gf your ex protect yo family while u can anyways I just wanted to give my impute on this, I remember that the officer shot him in the because he said was something he never seen they said it was do to bath salt aka synthetic cocaine there are reasons the fda and cdc banned the use of all synthetic drugs like that they even banned what was know as k2 the synthetic weed wich was really incense people you dont but is way worse now with covid-19 people bare still being mindless of the selves and others with the pandemic you got people who still dont wear mask in stores schools and else where hell there are some school that dont care if there students dont have mask or someone as lifted the mask mandate I feel it should not be lifted unless all cases have dropped down to 0 that means it to rename 0 for so many years hell it been what 2019 now it 2021 why are people taking extra precautions like where a despiol under there cloth masks or if you gaters put a despiol mask under it lord these are thing that germs are every where people who have kids both mother and fathers know That proper sanitiztion is required you people who are homeless and they know they have more sense than you people who dont seem to care about other people wellness and health What happens with a virus if dont stay sanitized when your are sick about it common sense germs are every we are still not out of the flu season in some parts of the states in some parts of the states pollen is higher than normal remember that covid-19 is air born think about this for a sec what do think this virus is getting us ready for be logical it not here I entirely agree, Kimm. As with everything else that comes with preparing for disaster, thinking ahead and being vigilant is always your best defense. i agree the zombies are upon us we must do something everyone who reads this call 911, OMG, PLEASE READ AND YOU WILL HERE THE REAL REASONS WE ALREADY ARE IN FEAR! I do think there will be one cuz like that one person said it even said in the Bible that the dead will arisen and walk the earth. In my opinion, our society is just one disaster away from total collapse. Its not the Walking Dead who youre going to have to worry about. Social safety nets will fail as everyone begins to fend for themselves. But its not just iPhones; its our whole sick society. ill give you more imput next time. Last year, zoologist Philippe Fernandez-Fournier from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada and colleagues made a chilling discovery in the Ecuadorian . Can poor sleep impact your weight loss goals? The first zombie had catatonic schizophrenia, a rare condition that makes the person act as though they are walking in a stupor. I agree with david but also because of the expanding population this planets going to be a zombie farm and would be even harder to kill of this new thing the government is making. One was a 30-year-old woman who had, allegedly, quickly died after having fallen ill. Indeed! Ok so even if the drug is real and everybody does turn into a eating machine, would it eventually wear off? What does anything you just babbled on about have to do with the article? For years people have made fun of cat owners, often joking about the crazy cat lady down the block. While they might be impervious to pain, it doesnt mean that theyre impervious to injury.
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