In reality, there is no evidence that Seal was ever involved with the CIA. FAIR is the national progressive media watchdog group, challenging corporate media bias, spin and misinformation. When asked how, he replied, "Oh, Barry stole an airplane from me. Synopsis. Barry Seal made a killing selling drugs for the Ochoa brothers, but after being outed as a key DEA informant, he was a marked man. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was an American commercial airline pilot who became a major drug smuggler for the Medelln Cartel. recalled how "The one time I flew with him [Seal] to Nicaragua . On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. That aspect of who he was has never been disputed. What is certain is that Barry Seal did work for Pablo Escobar and the Ochoas as a drug smuggler for the Medelln Cartel and single-handedly had one of the largest impacts on the cocaine epidemic in the U.S. in the early 1980s. Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting124 W. 30th Street, Suite 201 Concurrently, they had to make sure not to raise the suspicions of the ruthless Colombian drug lords. [29], The drugs could not be distributed, and the immediate arrest of those handling the vehicle would suggest to the Colombians that Seal had betrayed them, so DEA agents staged an accident with the camper, allowing the driver to escape. After this look at the brazen smuggler Barry Seal, check out how the Medelln cartel became one of the most ruthless crime syndicates in history. -Daily Mail Online, The movie proposes that Barry Seal's first foray into smuggling drugs happened in 1980 after he was kidnapped while refueling his plane in Colombia. Featured Image:The low-res image of Frederico Vaughn (in the striped shirt) that Ronald Reagan offered as proof of Sandinista drug trafficking. He stated that IranContra figure Oliver North had attended two meetings about the sting operation and had the motivation to release the information. Through his cartel contacts in Miami, Seal arranged a meeting using the name Ellis McKenzie (the real name of another Seal associate). All three were found guilty and sentenced to life without parole. Yet, it's also certainly possible that Seal had no involvement with the CIA in the early 1980s at all, given there is nothing to support the claim but rumors. Basically, Seal would fly over the guns and smuggle back drugs on his return trip. Undercover cameras installed on Seal's plane captured photos on the tarmac of a Nicaraguan airport. Soon, Seal relocated his smuggling operations to Mena, Arkansas. Despite the heat surrounding Seal, he made a drug run to Nicaragua in 1984, where he picked up 1,465 pounds of cocaine and took photos of Sandinista soldiers loading the drugs. This leads to the CIA recruiting him to take reconnaissance photos in Central America. Jacoby mentioned Seal's mission as evidence, which effectively outed Seal as a government agent. I never saw drugs, that's for sure." Universal Pictures (@UniversalPicsPT) 5 de junho de 2017. The scene was actually inspired by something that happened while director Doug Liman and Tom Cruise were training for the movie. A Fairchild C-123 military cargo plane similar to Barry Seals Fat Lady.. Pablo . Yes. Questioned about the identity of the source, DEA agent Ernst Jacobson replied, "I heard that the leak came from an aide in the White House". [17] Without a deal, Seal was tried in February 1984 and after a month-long trial was convicted on all the counts in the first indictment. His non-active duty was served in the 245th Engineer Battalion, where his MOS was radio telephone operator. When he learned that he would probably be killed afterward, he refused. As a child in the 1950s, Seal worked odd jobs around the citys old airport in exchange for flight time. Soon, Seal caught the attention of none other than Pablo Escobar and his Medelln cartel. After several months of contacts, the agent negotiated a deal with Seal to smuggle 1,200 pounds of methaqualone tablets into the United States (the tablets were counterfeits, made of chalk). Yes. . Covers; Columnists; . If he had in fact been working for the CIA at the time, his connections didn't get him off the hook. [7], To expand his smuggling capacity, Seal also hired William Bottoms, his ex-brother-in-law, as a pilot. "You know, we're not making a biopic," said director Doug Liman. American Made is a fascinating biopic about Barry Seal, a commercial pilot who worked with the CIA to run drugs and guns in South America. Barry Seal - gunrunner, drug trafficker, and covert C.I.A. As a progressive group, we believe that structural reform is ultimately needed to break up the dominant media conglomerates, establish independent public broadcasting and promote strong non-profit sources of information. During Bill Clinton's campaign to become president of the United States in 1992, his biggest financial contributor was a billionaire businessman named Jackson Stevens. This, transporting cocaine for the Ochoa brothers, Pablo Escobar's associates who helped him found the Medelln Cartel. Two weeks after his argument with Vice President GHW Bush, Barry Seal was pumped full of bullets and murdered outside his Baton Rouge halfway house on Feb. 19, 1986. Universal Pictures. Purwin was a passenger in a plane that went down, killing both Purwin and Venezuelan pilot Carlos Berl. After a discussion about how to move the increased flow of cocaine, Escobar decided to keep the first shipment in Nicaragua and have Seal return to the States and buy a larger plane. Watch an interview with the real Barry Seal where he discusses his undercover mission, and listen to President Ronald Reagan talk about the photos Seal obtained on the mission. And by 1978, according to The Gentlemans Journal, he had moved on to cocaine. In fact, it was Seal who provided the DEA with the photos of Escobar that exposed him as a major drug kingpin. The Nicaragua drug story first appeared in the Washington Times (7/17/84) and was immediately given big play by all the major papers, wire services and TV networks. "He stopped in there and, just like that, he asked me out," says Debbie. Barry Seal liked to use pay phones. Despite the movie attempting to pin it on North, Jacoby later said that North was not his source and that it was a deceased Special Forces and CIA guy named Ted Lunger, who at the time worked as a staff member for Representative Dan Daniel. He testified that Vlez was present when he was given the contract and that Vlez later asked Mermelstein to turn the contract over to him. And Seal never quit his job but was instead fired when Trans World Airlines learned hed been trafficking weapons instead of taking medical leave, as hed claimed. This draws the attention of the CIA. The movie's loose interpretation of the true story is echoed in the trailer when a voice-over by Tom Cruise as Barry Seal tells us that only "some of this sh*t really happened." Hahn told Vice that Barry was likable but "not as smart and clever as he thought he was. The life of the most important witness in the history of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration had come to a brutal end. Another shipment was also planned at this time, but under instructions from the DEA, Seal told Escobar his landing site was under DEA surveillance and unsafe for transport to avoid the need to seize a second load. He then was able to get a meeting with Vice President George H.W. Saunders was videotaped paying a bribe to Seal in Miami, and was also successfully prosecuted. The ultimate hope was to arrest the cartel leaders in a jurisdiction where it would be easy to extract them. Yet, some believe that Seal was working for the CIA in the 1980s to fly guns and money to Nicaraguan rebels, a detail that the movie embraces. -Daily Mail Online, No. Yes. hiding a camera on Seal's plane to catch photos and confirmed the Nicaragua-Medellin link, Jacobsen said. Watch President Ronald Reagan's address to the nation on Nicaragua and Central America, delivered from the Oval Office on November 13, 1986. The Original Documentary By Barry Seal Uncovering His Work With The Cartels & The US Government. When did you first hear about Barry Seal?. In 1988, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing that looked into how Seal's 1984 trip to Nicaragua was leaked to the press. Hed get in his plane and hed go down there and throw 1,000 kilos on the plane and come back to Louisiana.. He was born on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [14], By 1981, DEA agents in Florida were aware of Seal's smuggling activities. "He would tell me, 'I'm going to such and such places,' and I wouldn't see him for days. (Barry) Seal was a key player at Mena. The explosives were supposedly going to anti-Castro Cuban fighters. Soon after, JB is killed by a car bomb. He would have to operate the rear camera by hand. Photo credit: Peter Sutton. Like in the movie, the American Made true story reveals that Barry made a living as a commercial airline pilot for several years. Nicaragua, where Seal flew a cocaine shipment in a C-123 outfitted with cameras to prove that Nicaragua's Sandinista government was involved with the drug . Starring Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson, Sarah Wright, Copyright 2023, CTF Media, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. operative extraordinaire - is hardly a familiar name in American politics. Regardless, Jacoby's article led to the abandonment of the final piece of Barry Seal's undercover operation. In imposing sentence, Polozola further stipulated that Seal could not carry a gun or hire armed bodyguards as this would be possession or constructive possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. [68], Louisiana Attorney General William Guste wrote to United States Attorney General Edwin Meese criticizing the government's failure to protect Seal as a witness. Yes. The case against the cartel had been engineered by Barry Seal, a convicted drug dealer turned informant who worked closely with Vice President George Bush's anti-drug task force in Washington. Adler Berriman Seal, o como era mejor conocido Barry Seal, naci en Baton Rouge, Louisiana, el 16 de julio de 1939.Sus padres fueron Mary Lou y Benjamin Curtis Seal. Seal took pictures during the Nicaragua sting operation that clearly showed Pablo Escobar, Jorge Luis Ochoa . Exposure of Nicaraguan undercover operation, Criticism of U.S. failure to protect Seal, President's Commission on Organized Crime, "Barry Seal murder in Baton Rouge 25 years ago helped expose Iran-Contra debacle", "Louisiana governor denies parole for man who helped kill Barry Seal for Escobar's cartel", "Slain drug smuggler Barry Seal's daughter sues to halt movie on her father's life", "Family of murdered drug smuggler sue Universal over Tom Cruise film Mena", "North's name bandied about on news leak", "Special Reports - Interview - Drug Wars", "Informants murder puts head on authorities", "TV Reviews: 'Doublecrossed': Story of Drugs and Politics", "Who Killed Barry Seal? The cartel was happy, as was Seal, who loved evading law enforcement as much as he loved the money. As author Del Hahn states in his book about Barry Seal's life, Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal, there is no evidence to support claims that Barry Seal worked for the CIA. Barry Seal's apparent piloting of a JFK assassin getaway plane points, again, to Bush Sr. and his cronies (the Biderman part of the DuPont family, Rockefellers, and more). [46] He warned Seal that he intended to set strict probation provisions and that if Seal violated these, the plea bargain could be revoked and Seal re-sentenced. The DEA initially tried to protect Seal, but he refused to go into the Witness Protection Program. "He put the airplane into a parabolic arc and pinned me against the ceiling, and right in that moment, I had this inspiration. Like in the American Made movie, Barry Seal was allowed to fly out of the country and return with illegal drugs that the feds made sure never reached their targets. Despus de haber trabajado como piloto de TWA, la mayor. He testified that in January 1986, he was ordered by Jorge Ochoa to kill Seal. "I fly airplanes. An Investigative Obituary. [33], A more detailed account of American efforts in Nicaragua appeared on July 17 in an article by reporter Edmond Jacoby, published on the front page of the Washington Times. Seal had six children; two from his first wife, one from a relationship he had in between marriages, and three more with Deborah.[62][63]. The first indictment charged Seal alone with two counts of conspiracy to distribute methaqualone. Using pilots like Barry Seal was a means to an end. [18] Jacobsen was impressed with Seal's connections, especially the ones with the Ochoa family, and on March 28, Seal signed a letter agreeing to serve as a DEA informant. Cruise's Seal gathers intelligence by flying low over Guatemala and Nicaragua and snapping photos from his plane. The White House saw the pictures as proof of the communist Sandinista government's corruption and believed that the photos would help to convince the public of the need to support and arm the rebels (Contras) in Nicaragua. Comenz a volar aviones a temprana edad y segn su instructor de vuelo, Seal tena un talento innato. [66] Jacoby later denied that North was the source of his story and attributed it to a deceased staff member for Representative Dan Daniel. -Daily Mail Online. Ed Duffard, Seals first flight instructor, once recalled how Seal could fly with the best of them, according to Baton Rouges 225 Magazine. This doesn't add up with the true story. The gunman was later identified as Luis Carlos Quintero-Cruz. Facing a heavy sentence, and having been rejected by regional drug task forces in both Florida and Louisiana, Seal decided to try contacting the Vice President's Drug Task Force, a special program in the office of then-Vice President George Bush. [32], However, the Nicaragua undercover operation came to an end soon after Seal's return from his second trip when it was reported in the press. That last statement was quite the understatement. [35], Following the exposure of the Nicaraguan investigation, the DEA had to move quickly to arrest the cartel distributors in Miami. In April 1981, a DEA informant introduced Seal to an undercover DEA agent. Barry Seal likely never worked for CIA, as shown in, Tom Cruise portrays Barry Seal in the 2017 film American Made.. a secret camera in Seal's C-123 cargo plane snapped photos of an alleged Sandinista official loading cocaine aboard the aircraft. Polozola took the occasion to say that people like Seal were "the lowest, most despicable people I can think of." They were then picked up by Seal's ground team and transported to the Colombian distributors in Florida. Source - "Texas Gov. If they were, the mission was aborted. But the 1984 investigation got derailed when Seal told his handlers that cocaine was being trans-shipped through Nicaragua with the permission of high-level government officials. Later, after Seal's cover was suspiciously blown, President Reagan used the photo shown below in a 1986 television address to the nation. [59] Another eyewitness saw Quintero-Cruz outside the car, handing the MAC-10 to the car driver through the window after the murder. -Smuggler's End: The Life and Death of Barry Seal. The lawsuit claims that the pilots were overworked and that the crash happened after a 12-hour workday. [61], Seal was married three times. And though the tale of Barry Seal - drug smuggler, double-crosser, pilot extraordinaire - has now been transformed into a raucous Hollywood caper with Tom Cruise at the helm, the true story would be too . If not, they would continue on to drop sites over the Louisiana bayou, where duffel bags full of cocaine were tossed into the swamp. Originally planned for mid-April, the flight did not take place until the end of May. President Reagan displayed Seals photo in a nationally televised speech in March 1986. Discerning fact from fiction about Barry Seal, who was killed Feb. 19, 1986, in Baton Rouge by machine gun-wielding Colombian hit men, is a difficult endeavor. In addition to implicating Escobar as a drug kingpin, Seals photos provided evidence that the Sandinistas, Nicaraguan revolutionaries who overthrew the countrys dictator in 1979, were being funded by drug money. No. The photo was taken in Mexico when he was 24. . Wouldn't it be fun if they were fooling around in a plane and the plane went into the same kind of parabolic arc and they got pinned against the ceiling?" He ultimately escaped prosecution, and some believe this was because he was secretly working as an informant for the CIA, though there is no real proof that he ever worked for the agency. Vasquez was identified as the purchaser of the halfway house vehicle by the car agency salesman and paid for hotel rooms and rental cars using his name. "Barry Seal was a friend of mine," Plumlee says. CBS obtained pages from Col. Oliver Norths diary revealing that the former National Security Council aid communicated frequently with the CIA about the sting operation in the weeks before the photo was leaked to the press despite objections from the DEA. We rely on your support to keep running. In total, he had illegally imported $3 to $5 billion worth of drugs and an estimated 56 tons of cocaine into the U.S., making over 100 flights. Seal took pictures during a Nicaragua sting operation clearly showing members of the Colombian Cartel loading kilos of cocaine onto the plane. [42], Following his testimony in the Miami trials, Seal appeared in Florida court again over his second indictment in the Big Screamer operation. [1] In this capacity, he worked for both the CIA and Pablo Escobar. His cooperation led to many convictions, as well as indictments against Pablo Escobar and Jorge Ochoa, two of the founding members of the Medelln Cartel. [8], In 1981, Seal began smuggling cocaine for the Medelln Cartel. Barry Seal's widow, Debbie Seal, and others have wondered why the government didn't do more to protect Seal, whether he wanted the protection or not. The story included the photograph Seal had taken of Escobar handling the cocaine. American Made (2017) The Real Barry Seal (Universal Pictures) . [36], The evidence acquired from the arrest, plus the evidence gathered by Seal, provided the basis for the first drug trafficking indictment in the U.S. against Escobar and the Ochoas. No one has been able to tell us". In 2017, Seals life became the subject of a Hollywood adaptation titled American Made, starring Tom Cruise. He ultimately offered to act as an informant, passing along information about Escobar, the Medelln cartel, and high-level government officials in Central America who were involved in trafficking drugs to the U.S. Barry Seal's smuggling operation began in Louisiana, and like in the American Made movie, he sometimes pushed packed duffel bags full of drugs out of his plane and into the Atchafalaya basin, to be collected by associates on the ground. A DC-4 was seized at the Shreveport Regional Airport loaded with almost seven tons of plastic C-4 explosives, 7,000 feet of explosive primer cord and 2,600 electric blasting caps. Also, before the agreement was reached, the Louisiana task force investigation had been looking into Seal's involvement in smuggling thousands of kilograms of cocaine. An FBI sting. -The Independent, In the movie, Barry Seal (Tom Cruise) starts working for the Medelln Cartel after they abduct him while he is refueling his plane and then make him an offer he can't refuse. In yet another conspiracy-stoking morsel, the C-123 used by Seal was the same one later piloted by Eugene Hasenfus when he was shot down over Nicaragua while piloting illegal U.S. arms shipments . [13], To avoid this unwanted attention, Seal moved his aircraft to Mena Intermountain Regional Airport in Mena, Arkansas, where he did maintenance and modifications to improve the planes' carrying capacity and avionics. AKA Adler Berriman Seal. Seal's Drug Enforcement Administration file also supports this, noting that he was smuggling marijuana as early as 1976, then adding cocaine to his resume in 1978. Doug Liman had previously modeled Chris Cooper's villain in The Bourne Identity after North, which reveals Liman's feelings about the controversial figure North. However, when a drug shipment was seized by the DEA, the Medellin Cartel blamed Seal for the loss. It was Reaves who provided Seal with his first connection to the Medelln cartel. No. The cameras were rigged so that Seal could use a remote control button hidden in his pocket to snap photos at will. The man said that despite the incident, he was still very fond of Barry. Although Seals first foray into smuggling failed, by 1975, he had started trafficking marijuana between the U.S. and Central and South America. An AP dispatch (Omaha World-Herald, 7/29/88) disclosed that subcommittee staffers called Vaughns phone number in Managua and spoke to a domestic employee who said the house had been continuously rented by a U.S. embassy official since 1981. The Florida sentence meant no jail time for Seal in Louisiana, yet Seal was pleading guilty to buying 200 kilograms of cocaine, already more serious than the Florida charges. His humble roots certainly didnt foreshadow what would become, quite literally, a blockbuster life. [59], In January 2023, Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards denied Vsquez's request for clemency. Exclusive: Tom Cruise's portrayal of drug-smuggler-turned-government-informant Barry Seal is a fast-paced visit back to the Reagan era . -Daily Mail Online. There is no information on Barry Seal's net worth, but it must have been substantial. Both rejected any deals, even though Seal told them a little about his involvement with the Ochoa family. The case against the cartel had been engineered by Barry Seal, a convicted drug dealer turned informant who worked closely with Vice President George Bushs anti-drug task force in Washington. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints. Not all of Barry Seal's heirs were happy with the making of the movie. Seal's story is the focus of the . As part of his reduced sentence, the judge had ordered Barry to spend his nights, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., at a Salvation Army halfway house for six months. The last movie was produced by Imagine Entertainment under Universal Pictures and was made after the company purchased Barry's life rights from Deborah at the cost of $350,000. . Her character in the American Made movie is much more aware and suspicious of her husband's activities, stating that she flat out doesn't trust him, which is the opposite of Seal's real-life wife. The extent of Barry Seal's involvement with the CIA in the 1980s has provided fuel for speculation and conspiracy theories. TwitterBarry Seal, the drug smuggler-turned-DEA informant who helped take down Pablo Escobar. Overall, though, the film captures just how incredible Seals life really was. Drug king pin, Adler B. His character is inspired by the stories we learned about Barry." He carried out his smuggling operation under the nose of then-Arkansas governor Bill Clinton. [23], These arrangements were not yet complete, so Seal's first shipment was to be a direct flight to the U.S. Seal also made a public appearance before the President's Commission on Organized Crime, recounting his experiences as a drug smuggler. However, her real name is Debbie, not Lucy. When faced with criminal prosecution, Seal turned snitch for the DEA, but he continued to smuggle drugs into the US. -Daily Mail Online, "Mena" refers to the small town in Arkansas where Barry Seal moved his operation, smuggling in drugs to a clandestine airfield under the nose of then-Governor Bill Clinton. Barry Seal, The Most Important Witness In The History Of The Drug Enforcement Administration. "One day Barry came in and said there was a contract on him - half a million dead, a million alive," says widow Debbie Seal. The mysteries of Mena revolve around a drug-smuggling pilot named Barry Seal. However, some still allege the opposite, that the government turned a blind eye to Seal's drug running in order to use him to deliver weapons to the Nicaraguan rebels. Before returning to Nicaragua, the DEA arranged for CIA technicians to install hidden cameras inside the plane. Set in the early 1980s, to combat the spread of communism . Things became worse when a report in the Washington Times on July 17 . [49] Although the newspaper report and the arrest of their Miami distributors confirmed that their pilot was DEA, it was not until the cartel members received a copy of Seal's television documentary that they learned McKenzie was Seal. While at a bar one night, Barry is found by a man saying his name is Monty Schafer (Domhnall Gleeson). Indeed, at age 26, Seal became one of the youngest pilots to ever fly for Trans World Airlines. When it did, the overloaded plane crashed at the Colombia airfield on takeoff. Debbie, who was 21 at the time, met Barry, 33, while working as a cashier at a restaurant. [44], When Seal received only time served and probation, Louisiana state and federal drug investigators were faced with a dilemma. The story of Barry Seal has since been made into films such as Doublecrossed (1991), Infiltrator (2016) and American Made (2017). Operative Monty Schafer (Domhnall Gleeson) approaches Barry Seal (Tom Cruise) and tells him, "We need you to deliver stuff for us." Tom Cruise is moving on from his Mummy -fied adventures in 2017, with his next big release, American Made, hitting theaters soon. The photo shows Federico Vaughan, who Seal claimed was a top aide to Tomas Borge, the Nicaraguan government's . 5 Jackson Stevens. Born in Baton Rouge in 1939 . . November 15, 2017. But he did become one of the most important DEA informants, infiltrating the Medelln cartels inner circle. No. -Good Morning America. American Made is one of many "so crazy, it must be real" stories that have hit Hollywood in the form of a major action movie in recent years. And Tomas Borges, the Ortega brothers equivalent of the Gestapo chief, was one of the overseers of drug shipments of planeloads destined to Mena air strip, in Arkansas, in 1983. He didn't meet Pablo Escobar and the Ochoa brothers in person until 1984, after his arrest when he was working as an informant for the DEA on an undercover operation. The second marriage, to Lynn Ross, lasted from 1971 to 1972. All three trials resulted in convictions for all defendants. Barry Seal was one of the biggest drug smugglers in America in the 1970s and 80s. [4], Seal admitted that he started smuggling small amounts of marijuana by air in early 1976. "He would tell me all these wild stories about the missions he had flown. [27], The plane Seal acquired was a C-123K, a large aircraft used primarily for military transport. Instead the Times ran a brief item in its Sunday national edition (7/31/88) quoting President Reagans weekly radio broadcast about how Sandinista officials are still involved in drug trafficking. The real Barry Seal never had a brother-in-law who was killed by a car bomb. Daniel Rennie is a freelance writer residing in Melbourne, Australia. The photograph taken by Barry Seal that outed Pablo Escobar as the Medelln cartels drug kingpin. He was hired by Trans World Airlines (TWA) in 1964 and at age 26 became one of the youngest Captains operating a Boeing 707. In October 1985 he returned to court over the first indictment in Big Screamer, for which he had originally been sentenced to ten years. [50] He had seen Cardona test-fire the murder weapon in Mermelstein's garage and bullets that matched the murder weapon were later extracted from the garage wall by FBI forensics. [19] Seal then pleaded guilty to the second indictment in Florida and was released with his sentence to depend on his performance as an informant. [5], Ironically, Seal's operations received an important boost when he was arrested and jailed in Honduras on the return leg of a drug-smuggling trip to Ecuador. A work of Doug Liman, previously known for Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the new film, American Made, could turn out to be the crime drama of the year in its telling of Seal's story. In 1961, he joined the Louisiana Army National Guard and served with the 20th Special Forces Group for six years. The unnamed embassy official, according to Hughes, was among the group of U.S. officials recently expelled by the Nicaraguan government after a violent political demonstrations in July. Adler Berriman 'Barry' Seal se convirti en el piloto ms joven de los Estados Unidos, destreza que us para hacerse uno de los hombres ms ricos de ese pas en la dcada de los 80's. Ello . It was in 1973, the year that followed the end of his second marriage that Seal got married to Deborah DuBois and they . Plumlee also said he is in the infamous "Mexico City" picture, seated across the table from Seal and peering out from behind his jacket. In exploring the American Made true story, we discovered that Doug Liman's father, lawyer Arthur L. Liman, ran the Senate investigation into Iran-Contra.
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